Men have no rights when it comes to womens health concerning

law is a matter of "words" An equal rights law -----any one---male or female
can terminate a pregnancy of his body

That's trying to be cute, and it doesn't work with me.

If sex is removed from the concept of law, then it doesn't matter who possesses the fetus, by logic, both parents should be "legally" able to terminate a pregnancy.

your sick logic------by your sick logic-----wives should be legally able to
arrange a vasectomy for hubby

No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.
I’ll never understand why Republicans are so adamant to protect the fetus.

But when it comes to children they say fuk it it’s not my kid. They don’t even want to give the born healthcare or education. They say it’s not my responsibility.

Then why the fuk are you horning in on other peoples lives telling them what they are supposed to do if it’s not your responsibility?
That's trying to be cute, and it doesn't work with me.

If sex is removed from the concept of law, then it doesn't matter who possesses the fetus, by logic, both parents should be "legally" able to terminate a pregnancy.

your sick logic------by your sick logic-----wives should be legally able to
arrange a vasectomy for hubby

No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
your sick logic------by your sick logic-----wives should be legally able to
arrange a vasectomy for hubby

No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?
No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

But they can be held accountable for it with no legal way out, yet women have a legal way out.

If we remove sex as a distinction from law, how does that still happen?
all the male has to do is control his sperm...sadly men dont care for this answer......when you release your sperm to a woman ..she now owns it...why dont men take responsibility for their sperm?

If she owns it why is the man then responsible for child support if the woman wants to keep the baby an the guy doesn't?

Because his responsibilty is to the child. Not the mother. If the child exists, the obligation to the child exists.

With that obligation for mother and father always being equal. Either they both of that obligation, nor neither do.

The mother can decide to not be responsible for the child, via the abortion.

In which case neither she nor the man are responsible for the child. Their obligation is always equal.

Again, if true equality between the sexes is desired, why does a woman have that ability, and not a man?

Because he's not carrying the child. If he wishes to carry the child, he gets that choice for his own body. If she's the one carrying the child, she gets to make that choice for her own body

Do women need some sort of special protection?

From a man MAKING her carry a child or MAKING her abort?

Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body. Just as the man is the one that gets to control his.

Their control over their own bodies are equal. Just as their obligation is equal. Either they are both responsible, or neither are.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

But they can be held accountable for it with no legal way out, yet women have a legal way out.

The obligation is always equal. If she 'has a legal way out', then he doesn't have any obligation either. If she bears the child, then they are both equally responsible for the child.

What you're proposing is a woman being responsible for every child she bears. But a man having no responsibility for any child he sires.

Laughing.....nope. They both have the same legal obligations. Either both are responsible or neither are. There's a reason your absurd, pseudo-legal proposal that a man never have to take responsibility for any child he sires is rejected by 50 of 50 States.
your sick logic------by your sick logic-----wives should be legally able to
arrange a vasectomy for hubby

No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)

There is no legal imbalance. At all times their obligations are equal. Their control over their own bodies are equal.

What you're demanding is a legal inequality. Where either a woman is responsible for every child she bears but a man never has to take responsibility for any child he sires......OR......a man gets to control the use of his own body AND he gets to control the use of a woman's body. While she gets to control neither his nor her own.

Nope. We're not imposing your absurd legal imbalance. We will continue to hold to equal obligations and equal control over one's own body. Which is both fair and reasonable.
No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

One would think this was obvious. But apparently we have to hold their hands and walk them through the process of where baby's come from.
Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body.

There are two bodies involved, I think that has been stated 100 trillion times, but it just doesn't sink in with you some of you.
Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body.

There are two bodies involved, I think that has been stated 100 trillion times, but it just doesn't sink in with you some of you.

She has no obligation to let anyone or anything use her body. She can deny its use.

That's the right to privacy: the right to be left alone to make choices over the use of her own body. No one gets to make that choice for her.

Though old, angry white men *really*, really want to.
all the male has to do is control his sperm...sadly men dont care for this answer......when you release your sperm to a woman ..she now owns it...why dont men take responsibility for their sperm?

If she owns it why is the man then responsible for child support if the woman wants to keep the baby an the guy doesn't?

Because his responsibilty is to the child. Not the mother. If the child exists, the obligation to the child exists.

With that obligation for mother and father always being equal. Either they both of that obligation, nor neither do.

The mother can decide to not be responsible for the child, via the abortion.

In which case neither she nor the man are responsible for the child. Their obligation is always equal.

Again, if true equality between the sexes is desired, why does a woman have that ability, and not a man?

Because he's not carrying the child. If he wishes to carry the child, he gets that choice for his own body. If she's the one carrying the child, she gets to make that choice for her own body

Do women need some sort of special protection?

From a man MAKING her carry a child or MAKING her abort?

Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body. Just as the man is the one that gets to control his.

Their control over their own bodies are equal. Just as their obligation is equal. Either they are both responsible, or neither are.

Then she has more rights than he has. If we pass an ERA and sex cannot be a decider in laws, that would not be possible.

When it comes to law, biology should have nothing to do with it, or isn't that what progressives keep telling us?

He isn't in control of his own "body" if he can't get out of parenthood and the woman can.
So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

But they can be held accountable for it with no legal way out, yet women have a legal way out.

The obligation is always equal. If she 'has a legal way out', then he doesn't have any obligation either. If she bears the child, then they are both equally responsible for the child.

What you're proposing is a woman being responsible for every child she bears. But a man having no responsibility for any child he sires.

Laughing.....nope. They both have the same legal obligations. Either both are responsible or neither are. There's a reason your absurd, pseudo-legal proposal that a man never have to take responsibility for any child he sires is rejected by 50 of 50 States.

What I am speculating is that both have legal outs, not just one side.

If an ERA passes, how do you differentiate between one parent or another?
Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body.

There are two bodies involved, I think that has been stated 100 trillion times, but it just doesn't sink in with you some of you.

She has no obligation to let anyone or anything use her body. She can deny its use.

That's the right to privacy: the right to be left alone to make choices over the use of her own body. No one gets to make that choice for her.

Though old, angry white men *really*, really want to.

We've already been through this. If that were true, then it would be true throughout the entire pregnancy, for no reason at all except that the woman has the "right to privacy" and bodily autonomy. So I'll ask you the same thing I asked dragon lady. Do you believe there's anything wrong with butchering a healthy, full-term baby who is just hours away from delivery, for no reason at all except for that the mother changed her mind?

And please don't answer with "but that never happens." That is not the point. If your view holds up logically, then it should hold up even in extreme examples.
No, that isn't the case.

In a legal sense if you remove sex from the equation, both parties should be able to legally "abort" the child.

Forcing surgery on someone isn't the same thing.
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)

There is no legal imbalance. At all times their obligations are equal. Their control over their own bodies are equal.

What you're demanding is a legal inequality. Where either a woman is responsible for every child she bears but a man never has to take responsibility for any child he sires......OR......a man gets to control the use of his own body AND he gets to control the use of a woman's body. While she gets to control neither his nor her own.

Nope. We're not imposing your absurd legal imbalance. We will continue to hold to equal obligations and equal control over one's own body. Which is both fair and reasonable.

How is it equal if a woman can decide not to be a parent regardless of what the man says, but the man doesn't have the same legal ability?
It’s way less than going to the trauma of having an unwanted child.

So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

One would think this was obvious. But apparently we have to hold their hands and walk them through the process of where baby's come from.

You are confusing biology with legality.
all the male has to do is control his sperm...sadly men dont care for this answer......when you release your sperm to a woman ..she now owns it...why dont men take responsibility for their sperm?

If she owns it why is the man then responsible for child support if the woman wants to keep the baby an the guy doesn't?

Because his responsibilty is to the child. Not the mother. If the child exists, the obligation to the child exists.

With that obligation for mother and father always being equal. Either they both of that obligation, nor neither do.

The mother can decide to not be responsible for the child, via the abortion.

In which case neither she nor the man are responsible for the child. Their obligation is always equal.

Again, if true equality between the sexes is desired, why does a woman have that ability, and not a man?

Because he's not carrying the child. If he wishes to carry the child, he gets that choice for his own body. If she's the one carrying the child, she gets to make that choice for her own body

Do women need some sort of special protection?

From a man MAKING her carry a child or MAKING her abort?

Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body. Just as the man is the one that gets to control his.

Their control over their own bodies are equal. Just as their obligation is equal. Either they are both responsible, or neither are.

Then she has more rights than he has. If we pass an ERA and sex cannot be a decider in laws, that would not be possible.

She has the same rights that he has: the right to control the use of her own body.

When it comes to law, biology should have nothing to do with it, or isn't that what progressives keep telling us?

He isn't in control of his own "body" if he can't get out of parenthood and the woman can.

Says you, pretending you know a thing about the law. Again, the legislatures of 50 of 50 states have rejected your pseudo-legal gibberish. What's more likely.....that *every* legislature of *every* state doesn't understnad how the law works....

.....or that you don't.

You're demanding unequal obligation where a woman is responsible for every child she bears but a man never has to take responsibility for any child he sires.


Is that it?
So men don't suffer trauma from having an unwanted child?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

One would think this was obvious. But apparently we have to hold their hands and walk them through the process of where baby's come from.

You are confusing biology with legality.

As the laws of 50 of 50 States demonstrate eleganlty....the confusion is yours. As legality sits on one side of this issue exclusively. Not yours.

Every state recognizes that a man and woman have equal obligation for their own children.

As it should be.
If she owns it why is the man then responsible for child support if the woman wants to keep the baby an the guy doesn't?

Because his responsibilty is to the child. Not the mother. If the child exists, the obligation to the child exists.

With that obligation for mother and father always being equal. Either they both of that obligation, nor neither do.

The mother can decide to not be responsible for the child, via the abortion.

In which case neither she nor the man are responsible for the child. Their obligation is always equal.

Again, if true equality between the sexes is desired, why does a woman have that ability, and not a man?

Because he's not carrying the child. If he wishes to carry the child, he gets that choice for his own body. If she's the one carrying the child, she gets to make that choice for her own body

Do women need some sort of special protection?

From a man MAKING her carry a child or MAKING her abort?

Nope. She is the one that gets to control the use of her own body. Just as the man is the one that gets to control his.

Their control over their own bodies are equal. Just as their obligation is equal. Either they are both responsible, or neither are.

Then she has more rights than he has. If we pass an ERA and sex cannot be a decider in laws, that would not be possible.

She has the same rights that he has: the right to control the use of her own body.

When it comes to law, biology should have nothing to do with it, or isn't that what progressives keep telling us?

He isn't in control of his own "body" if he can't get out of parenthood and the woman can.

Says you, pretending you know a thing about the law. Again, the legislatures of 50 of 50 states have rejected your pseudo-legal gibberish. What's more likely.....that *every* legislature of *every* state doesn't understnad how the law works....

.....or you don't.

You're demanding unequal obligation where a woman is responsible for every child she bears but a man never has to take responsibility for any child he sires.


Is that it?

And plenty of legislatures thought Jim Crow laws were just dandy. Appealing to authority isn't going to work here.

The woman can abort each fetus as she see's fit. She still has control.

What you are asking for is equality without equality. With only men being held responsible for their sexuality without escape.

So basically you are admitting women need special protections, right?
Depends on if they even know if there was an unwanted child.

Which does nothing to change the fact that right now there is a legal imbalance. Women can discard of an unwanted pregnancy, both legally and physically, and men cannot. (legally)
G I don’t know? Could it be because men don’t get pregnant?

One would think this was obvious. But apparently we have to hold their hands and walk them through the process of where baby's come from.

You are confusing biology with legality.

As the laws of 50 of 50 States demonstrate eleganlty....the confusion is yours. As legality sits on one side of this issue exclusively. Not yours.

Every state recognizes that a man and woman have equal obligation for their own children.

As it should be.

More appeal to authority, and when and if an ERA amendment passes, if poorly written those laws would become moot.

it's not a question of obligation, its a question of only one having a legal "out" if they don't want a child after sex resulting in a pregnancy.

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