Mental Health and how it's looked at in this country


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2011
Since the clean debate zone arrived here in this message board I wanted to talk about a topic that not only effects me but countless people in this country mental health. Well for me I suffer depression, ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and Asperger syndrome. But, with the love and help with my family I'm going back to School and try to become a writer.

But, there are a lot of people out there like me or worse that don't have their family support or they do but, said family can't support them financially. My question I lay out before you is how can we as a country help these people with out marginalizing them or looking at them like they are stupid and just avoiding them.

Hopefully I'm doing this right if not the mods can take this down

You are doing it right.

the recent wars have greatly increased mental issues in our country.
So has the strife brought about by the 2 party system. And fearmingering by political talking heads.
And job loss, etc has caused problems.
We can either work on this in a positive way or it will eventually multiply and eat our lunch.
I would bet that the depression part is the worst in terms of social stigma and integration..

Asperger is fairly well known now and IMO -- most co-workers/employers/friends can probably cope with that. ADHD is so common and treated that it's almost a personality trait rather than a debilitation.

Not making light of any of this --- you SHOULD pursue the writing goal. And learn to be comfortable and make others comfortable with your conditions.

My only discomfort is that you're in the hands of a profession that I have severe reservations about. And personally I believe they they often do more harm than good. Ever consider being a shrink?? The prescription writing, couch analyzing type? Might save you some bucks. (slight nervous chuckle)
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If I had my way I would take my military retirement and social security, maybe check into a state hospital for life, but the government has shut down our hospital. This new attitude about mental illness and being able to treat it outside of a facility is faulty. It's necessary but the repub's say they are tired of paying for mental patients. Now what is to be done? Got Me...............
Since the clean debate zone arrived here in this message board I wanted to talk about a topic that not only effects me but countless people in this country mental health. Well for me I suffer depression, ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and Asperger syndrome. But, with the love and help with my family I'm going back to School and try to become a writer.

But, there are a lot of people out there like me or worse that don't have their family support or they do but, said family can't support them financially. My question I lay out before you is how can we as a country help these people with out marginalizing them or looking at them like they are stupid and just avoiding them.

Hopefully I'm doing this right if not the mods can take this down


So you suffer from no less than three XXXXXXX illnesses...

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Since the clean debate zone arrived here in this message board I wanted to talk about a topic that not only effects me but countless people in this country mental health. Well for me I suffer depression, ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and Asperger syndrome. But, with the love and help with my family I'm going back to School and try to become a writer.

But, there are a lot of people out there like me or worse that don't have their family support or they do but, said family can't support them financially. My question I lay out before you is how can we as a country help these people with out marginalizing them or looking at them like they are stupid and just avoiding them.

Hopefully I'm doing this right if not the mods can take this down


What would your answer to that question be?
I was going to say that a pretty good indicator of the attitudes concerning mental illness in this country would be to look at the responses here.

How do we change those attitudes? I don't have a freaking clue. I work with the profoundly intellectually disabled. People still call them derogatory names, make fun of them and sometimes physically abuse them. Sometimes I wish it were possible for those.people to switch places with them....just for a few days.
If I had my way I would take my military retirement and social security, maybe check into a state hospital for life, but the government has shut down our hospital. This new attitude about mental illness and being able to treat it outside of a facility is faulty. It's necessary but the repub's say they are tired of paying for mental patients. Now what is to be done? Got Me...............
I am so sorry, I do hope that you find someone to talk to. I am sure that you have seen so much.
Since the clean debate zone arrived here in this message board I wanted to talk about a topic that not only effects me but countless people in this country mental health. Well for me I suffer depression, ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and Asperger syndrome. But, with the love and help with my family I'm going back to School and try to become a writer.

But, there are a lot of people out there like me or worse that don't have their family support or they do but, said family can't support them financially. My question I lay out before you is how can we as a country help these people with out marginalizing them or looking at them like they are stupid and just avoiding them.

Hopefully I'm doing this right if not the mods can take this down

I am glad that you do have a good family to support you. Many of our inventors, painters, writers, actors had/ have mental issues, yet invented the things that have changed the way of the world in a good way.
I am sorry to say that most of the people that you see on the streets are mentally ill without treatment. Very sad. You could make a difference if you work hard enough. Maybe someday advocating for the hurting with what you have experienced on your own.:clap2:
I was going to say that a pretty good indicator of the attitudes concerning mental illness in this country would be to look at the responses here.

How do we change those attitudes? I don't have a freaking clue. I work with the profoundly intellectually disabled. People still call them derogatory names, make fun of them and sometimes physically abuse them. Sometimes I wish it were possible for those.people to switch places with them....just for a few days.

ADHD is an invented illness...and anti depressants do not cure chemical imbalances they create them and are no more effective at treating depression than a sugar pill...these are the facts
I was going to say that a pretty good indicator of the attitudes concerning mental illness in this country would be to look at the responses here.

How do we change those attitudes? I don't have a freaking clue. I work with the profoundly intellectually disabled. People still call them derogatory names, make fun of them and sometimes physically abuse them. Sometimes I wish it were possible for those.people to switch places with them....just for a few days.

ADHD is an invented illness...and anti depressants do not cure chemical imbalances they create them and are no more effective at treating depression than a sugar pill...these are the facts

You have been schooled on this before. Medication helps approximately 80 percent of the people that take it. I am living proof medication works. It is not an exact science to be sure. But after 10 years we found the right meds for me. My condition is light years better now then it was. All thanks to medication. You would deny treatment for millions because you are a conspiracy advocate.
I have been watching a very good series on Charlie Rose about the Brain.
I recommend it for every one to help get rid of some outdated ideas on mental illness , how the brian works, etc.
I watched the second segment tonight.
I was going to say that a pretty good indicator of the attitudes concerning mental illness in this country would be to look at the responses here.

How do we change those attitudes? I don't have a freaking clue. I work with the profoundly intellectually disabled. People still call them derogatory names, make fun of them and sometimes physically abuse them. Sometimes I wish it were possible for those.people to switch places with them....just for a few days.

ADHD is an invented illness...and anti depressants do not cure chemical imbalances they create them and are no more effective at treating depression than a sugar pill...these are the facts

You have been schooled on this before. Medication helps approximately 80 percent of the people that take it. I am living proof medication works. It is not an exact science to be sure. But after 10 years we found the right meds for me. My condition is light years better now then it was. All thanks to medication. You would deny treatment for millions because you are a conspiracy advocate.

Yep medication works for many, but we are still just learning.
Perhaps one day we will have medication to cure extreme political partisanship.
I was going to say that a pretty good indicator of the attitudes concerning mental illness in this country would be to look at the responses here.

How do we change those attitudes? I don't have a freaking clue. I work with the profoundly intellectually disabled. People still call them derogatory names, make fun of them and sometimes physically abuse them. Sometimes I wish it were possible for those.people to switch places with them....just for a few days.

ADHD is an invented illness...and anti depressants do not cure chemical imbalances they create them and are no more effective at treating depression than a sugar pill...these are the facts

Right and you are probably one of the people who make fun of them. Be careful what you say as you may have to eat your words someday.
40% of mental illness precursors can be diagnosed as early as 14 and 75% by age 25.
Many other mental issues as well.
Parkinsons for instance starts many years before any symptoms happen.
40% of mental illness precursors can be diagnosed as early as 14 and 75% by age 25.
Many other mental issues as well.
Parkinsons for instance starts many years before any symptoms happen.

I was depressed as a teen, Started around 13 or 14. I just taught myself not to act on my impulses. I have been paranoid my whole life also, again I just taught myself not to act on beliefs that I could not confirm. Of course since I believe them that is not always an easy task. And if I am sick or overly tired it gets even harder.

My Navy Doctor told me that I should never have made it through Boot Camp much less get promoted to GySgt and last 16 years. That's how bad it is. I suffer recurring Major Depression, constant depression in between major episodes, I have paranoid delusional personality and Paranoid delusional disorder.

I believe the final straw that broke my act was the death of my Mother. I never talked to anyone about my problems but always knew if I had to I could talk to her. When she died that option was gone and within 2 years I had a break down.

Fortunately for me a MSgt that I worked with had a break down and had me drive him to the Hospital. That happened about a month before i broke down. His willingness to ask for help was enough to stop me from killing myself and asking for help myself. It was still touch and go, I had the weapon and had a plan. But decided I would see if they could help.

It ended my career and I have had some tough years finding the right meds. There were days I just laid in bed not moving cause if I did I would shoot myself. I was in and out of the Hospital 2 or 3 times a year from 1996 to 1999.

I finally ask for disability and that was enough that I survived until 2004 when we found a combination of meds that actually helped.

I am still depressed but it is manageable. I very seldom have a plan though I still would prefer to be dead. And I have not been in the hospital since 2002.
40% of mental illness precursors can be diagnosed as early as 14 and 75% by age 25.
Many other mental issues as well.
Parkinsons for instance starts many years before any symptoms happen.

parkinsons is a real medical disorder...there is no diagnostic test for bi polar, adhd or depression
i was going to say that a pretty good indicator of the attitudes concerning mental illness in this country would be to look at the responses here.

How do we change those attitudes? I don't have a freaking clue. I work with the profoundly intellectually disabled. People still call them derogatory names, make fun of them and sometimes physically abuse them. Sometimes i wish it were possible for those.people to switch places with them....just for a few days.

adhd is an invented illness...and anti depressants do not cure chemical imbalances they create them and are no more effective at treating depression than a sugar pill...these are the facts

right and you are probably one of the people who make fun of them. Be careful what you say as you may have to eat your words someday.

they are the simple facts

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