Mentally ill EPA workers coming to work in tears

Aw, that's just so sad.

Maybe they can get jobs with the border patrol after they get fired.

"On Tuesday, the new administration’s efforts to take hold of the EPA continued, this time with a memo from EPA headquarters requiring all regional offices to submit a list of “all external meetings or presentations by employees planned through February 17.” The memo demanded the offices provide a short description of each event and a note explaining “whether it is controversial and why.”…

"At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

I think they're probably freaking out because they're afraid that not only will they be unemployed..they may be prosecuted.

Or, again, maybe they're just nuts.

"Supervisors were said to be telling distraught employees to take sick leave and go home, something explicitly not allowed by the rules governing sick leave:

"U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.

"And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Which is of course grounds to fire the bosses. You don't get to arbitrarily gift assholes with sick leave because they're freaking out at work.

And WHY are they freaking out?

Because they're being told to own up to the politicking they've been doing on the taxpayer dime, and they are being scrutinized to see WHAT THE FUCK they're doing.

And they know that what they're doing is illegal.

Trump’s Team at EPA Vetting ‘Controversial’ Public Meetings and Presentations
EPA employees still ‘coming to work in tears’ - Hot Air pointing the finger at others and saying they are mentally ill. Funny.
How much play doh is necessary to soothe an entire government agency, I wonder.

And are truckloads of play doh bad for the environment....

Based on this I'd guess yeah, way.


Great thing to have on hand in a flood though. You build levees out of it.

Well it would seem some levees have given way at the epa, so it's good to know our CIC is there to help...
Aw, that's just so sad.

Maybe they can get jobs with the border patrol after they get fired.

"On Tuesday, the new administration’s efforts to take hold of the EPA continued, this time with a memo from EPA headquarters requiring all regional offices to submit a list of “all external meetings or presentations by employees planned through February 17.” The memo demanded the offices provide a short description of each event and a note explaining “whether it is controversial and why.”…

"At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

I think they're probably freaking out because they're afraid that not only will they be unemployed..they may be prosecuted.

Or, again, maybe they're just nuts.

"Supervisors were said to be telling distraught employees to take sick leave and go home, something explicitly not allowed by the rules governing sick leave:

"U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.

"And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Which is of course grounds to fire the bosses. You don't get to arbitrarily gift assholes with sick leave because they're freaking out at work.

And WHY are they freaking out?

Because they're being told to own up to the politicking they've been doing on the taxpayer dime, and they are being scrutinized to see WHAT THE FUCK they're doing.

And they know that what they're doing is illegal.

Trump’s Team at EPA Vetting ‘Controversial’ Public Meetings and Presentations
EPA employees still ‘coming to work in tears’ - Hot Air
Give them coloring books and play-doh
Aw, that's just so sad.

Maybe they can get jobs with the border patrol after they get fired.

"On Tuesday, the new administration’s efforts to take hold of the EPA continued, this time with a memo from EPA headquarters requiring all regional offices to submit a list of “all external meetings or presentations by employees planned through February 17.” The memo demanded the offices provide a short description of each event and a note explaining “whether it is controversial and why.”…

"At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

I think they're probably freaking out because they're afraid that not only will they be unemployed..they may be prosecuted.

Or, again, maybe they're just nuts.

"Supervisors were said to be telling distraught employees to take sick leave and go home, something explicitly not allowed by the rules governing sick leave:

"U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.

"And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Which is of course grounds to fire the bosses. You don't get to arbitrarily gift assholes with sick leave because they're freaking out at work.

And WHY are they freaking out?

Because they're being told to own up to the politicking they've been doing on the taxpayer dime, and they are being scrutinized to see WHAT THE FUCK they're doing.

And they know that what they're doing is illegal.

Trump’s Team at EPA Vetting ‘Controversial’ Public Meetings and Presentations
EPA employees still ‘coming to work in tears’ - Hot Air
Give them coloring books and play-doh

I'll give them a cell and a concrete slab for a bed.
How much play doh is necessary to soothe an entire government agency, I wonder.

And are truckloads of play doh bad for the environment....

Based on this I'd guess yeah, way.


Great thing to have on hand in a flood though. You build levees out of it.
We did address your childish observation at he time of the flood. Easy to find it with the search function. Since you have never been in a hurricane/flood shelter you have no idea that kids get bored and need to be preoccupied with activities. Your Elitist/Academia/Intelligentsia type "superiority" doesn't work with folks who actually lived through events what forced them into shelters. It was a good call on Mr. Trump's part showing that he could identify with actual needs.
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At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.
It is a question of you abandon your values just to earn a paycheck?

Imagine studying for years to get an advanced degree, working for decades to protect the environment and then having some simpleton who is looking out for the oil companies tell you to shut your mouth and declare the earth to be flat

And it's also a question you spend 35 years in government producing no value....and then collecting a pension for doing so.

What values ? If you want to protect the environment, there are lots of ways to do it outside of government...and, in fact, the government really does not give a rat's ass about the environment....they care about building fiefdoms and they will use the environment to do so.
At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.
It is a question of you abandon your values just to earn a paycheck?

Imagine studying for years to get an advanced degree, working for decades to protect the environment and then having some simpleton who is looking out for the oil companies tell you to shut your mouth and declare the earth to be flat

And it's also a question you spend 35 years in government producing no value....and then collecting a pension for doing so.

What values ? If you want to protect the environment, there are lots of ways to do it outside of government...and, in fact, the government really does not give a rat's ass about the environment....they care about building fiefdoms and they will use the environment to do so.
Those who work for EPA create incredible value. I saw the air and water pollution in the 60s and 70s.......they save millions of lives
At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.
It is a question of you abandon your values just to earn a paycheck?

Imagine studying for years to get an advanced degree, working for decades to protect the environment and then having some simpleton who is looking out for the oil companies tell you to shut your mouth and declare the earth to be flat

And it's also a question you spend 35 years in government producing no value....and then collecting a pension for doing so.

What values ? If you want to protect the environment, there are lots of ways to do it outside of government...and, in fact, the government really does not give a rat's ass about the environment....they care about building fiefdoms and they will use the environment to do so.
Those who work for EPA create incredible value. I saw the air and water pollution in the 60s and 70s.......they save millions of lives
In which slum did you grow up?
Presuming you grew up.
And what are they doing that's "illegal"?

Or are you unprepared to answer the question your own OP suggests?

Btw what's your basis for these various diagnoses of "mental illness"? Which ones?

Or are you unprepared etc etc...

Because O a hole has made governmental agencies the police. They don't want to lose their liberal powers they have to arrest people for some bs they shouldn't be arrested for.
At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.

Most of the fkn Government are in the CLUB and you ain't in it so you don't matter. The only thing they care about is keeping the sheep stupid.
How much play doh is necessary to soothe an entire government agency, I wonder.

And are truckloads of play doh bad for the environment....

Based on this I'd guess yeah, way.


Great thing to have on hand in a flood though. You build levees out of it.

Unlike leftist skanks who want to help kill kids, at least these two went to HELP CHILDREN and that's what this picture is about. Gawd damn leftist lying a holes man honest to gawd.


This is the REAL STORY behind that photo. Sure in the hell didn't see that bastard Obama down there now did they...........

At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.
It is a question of you abandon your values just to earn a paycheck?

Imagine studying for years to get an advanced degree, working for decades to protect the environment and then having some simpleton who is looking out for the oil companies tell you to shut your mouth and declare the earth to be flat

And it's also a question you spend 35 years in government producing no value....and then collecting a pension for doing so.

What values ? If you want to protect the environment, there are lots of ways to do it outside of government...and, in fact, the government really does not give a rat's ass about the environment....they care about building fiefdoms and they will use the environment to do so.
Those who work for EPA create incredible value. I saw the air and water pollution in the 60s and 70s.......they save millions of lives
In which slum did you grow up?
Presuming you grew up.
You didn't have to live in a slum

Just look at the air in LA, Look at the sludge in our rivers and lakes
The worst was the things you could not see......things like Mercury and lead being dumped in our rivers. Pesticides which we had no idea what they did to us

We can thank the EPA for cleaning it up
At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.
It is a question of you abandon your values just to earn a paycheck?

Imagine studying for years to get an advanced degree, working for decades to protect the environment and then having some simpleton who is looking out for the oil companies tell you to shut your mouth and declare the earth to be flat

And it's also a question you spend 35 years in government producing no value....and then collecting a pension for doing so.

What values ? If you want to protect the environment, there are lots of ways to do it outside of government...and, in fact, the government really does not give a rat's ass about the environment....they care about building fiefdoms and they will use the environment to do so.
Those who work for EPA create incredible value. I saw the air and water pollution in the 60s and 70s.......they save millions of lives


There was clearly a pollution issue during that time.

Did it take the EPA to accomplish this...probably not. Some states had or were developing environmental regulations.

Federal regulations cost us our steel industry (didn't save any lives there).

Also, it would be hysterical to see how you can justify your silly comment about saving millions of general.

Speculative reports are meaningless, so you can spare us that bull.
Tearful little snowflakes don't have to go to work.

They can turn in their resignations by email right from their little beddies.

And you can get deadly sick of the dirty water.

By all means...point out how the EPA did anything in this regard that could not have been done otherwise.

The EPA has gotten really good at blackmailing states with federal funding too.

Another example of a good idea turned to OSHA.

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