Mentally ill people need to be locked up, people..

If you want to give the government power to lock people up just for the thoughts in their head, you are not a conservative or a liberal, you're a totalitarian statist of the worst kind. Precrime pimps need to be called out for what they are.
Nonsense. Free societies are allowed to lock up dangerous nutters. If they miraculously become undangerous and crazy, they can be released.
Wrong, Comrade, free societies do not lock up people who've done nothing wrong.
If you want to give the government power to lock people up just for the thoughts in their head, you are not a conservative or a liberal, you're a totalitarian statist of the worst kind. Precrime pimps need to be called out for what they are.
Please quote me saying I want to lock people up for "thots" lol. I never said that. You're a liar but I forgive you because you're obviously mentally ill. You are suffering delusions and paranoia. Perhaps your meds need tweaked.
The link has already been provided of you and Keys repeatedly arguing that people who have committed no crime should be locked up because of the thoughts in their head; the subject in the article, a pedophile who has never hurt children and never will, being the keynote example.

Don't be a coward. Own up to your words and tell everyone what a proud National Socialist you are.
Where on earth did I say ppl should be locked up for "thoughts in their head"? Oh yeah, I didn't. It's just thots in YOUR head that makes you imagine it.

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