Merged Credit downgrade threads

Ok, because we don't know each other and this is the internet I'll just be nice about this.

I'm a Ron Paul Republican, I did not vote for Bush the first or the second time. "My party" literally cased none of this as I do not have a party.

BTW, we are still in Iraq killing people, Afghanistan is expanded, a war with Pakistan and Libya have been started under Obama and now we shit talk another country. Is that your party? Are you in the biggest war party in US history, the Democratic party? Bush was bad, his Rep congress was bad but the Dem congress was worse and Obama in just 3 years is worse. They repealed nothing and expanded a lot.

If Obama ended Iraq, Afghanistan and the other wars while closing bases things would be much better off, but he did not and he has the power to instantly.

Suds yes I agree Obama should have reduced the defense commitment more but keep in mind in addition to not raising revenue the Republicans were equally oppossed to cutting defense. Ron Paul is at least honest in his approach in that he would drastically reduce defense and Social Security. This is more than I can say for the rest of the Republicans who want to maintain defense and prevent revenue enhancements.
class warfare ain't going to save your sorry spending other people's money asshole.

It's not class warfare you dumbass look at the numbers. Revenue is at 14% of GDP when historically it has been between 17-20%. When the total non defense discretionary budget is only 3% you aren't going to affect the budget without some revenue enhancements.

It is clear to Alan Simpson, it is clear to the Gang of six, it is clear to S&P. It is clear to the whole damm country except the idiots in the tea party most of whom barely have a college education.

You are 100% correct. Im glad that someone else understands the reality of the situation!

But you KNOW Hannity is going to spin this like this:

[ame=]‪How Fox "News" Makes You Stupid‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

You do know that Hannity didn't graduate from college either.
Regardless of the spin that the left is attempting.. Obama owns this mess. You can cry about the mean Republicans not cooperating and the Tea Party meddling and it still comes down to the fact that Obama has ZERO leadership ability. He's not the first president to have to work with a divided and hostile Congress. He's just the first to freaking fail so spectacularly. His job as the "leader" was to get all parties working for the good of the nation. He just has never been able to realize that he was elected president of the nation, not president of the Democrat party. He's spent his entire term so fucking focused on getting his special interest supporters pet projects done that he didn't seem to notice that he was leaving destruction in his path. He killed drilling in the gulf with his moratorium.. killed the space program and has left us for the last two years with sky high energy costs. Hell yes he owns this mess.
Speaking of Leaders

Flashback: S&P Raised Texas' Bond Ratings from AA to AA+ , thanks to Perry

Tip: Ace of Spades

AUSTIN – Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has raised Texas’ issuer credit and general obligation credit ratings to AA+ from AA based on the state’s strong and diverse economy and strong leadership from the governor and Legislature that has left a projected $9 billion in the state’s Rainy Day Fund. S&P also raised its rating on the state’s appropriation debt to AA from AA-.

“The ratings continue to reflect our opinion of the state's large and steadily diversifying economy, which despite the recession continues to perform better than the nation in terms of both economic activity and employment,” S&P credit analyst Horacio Aldrete-Sanchez said. “Furthermore, we expect that the Texas economy will recover earlier and at a faster rate than most other states given its continued population growth and relatively low cost of doing business, which we expect will contribute to gradual employment gains in 2010, particularly in the health, education and services sectors.”

S&P’s decision was based on Texas’ 2010-11 biennial budget, the state’s strong Rainy Day Fund, and Texas’ low tax-supported debt burden. The higher rating means Texas will pay lower interest on money it borrows, saving of millions of taxpayer dollars.


Now add Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, and Obama's 2011 budget has a $1.27 trillion deficit. It's the entitlements, stupid.

Nor can you tax your way out of debt. Eliminate all of the Bush tax cuts, including the tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans, and you would reduce the debt by perhaps 10% — assuming you didn't cripple the economy in the process. Tax the rich? That won't get you there either. In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, in order to pay for all currently scheduled federal spending would require raising both the corporate tax rate and top income tax rate from their current 35% to 88%, the current 25% tax rate for middle-income workers to 63%, and the 10% tax bracket for low-income workers to 25%.​

We have a spending problem

Your absolutely correct and the Republicans were right to go after entitlements and they had Obama willing to address Medicare. But instead of focusing on deficit reduction and making the big deal they decided to protect tax loopholes that should have been closed anyway.

The Republicans walked away from the right deal because they prioritized obscene tax loopholes over addressing the deficit and entitlements. The deficit deal promoted by the Gang of 6 was mostly entitlement reform but because it made some attempt to address the $600B revenue shortfall the House Republicans blocked it.

Their position was extreme and obscene and the country is paying as a result:whip:
Speaking of Leaders

Flashback: S&P Raised Texas' Bond Ratings from AA to AA+ , thanks to Perry

Tip: Ace of Spades

AUSTIN – Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has raised Texas’ issuer credit and general obligation credit ratings to AA+ from AA based on the state’s strong and diverse economy and strong leadership from the governor and Legislature that has left a projected $9 billion in the state’s Rainy Day Fund. S&P also raised its rating on the state’s appropriation debt to AA from AA-.

“The ratings continue to reflect our opinion of the state's large and steadily diversifying economy, which despite the recession continues to perform better than the nation in terms of both economic activity and employment,” S&P credit analyst Horacio Aldrete-Sanchez said. “Furthermore, we expect that the Texas economy will recover earlier and at a faster rate than most other states given its continued population growth and relatively low cost of doing business, which we expect will contribute to gradual employment gains in 2010, particularly in the health, education and services sectors.”

S&P’s decision was based on Texas’ 2010-11 biennial budget, the state’s strong Rainy Day Fund, and Texas’ low tax-supported debt burden. The higher rating means Texas will pay lower interest on money it borrows, saving of millions of taxpayer dollars.

Flashback 2 week, Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:34pm EDT.

(Reuters) - Texas and nine other states could end up with a higher credit rating than the United States.

That is what Moody's Investors Service on Tuesday said could happen if lawmakers in Washington fumble debt talks so badly the rating agency is forced to cut the U.S. rating to Aa1 from its current triple-A level.

Ten states, including Texas, Missouri and Iowa, are not heavily dependent on federal aid and therefore will keep their triple-A ratings even if the United States is downgraded a notch, the rating agency said.

He has no leadership? That is so disengenuous it's a total LIE, A-hole. tyvm

Bless your heart.. are you really that stupid or are you just young? You tell me what leadership he has shown. Who has he convinced to follow him that wasn't already following him?
They lowered it because congress didnt go far enough to shore up its finances. This is 100% on the fault of the Tea Party and Republicans. They needed to raise taxes on the wealthy and didnt. Now we have this!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Hey dumbshit, do you realize that we could tax 100% of the top ten percent's income and we still could cover this years shortfall...much less the $14.5 trillion of debt we have.
Hmmm.. Looks as if you left a little out when you cherry picked the article..

" It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. In addition, the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements, the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability."


" Standard & Poor’s takes no position on the mix of spending and revenue measures that Congress and the Administration might conclude is appropriate for putting the U.S.’s finances on a sustainable footing."

S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating — Press Release - MarketBeat - WSJ

This is true but you are leaving out the Republicans had a chance to address this and wouldn't so they could protect tax loopholes. Making your position 100% spending and 0% Revenues when revenues are 14.9% of GDP is extreme.
Regardless of the spin that the left is attempting.. Obama owns this mess. You can cry about the mean Republicans not cooperating and the Tea Party meddling and it still comes down to the fact that Obama has ZERO leadership ability. He's not the first president to have to work with a divided and hostile Congress. He's just the first to freaking fail so spectacularly. His job as the "leader" was to get all parties working for the good of the nation. He just has never been able to realize that he was elected president of the nation, not president of the Democrat party. He's spent his entire term so fucking focused on getting his special interest supporters pet projects done that he didn't seem to notice that he was leaving destruction in his path. He killed drilling in the gulf with his moratorium.. killed the space program and has left us for the last two years with sky high energy costs. Hell yes he owns this mess.

Personally I blame the Republicans whose whole approach has been what can we do to get Obama and make him look bad.

It is like when you are playing a card game and instead of doing the right move you do something different so you can try to get someone. 9 out of 10 times you end up shooting yourself in the foot.

That is the Republican's today.
This is a colossal calamity. I have to admit i never thought i would see this in my lifetime. This awful Obama Malaise is now probably worse than the Jimmy Carter Malaise of the 70's. This Debt Nightmare probably makes it worse. But hey,the Prez will be just fine. He's throwing himself a hell of a Birthday/Fund-Raising Bash this Weekend. :(
This puts Obama in a hard place...he has two options:

1. Accept responsibility, like an adult, by admitting failure.

2. Blame the Republicans, demonstrating that he lacks the ability to control a minority party in time of crisis.

You dont understand this subject. I can tell. Let me help you too.....

Let me explain why this wouldnt have happened IF the congress raised taxes on the wealthy.....
What did Boehner say he got? 98% of what REPUBLICANS wanted.
Now why did the S&P lower the credit rating?
And the Dems DIDNT!
Now..... go back and read WHY the S&P lowered the credit rating:
view of the difficulties in bridging the gulf between the political parties over fiscal policy, which makes us pessimistic about the capacity of Congress and the Administration to be able to leverage their agreement this week into a broader fiscal consolidation plan that stabilizes the government's debt dynamics any time soon.

If you cant understand this simple, direct stuff, then youre just lost.
Boehner got ’98 percent’ of what he wanted in debt deal | Raw Replay
Downgraded for the first time in our History. HISTORY! Man,this President and the Democrats have managed to achieve so many new lows that were once thought unimaginable. We're starting to lose count on the number of lows from them. It's actually a very frightening time for our Nation. Be worried,be very worried.

Turbo Tim Geithner couldn't even file his own Taxes properly using Turbo Tax. I said he was an incompetent dolt right from the very beginning. But so many morons prayed to him like he was as an Economic God. Him and Bernanke should not only be removed but should also probably be wearing handcuffs and orange jumpsuits. Downgraded for the first time in our History. HISTORY! WTG Turbo Tim and Democrats! Idiots.
class warfare ain't going to save your sorry spending other people's money asshole.

It's not class warfare you dumbass look at the numbers. Revenue is at 14% of GDP when historically it has been between 17-20%. When the total non defense discretionary budget is only 3% you aren't going to affect the budget without some revenue enhancements.

It is clear to Alan Simpson, it is clear to the Gang of six, it is clear to S&P. It is clear to the whole damm country except the idiots in the tea party most of whom barely have a college education.

You are 100% correct. Im glad that someone else understands the reality of the situation!

But you KNOW Hannity is going to spin this like this:

[ame=]‪How Fox "News" Makes You Stupid‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Did Hannity ever make a correction on air for that editing job?
OK, so Standard and Poors has gone ahead with the threatened downgrade. It’s a strange situation.

On one hand, there is a case to be made that the madness of the right has made America a fundamentally unsound nation. And yes, it is the madness of the right: if not for the extremism of anti-tax Republicans, we would have no trouble reaching an agreement that would ensure long-run solvency.

On the other hand, it’s hard to think of anyone less qualified to pass judgment on America than the rating agencies. The people who rated subprime-backed securities are now declaring that they are the judges of fiscal policy? Really?

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -

Officials at ratings firm Standard & Poor's said U.S. Treasury debt no longer deserved to be considered among the safest investments in the world. S&P removed for the first time the triple-A rating the U.S. has held for 70 years, saying the budget deal recently brokered in Washington didn't do enough to address the gloomy long-term picture for America's finances. It downgraded U.S. debt to AA+, a score that ranks below Liechtenstein.:lol:

merged with existing thread on topic.

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