Merkel demands explanation from Obama after reports appear to show that US had tapped

Bush knew who his and America's allies were/are.

[ame=]2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony - Presented by President George W. Bush - YouTube[/ame]
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You know, when NYC was burning, and Americans were 'trapped' in Britain by the no fly ban;

[ame=]9/11 American National Anthem Buckingham Palace - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]9/11 Memorial Service: Amazing Grace (Canberra, Australia) - YouTube[/ame]
Mr Obama was aware of the program and continued it. Mr Obama lied to the Kankeler about it. Why are you not outraged at this affront to German sovereignty?
We reject Obamacare because it is expensive, unworkable, and will lead to the US having 3rd rate health care. Tell me where the vast majority of drugs used in Germany were developed. Hint, it wasn't Germany.

Okay, meanwhile I understand that health insurance is too expensive in the USA and it doesn't work. I will believe ...Obviously we are spoiled in Germany.Thanks to the health insurance we can always go to the doctor or hospital and do not have to pay for medical Treatments - we love it!

We are very outraged about this affront to Germany. We are too shocked to realize it yet! What about your own sovereignty? You will also spied as in a totalitarian state supposedly for security!

You are well experienced in USA healthcare ?
nb it's far better than that I received in the UK or Germany.
I was based in Germany for a couple of years.
Must say, part of me is thinking that merkel can fuck off.
America looks after itself first.

Cry me a river you mangled old bat!!!
My guess is that Merkel and Germany are seriously offended.


'Merkel', sounds like 'Urkel';

[ame=]Best of Steve Urkel-Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
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Germany calls for NSA whistleblower Snowden to testify before Bundestag inquiry

Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, who first published details of US surveillance provided by Edward Snowden, has backed German calls for the NSA whistleblower to testify before a Bundestag inquiry.
Without the information provided by Mr Snowden, he said, German intelligence services would not have known the NSA had tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile for over a decade until earlier this year.

Witness protection
Mr Greenwald said further NSA spying revelations were in the pipeline, he said, concerning Germany and other countries.
“It makes sense to question Snowden: he is very courageous and wants to talk about what he knows about [US] spying on allies and innocent citizens,” said Mr Greenwald to German public broadcaster ARD. “Also, he has huge experience in these practices because he worked for many years in the system. But he won’t do it for nothing, not unless the German government acts to protect his fundamental rights.”
Germany’s Social Democratic, Green and Left Parties have backed requests to call Mr Snowden as a witness in a parliamentary inquiry. Left Party floor leader Gregor Gysi suggested the 30-year-old, currently living in an undisclosed location in Russia, should be placed in Germany’s witness protection programme.
On Monday night President Barack Obama said on television that US intelligence services had “continued to develop and expand” over the years and that he was “initiating a review” of their operations.
“National security operations generally have one purpose and that is to make sure that the American people are safe,” he said.
However Mr Greenwald, who recently announced his move from the Guardian to a new media venture, dismissed this claim.
“Far more than that it is about securing economic advantages,” he told German television. Recent revelations in Brazil, where he lives, showed that US intelligence spied on economic conferences, oil companies and the energy ministry.
“It’s definitely just about the industrial and economic advantage,” said Mr Greenwald. “It has nothing to do with national security and definitely nothing to do with terrorism.”
The New York Times, citing unnamed government sources, said the NSA did not just collect so-called metadata – phone numbers called, length of call – but actually listened in on calls made by Dr Merkel on her unencrypted mobile phone.
Until now the US government has declined to confirm or deny that the NSA tapped Dr Merkel’s phone in the past. Obama administration officials have denied the president knew of the practice, contradicting German media reports that he did.
Germany’s acting interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich has vowed to track down and deport anyone involved in tapping the German leader’s phone.
“Those responsible have to be found and brought to justice,” he told German television, ahead of a visit to Washington to discuss the latest NSA allegations. “It wouldn’t be the first time diplomats from that country have been expelled.”
German investigators are pessimistic the allegations will ever be cleared up. In particular, they do not expect to be granted permission to enter the US embassy adjacent to the Brandenburg Gate to investigate claims it hosts an illegal listening post.

Greenwald backs German calls for NSA whistleblower Snowden to testify before Bundestag inquiry - European News | Latest News from Across Europe | The Irish Times - Wed, Oct 30, 2013
[Of course, and not a little! At all 15,5 % of our wages (pay/salary) we pay for health insurance - divided: the employer 7,3 % and employee 8,2 %. Children are for free and if your wife don't work, she also for free. The expenditures of the german health insurances were higher than 100 Billion Euro per year!

Es gibt nicht kein "free health insurance."
How Germany is reining in health care costs: An interview with Franz Knieps | McKinsey & Company

Nobody claims it's for free. It's even expensive! In 2012 the costs for Health insurance were higher than 3.500 € for me. I've paid more than 1.880 € and my employer 1.680 €. Several times a year we go to the doctor, over and above that several preventive examinations. No one need to be fear that he can not pay for a much-needed medical treatment. What happens, when you need a new kidney or after an accident?
Hello from Germany!
At first: We have no Problems with Mr. Obama, we have problems with the monitoring behavior in your Country. Monitoring endangered freedom and Democracy. That kind of Monitoring we only know from communist and totalitarian states. We believe it started with George W. Bush. We are disappointed that Obama still tolerate Guantanamo. We do not understand why you reject the "obamacare" health care reform.

Well go on being disapponted. That's all you can do.
[Of course, and not a little! At all 15,5 % of our wages (pay/salary) we pay for health insurance - divided: the employer 7,3 % and employee 8,2 %. Children are for free and if your wife don't work, she also for free. The expenditures of the german health insurances were higher than 100 Billion Euro per year!

Es gibt nicht kein "free health insurance."
How Germany is reining in health care costs: An interview with Franz Knieps | McKinsey & Company

Nobody claims it's for free. It's even expensive! In 2012 the costs for Health insurance were higher than 3.500 € for me. I've paid more than 1.880 € and my employer 1.680 €. Several times a year we go to the doctor, over and above that several preventive examinations. No one need to be fear that he can not pay for a much-needed medical treatment. What happens, when you need a new kidney or after an accident?

You claimed it was free. Now you say it's expensive. It cannot be both.

Nobody claims it's for free. It's even expensive! In 2012 the costs for Health insurance were higher than 3.500 € for me. I've paid more than 1.880 € and my employer 1.680 €. Several times a year we go to the doctor, over and above that several preventive examinations. No one need to be fear that he can not pay for a much-needed medical treatment. What happens, when you need a new kidney or after an accident?

You claimed it was free. Now you say it's expensive. It cannot be both.

Lost in Translation ... sorry!
I'm free to go to the doctor whenever I want! Even I have a runny nose! It's expensive but for People who have no job and get income support it is for free. Certainly we all pay for them with our tax. What I liked to say was, that it is expensive but we are willing to pay for it. What happens if you fall ill with cancer - who pays for the medical support?
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Nobody claims it's for free. It's even expensive! In 2012 the costs for Health insurance were higher than 3.500 € for me. I've paid more than 1.880 € and my employer 1.680 €. Several times a year we go to the doctor, over and above that several preventive examinations. No one need to be fear that he can not pay for a much-needed medical treatment. What happens, when you need a new kidney or after an accident?

You claimed it was free. Now you say it's expensive. It cannot be both.

Lost in Translation ... sorry!
I'm free to go to the doctor whenever I want! Even I have a runny nose! It's expensive but for People who have no job and get income support it is for free. Certainly we all pay for them with our tax. What I liked to say was, that it is expensive but we are willing to pay for it. What happens if you fall ill with cancer - who pays for the medical support?

What happens if you don't get cancer? You still pay for it. This is the part you don't get.

Sign in French hotel: Breakfast is free.
Sign in German hotel: You must pay for breakfast whether you eat it or not.
Nobody claims it's for free. It's even expensive! In 2012 the costs for Health insurance were higher than 3.500 € for me. I've paid more than 1.880 € and my employer 1.680 €. Several times a year we go to the doctor, over and above that several preventive examinations. No one need to be fear that he can not pay for a much-needed medical treatment. What happens, when you need a new kidney or after an accident?

You claimed it was free. Now you say it's expensive. It cannot be both.

Lost in Translation ... sorry!
I'm free to go to the doctor whenever I want! Even I have a runny nose! It's expensive but for People who have no job and get income support it is for free. Certainly we all pay for them with our tax. What I liked to say was, that it is expensive but we are willing to pay for it. What happens if you fall ill with cancer - who pays for the medical support?

Up until Obamacare, many people had an affordable catastrophic health insurance plan that paid for transplants, cancer etc. Now they will have to pay for expensive plans that will allow them to go to the doctor for a runny nose.

If I get a runny nose, I take two aspirins and get a box of Kleenex.
You claimed it was free. Now you say it's expensive. It cannot be both.

Lost in Translation ... sorry!
I'm free to go to the doctor whenever I want! Even I have a runny nose! It's expensive but for People who have no job and get income support it is for free. Certainly we all pay for them with our tax. What I liked to say was, that it is expensive but we are willing to pay for it. What happens if you fall ill with cancer - who pays for the medical support?

Up until Obamacare, many people had an affordable catastrophic health insurance plan that paid for transplants, cancer etc. Now they will have to pay for expensive plans that will allow them to go to the doctor for a runny nose.

If I get a runny nose, I take two aspirins and get a box of Kleenex.

Aspirin is great - german medical :)

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