Merkel Should Quit Trying To Bash Trump

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Her smart ass remark yesterday about not being the arbiter between Trump and Putin was one of the stupidest things to come out of her mouth. No one asked the stupid bag of hillarious to do anything. She was basically kicked to the curb and she didn't even know it. She actually thought she was important.

Maybe she should get her fat ass out in the street and give first aid to the over 150 policemen hurt in riots by her voters. Scumbag Socialists burn their cities to the ground just like the scumbag Socialists in America.

Trump was right to tell her to go pound sand over the Paris Accord. And she better start facing the facts we're not going to cover for her on defense anymore while she gives the money to terrorists she's letting in to Germany. Let alone the 65 Billion dollar trade deficit we have with the Socialist losers.

Merkel better start realizing she is quickly becoming as about as important to world affairs as Hillary is today.
Her smart ass remark yesterday about not being the arbiter between Trump and Putin was one of the stupidest things to come out of her mouth. No one asked the stupid bag of hillarious to do anything. She was basically kicked to the curb and she didn't even know it. She actually thought she was important.

Maybe she should get her fat ass out in the street and give first aid to the over 150 policemen hurt in riots by her voters. Scumbag Socialists burn their cities to the ground just like the scumbag Socialists in America.

Trump was right to tell her to go pound sand over the Paris Accord. And she better start facing the facts we're not going to cover for her on defense anymore while she gives the money to terrorists she's letting in to Germany. Let alone the 65 Billion dollar trade deficit we have with the Socialist losers.

Merkel better start realizing she is quickly becoming as about as important to world affairs as Hillary is today.

If I were Trump I'd let it be known we wont be coming to Urkel's or germany's aid when the shit hits the fan...fuke em.
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Merkel's name sounds like a form of cancer. That creature is so disgusting. Her objective is to Soros style genocide the last remaining Germans. The thing we need to rejoice is that who almost had our own Merkel here in the USA in the form of Crooked Hillary. Thank God The Donald won and is our President!
Now is up to the Germans to vote her out, to remove her from power.

If they don't, do not pity Germany anymore, and we will know for certain that Germany is "kaput".
Now is up to the Germans to vote her out, to remove her from power.

If they don't, do not pity Germany anymore, and we will know for certain that Germany is "kaput".

I bet she gets re-elected. The Germans are too far gone and they can't live without Socialism. Europe is looking for new trading partners to subsidize their economy. They're so far gone in the head they think they can run a trade surplus with Japan. rotflmao How'd that work out for us?
Now is up to the Germans to vote her out, to remove her from power.

If they don't, do not pity Germany anymore, and we will know for certain that Germany is "kaput".
when I think of Merkel, I cant help but think of "Erkel"...any chance the two are related?
Now is up to the Germans to vote her out, to remove her from power.

If they don't, do not pity Germany anymore, and we will know for certain that Germany is "kaput".
when I think of Merkel, I cant help but think of "Erkel"...any chance the two are related?

The question of "did I do that" becomes moot when talking about Merkel.
That bitch fuked germany worse than hitler.
Now is up to the Germans to vote her out, to remove her from power.

If they don't, do not pity Germany anymore, and we will know for certain that Germany is "kaput".

I bet she gets re-elected. The Germans are too far gone and they can't live without Socialism. Europe is looking for new trading partners to subsidize their economy. They're so far gone in the head they think they can run a trade surplus with Japan. rotflmao How'd that work out for us?

Merkel = Europe's Queen of Globalism

Queen of the Elites, Queen of the New World Order.

Too sad for words.
You guys may not be aware of how screwy the German governmental system is. If it were not for these coalitions which should be more aptly named collusions this bitch enters into in order to save her fat ass she would be long gone. The CDU is supposed to be a conservative party but ever since she usurped her way up the ladder they never won a majority again. When most of the Germans rejected the Socialists, represented by the SDP and split the vote between the moderate conservative CDU, CSU and the more right leaning FDP ( about the same as the US Tea party) that political whore sold them all out and colluded with the socialist SDP that Germans just voted out of power and formed a "grand coalition" with these bastards. That gave rise to some more extreme right wing parties after many Germans got totally pissed off. which she promptly outlawed.
If Putin were to plant a surrogate in Germany she would not hesitate to form a "coalition" with that party to remain in power. She had close ties to him while she lived in communist East Germany and graduated with honors from "AGIP"' the communist academy of propaganda and agitation. First time when she was Chancellor the left wing media heralded her because she bragged how she had been on a first name basis with Putin all these years before the "Wall" came down. The former East German Police the STASI tried in vain to destroy all their records and they had one on every East German including Merkel. The first thing this bitch did was to appoint ex-STASI to be in charge of the archives and after that all records concerning Angela Merkel vanished.
Ex-Stasi staff still work at archives of East Germany's former secret police
And you think what that Clinton bitch did with her emails was bad.
Of course Trump would now be privy to all the info the CIA had on Merkel and know EXACTLY what kind of bitch he is dealing with. As if he would allow that communist whore to force him into this f-ing climate hoax agreement and cripple free enterprise and National identity.
Trump's team having now full access to CIA records would be well aware of that Merkel`s "Green Agenda" was engineered by Joschka Fischer of the "Green Party" whom she appointed as foreign Minister.
Fischer. once was part of the RAF a communist sponsored terrorist group aka the Meinhof group that was responsible for many spectacular political assassinations including US service men stationed in West Germany. Well I was not surprised that Obama and this communist whore were peas in a pod and Trump has no use for her.
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Her smart ass remark yesterday about not being the arbiter between Trump and Putin was one of the stupidest things to come out of her mouth. No one asked the stupid bag of hillarious to do anything. She was basically kicked to the curb and she didn't even know it. She actually thought she was important.

Maybe she should get her fat ass out in the street and give first aid to the over 150 policemen hurt in riots by her voters. Scumbag Socialists burn their cities to the ground just like the scumbag Socialists in America.

Trump was right to tell her to go pound sand over the Paris Accord. And she better start facing the facts we're not going to cover for her on defense anymore while she gives the money to terrorists she's letting in to Germany. Let alone the 65 Billion dollar trade deficit we have with the Socialist losers.

Merkel better start realizing she is quickly becoming as about as important to world affairs as Hillary is today.

Her smart ass remark yesterday about not being the arbiter between Trump and Putin was one of the stupidest things to come out of her mouth. No one asked the stupid bag of hillarious to do anything. She was basically kicked to the curb and she didn't even know it. She actually thought she was important.

Maybe she should get her fat ass out in the street and give first aid to the over 150 policemen hurt in riots by her voters. Scumbag Socialists burn their cities to the ground just like the scumbag Socialists in America.

Trump was right to tell her to go pound sand over the Paris Accord. And she better start facing the facts we're not going to cover for her on defense anymore while she gives the money to terrorists she's letting in to Germany. Let alone the 65 Billion dollar trade deficit we have with the Socialist losers.

Merkel better start realizing she is quickly becoming as about as important to world affairs as Hillary is today.
Maybe she should get her fat ass out in the street and give first aid to the over 150 policemen hurt in riots by her voters. Scumbag Socialists burn their cities to the ground just like the scumbag Socialists in America.

She won't own up to any of that but threw the Mayor of Hamburg under the bus. He had no say in the decision to hold that G20 in Hamburg of all places. That was exclusively her idea and it is no secret why the Ferkel Merkel chose an Antifa hot bed like the Schanzenviertel district in Hamburg.
This resulted in massive property damage and looting in this district and is now referred to as Black Friday in Germany.
Reaktionen auf G20-Randale: "Dann muss Scholz seinen Hut nehmen" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik
President Trump's team did their homework and had good intel about this pig Merkel staging this G20 in the worst place possible where it was a certainty that massive rioting would greet him as soon as Airforce 1 touches down.....but hahahaha Airforce 1 headed for Poland instead; much to the chagrin of Merkel and presumably also to the fake news media here who were eager to draw a connection between Trump and riots breaking out in Germany,
But the fake media did it anyways:
G-20 Protests Turn Violent as Trump Arrives in Hamburg - NBC News
....No matter that he wasn't even there when the violence ran rampant in Hamburg:
76 people hurt as German riot police fire water cannon as G20 protests erupt in Hamburg
  • Thursday 6 July 2017 23:35 BST
G20 protests: At least 76 people hurt in clashes with Hamburg police amid chaotic scenes
While Trump was nowhere near Hamburg:
Trump, in Poland, Asks if West Has the ‘Will to Survive’

If Merkel had done her homework she should have known that Trump is extremely savvy to outmaneuver such boobytraps, He spent the time in Warsaw while the rest of the hapless G20 leaders and their entourage tripped Merkel's political IED which devastated the Hamburg Schanzenviertel district.

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