Merrick Garland Calls Criticism of DOJ ‘Attack’ on Democracy.

Get back to us when the whistleblower (if I were a nutbag like you conservatives I'd be saying they are part of the Deep State) allegations have been corroborated.
There are areas that do not deserve support who are not Progs controlled like yours.
You peons thinking the government is for the people are now on a terrorist list and the FJB will track you.

Merrick Garland was almost a supreme court justice for life, nominated by Obama to replace Antonin Scalia. He was sold as a moderate. If you vote for a democrat in 2024 and beyond, this is what you're going to get to decide the legal issues of the day. I can see it coming, a one-party gov't and a progressive liberal court, to go with a progressive liberal media, academia, and Hollywood.
What Garland is implying is not that he objects to criticism but rather the whistleblowers are full of shit.

Depends on who is in office or not, if your party is in office, whistleblowers are bad, if your party is not in office whistleblowers are bad.

Whistleblowers can blow the whistle and let the government investigate, the whistleblowers motives can be questionable, not all but some or they simply have the a perception of what it should be Or how they see it.
Sorry bout that,

1. He should step down.
2. He is hurting this Nation.
3. By stepping down he will show how much better we as a Nation will be.

“I certainly understand that some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department as components and its employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike,” he said, adding, “This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
The guy's a bullshit artist.

Corruption is NOT essential to the American people, in fact it's downright detrimental.

Well, this has been an interesting morning of beating back lefties. It was just a salvo, I have a plane to catch and depending if they have wifi on the plane I'll let it percolate for a minute.

Hey righties, I dunno how to say this but I'm getting tired of these goddamn leftards. Aren't you?

Ain't it time to let these peckers know you're serious?

I'm sorry but a lot of righties are sitting on their butts, talking a lot but doing nothing. Or at least nothing effective.

If you'll permit me to offer a piece of unsolicited advice - donating to Trump and the RNC is not getting the job done. Depending on what you think the job is - for me and my family, right now, the job is to drain the swamp. You've heard that term, and now with all the skewing of justice lately the concept becomes concrete, and visible.

The simple truth is, we - all - can not afford to have the instruments of state in the hands of capricious and whimsical partisans. Our country is in great danger at this point, in many ways. It's time to get serious. Get involved. Pound the pavement. Do a little work.

My family has been fighting tyrants for 1000 years, since the year 1271. My wife's family goes back even longer, to about 660 AD. We know tyranny, we can smell budding tyrants a thousand miles away. This what's going on today, is not good. We need someone who understands the problem. Someone serious, someone real. Not a politician, maybe not even a real estate developer.

Think on it, I'll be back to ask your opinion.
Nope. I don't take directions from little leftists
Fucking coward.

A DOJ spokesperson refuted the notion that Weiss had less than full control over the case.

“As both the Attorney General and U.S. Attorney David Weiss have said, U.S. Attorney Weiss has full authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges as he deems appropriate. He needs no further approval to do so,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

According to a statement by Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White House, the president has been clear that his son’s case should be handled independently by Justice.

“He has upheld that commitment,” Sams said.

In a June 7 letter to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Weiss wrote, “I want to make clear that, as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges.”

IRS whistleblowers allege sweeping political interference in Hunter Biden case

The conduct of prosecutors on the case “has honestly been appalling,” said one of the whistleblowers.
He's promoting unsupported allegations to keep the Hunter controversy alive because Repubs haven't found anything new to slime President Biden with..............yet.
Poor Hunter. Why are those mean nasty Republicans picking on such a sweet guy?
He's promoting unsupported allegations to keep the Hunter controversy alive because Repubs haven't found anything new to slime President Biden with..............yet.
Unsupported? Do you think these IRS agents were lying in their sworn testimony before Congress? Did they fake and forge all the evidence they provided? Unsupported?

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