Merrick Garland Claims No Double Standard of Justice in Biden’s Classified Doc Scandal

Merrick Garland Claims No Double Standard of Justice in

Biden’s Classified Doc Scandal

24 Jan 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

Attorney General Merrick Garland, the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, claimed on Monday his department has not applied a double standard of justice to President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal after reportedly agreeing with Biden’s personal lawyers to hide the scandal from the American people.
“We do not have different rules for Democrats or Republicans, different rules for the powerful or the powerless, different rules for the rich and for the poor, we apply the facts, and the law in each case in a neutral, non-partisan manner,” Garland alleged to reporters during a press availability at Justice Department headquarters. “That is what we always do.”
But according to establishment media reports, along with examining the timeline of events, Garland appears to have handled the Mar-a-Lago raid much differently than the investigation of Biden.
According to the Washington Post, not only did the White House and DOJ try to obscure the scandal from public view, but they also refused to divulge that the second trove of classified documents was already unearthed at Biden’s home in Wilmington when CBS News first contacted the White House about the initial leak of classified documents apparently illegally stored at the Biden Penn Center.

On January 9, the scandal was leaked to CBS News. Republican lawmakers believe if the scandal was not leaked, the American people would not know of Biden’s wrongdoing. White House officials are reportedly suspicious about how Biden’s classified document scandal was leaked to the press after only a select group of White House and DOJ officials knew about the violation.
It’s unclear why Bidn’s personal attorneys were initially searching for his illegally stashed documents. The White House and DOJ have failed to provide the initial reason or cause for the search.

Merrick Garland is guilty enough to have to defend himself and the DOJ.
It's obvious that the DOJ possibly felt some embarrassment - after Garland agreeing to assault Trump over docs, then hide Biden’s docs...only to have that blow up in their faces big time with the subsequent finding of docs scattered all over with some dating back to wen Biden was in the Senate.
Yet, contrary to Garland's statement, they do have double standards and apply them at every opportunity.
Tucker Carlson pointed out last night that when the FBI was finally allowed to searched one of Biden’s houses, they only searched some of the rooms—the ones Biden’s people gave them permission to search.
While Trump's lawyers couldn't even watch the search whereas Biden attorneys are deputized to search (and destroy). Just one glaring example of Garland's "equal" treatment".

Watching him I was beginning to wonder if there is something in the D.C. Swamp water that speeds the development of dementia.

Thank God he was never a member of SCOTUS.
Some of the found classified documents date back to when Joe Biden was a Senator. Senators view classified documents in a SCIF and are not supposed to remove them from that secure room.

Obviously Joe did remove documents or had someone remove them.

Assume If when I had a clearance I had removed classified documents and brought them to my home and stored them in my garage. How would I be treated If I was caught?

Why should Joe be treated any different?

JamesE Answered that question succinctly and to the point including tat you're numbingly stupid. wile my definition of you and your comments can only claim you are a blooming nincompoop.
JamesE Answered that question succinctly and to the point including tat you're numbingly stupid. wile my definition of you and your comments can only claim you are a blooming nincompoop.

I agree with what you said in post 8 above.

“The Deep State has been covering the criminal actions of themselves, Obama, Hillary and the Biden's for years. Trump upset their applecart.”

Senators are supposed to view classified in a SCIF and leave the classified data behind when they leave. If Biden had such data from the time he was a Senator, he likely committed a crime.

You said Biden committed crimes. Where are we in disagreement?

Here’s your post from above In reply to Lakota
Sorry, but you're full of your own excrement.
The Deep State has been covering the criminal actions of themselves, Obama, Hillary and the Biden's for years. Trump upset their applecart.

I agree with what you said in post 8 above.

“The Deep State has been covering the criminal actions of themselves, Obama, Hillary and the Biden's for years. Trump upset their applecart.”

Senators are supposed to view classified in a SCIF and leave the classified data behind when they leave. If Biden had such data from the time he was a Senator, he likely committed a crime.

You said Biden committed crimes. Where are we in disagreement?

Here’s your post from above In reply to Lakota
Sorry, that was meant for Busybee01.,
Now you do realize that I am not an FBI agent who was Involved in securing Biden’s classified documents from places like his garage.

I have to rely on the media for information. Read the link below.

Note: ABC does not have a reputation as a conservative outlet. Plus the information came from Biden’s own attorney.

Biden's home searched by Justice Department, more classified material found

The Department of Justice searched President Joe Biden's Delaware home and took possession of more items containing classified information, his lawyers said on Saturday.

The DOJ searched Biden's residence in Wilmington on Friday and found six items consisting of documents with classification markings, some from his time in the Senate in addition to his tenure as vice president during the Obama administration, Biden's personal attorney, Bob Bauer, said in a statement.

We are talking about a handful of documents. Biden has made no claim that it belongs to him as Trump has done.
We are talking about a handful of documents. Biden has made no claim that it belongs to him as Trump has done.
Well perhaps Joe should say who the documents belong to as they were found in places like HIS garage.

Seriously some of the documents have been reported to come from the time that Joe was a Senator. That means, since the only place a Senator can view classified documents is in a SCIF, Joe took the documents with him when he left the SCIF which is illegal.

But have no fear. Joe is a high ranking Democrat and currently the supposed leader of the Democratic Party. Nothing will happen to Joe or Hunter or anyone in the Biden crime family. The Republicans can produce tons of evidence and nothing will happen.

Face it. This nation is a plantation run by Democrats who treat us all like slaves.
We are talking about a handful of documents. Biden has made no claim that it belongs to him as Trump has done.

So, what is Biden's excuse for having classified material from the time he was Senator and VP?
Biden obviously violated Secrecy laws for years by possessing and retaining those documents.
You can't doll up this pig with lipstick it's still a pig,
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Can you have "double standards" when you hold none to yourself in the first place?

Asking for a friend.

Corrupt A.G. Merrick Garland Repeats Huge Lie About J6 During Press Conference

8 Mar 2023 ~~ By Cullen Linebarger

All Tuesday, we saw incredible meltdowns from Chuck Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitch McConnell over the decision by Tucker Carlson to release the previously unseen January 6 tapes from the US Capitol.
The Gateway Pundit has compiled a collection of stories about these men losing their minds over the brutal truth being exposed by Tucker.
Chuck Schumer arguably had the worst meltdown, not only throwing a tantrum on the Senate floor demanding Tucker be censored but also calling McCarthy a traitor. He also repeated a number of lies debunked by Tucker.
He continued his unhinged tirade after leaving the Senate floor as reported by TGP’s Jim Hoft.
But as awful as Schumer’s meltdown and prevarications were, few people noticed Merrick Garland’s response when asked about January 6th.
When asked by a reporter during a press conference what he thought about Tucker’s J6 coverage, he first claims that January 6th was a “fundamental attack on American democracy” and “over 100 officers were assaulted” that day by protesters.
Then he utters arguably the biggest lie anyone uttered Tuesday about January 6th: “Five officers died.

As RedState reminds us, not a single Capitol Police officer died that day. One protester, however, was killed by a Capitol Police officer named Michael Byrd.

What a weasel. Holder was shocking. This perfidious communist grub is even worse.
He reveals the true nature of Obama, who would hv put him on the Supreme Court.
“Attack on the peaceful transfer of power.” That’s a calumny.
Every relevant thing he said is a lie. He fools no one.
Garland the puppet will stick with the lie, that's the narrative they've constructed. The last thing in the world that they want is the public to be properly informed of what happened on Jan. 6 and who were the real perpetrators of chaos...the DOJ, FBI and the Maoist Democrats.

Corrupt A.G. Merrick Garland Repeats Huge Lie About J6 During Press Conference

8 Mar 2023 ~~ By Cullen Linebarger

All Tuesday, we saw incredible meltdowns from Chuck Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitch McConnell over the decision by Tucker Carlson to release the previously unseen January 6 tapes from the US Capitol.
The Gateway Pundit has compiled a collection of stories about these men losing their minds over the brutal truth being exposed by Tucker.
Chuck Schumer arguably had the worst meltdown, not only throwing a tantrum on the Senate floor demanding Tucker be censored but also calling McCarthy a traitor. He also repeated a number of lies debunked by Tucker.
He continued his unhinged tirade after leaving the Senate floor as reported by TGP’s Jim Hoft.
But as awful as Schumer’s meltdown and prevarications were, few people noticed Merrick Garland’s response when asked about January 6th.
When asked by a reporter during a press conference what he thought about Tucker’s J6 coverage, he first claims that January 6th was a “fundamental attack on American democracy” and “over 100 officers were assaulted” that day by protesters.
Then he utters arguably the biggest lie anyone uttered Tuesday about January 6th: “Five officers died.

As RedState reminds us, not a single Capitol Police officer died that day. One protester, however, was killed by a Capitol Police officer named Michael Byrd.

What a weasel. Holder was shocking. This perfidious communist grub is even worse.
He reveals the true nature of Obama, who would hv put him on the Supreme Court.
“Attack on the peaceful transfer of power.” That’s a calumny.
Every relevant thing he said is a lie. He fools no one.
Garland the puppet will stick with the lie, that's the narrative they've constructed. The last thing in the world that they want is the public to be properly informed of what happened on Jan. 6 and who were the real perpetrators of chaos...the DOJ, FBI and the Maoist Democrats.

Lying scum. He needs to go.

Merrick Garland Claims No Double Standard of Justice in

Biden’s Classified Doc Scandal

24 Jan 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

Attorney General Merrick Garland, the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, claimed on Monday his department has not applied a double standard of justice to President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal after reportedly agreeing with Biden’s personal lawyers to hide the scandal from the American people.
“We do not have different rules for Democrats or Republicans, different rules for the powerful or the powerless, different rules for the rich and for the poor, we apply the facts, and the law in each case in a neutral, non-partisan manner,” Garland alleged to reporters during a press availability at Justice Department headquarters. “That is what we always do.”
But according to establishment media reports, along with examining the timeline of events, Garland appears to have handled the Mar-a-Lago raid much differently than the investigation of Biden.
According to the Washington Post, not only did the White House and DOJ try to obscure the scandal from public view, but they also refused to divulge that the second trove of classified documents was already unearthed at Biden’s home in Wilmington when CBS News first contacted the White House about the initial leak of classified documents apparently illegally stored at the Biden Penn Center.

On January 9, the scandal was leaked to CBS News. Republican lawmakers believe if the scandal was not leaked, the American people would not know of Biden’s wrongdoing. White House officials are reportedly suspicious about how Biden’s classified document scandal was leaked to the press after only a select group of White House and DOJ officials knew about the violation.
It’s unclear why Bidn’s personal attorneys were initially searching for his illegally stashed documents. The White House and DOJ have failed to provide the initial reason or cause for the search.

Merrick Garland is guilty enough to have to defend himself and the DOJ.
It's obvious that the DOJ possibly felt some embarrassment - after Garland agreeing to assault Trump over docs, then hide Biden’s docs...only to have that blow up in their faces big time with the subsequent finding of docs scattered all over with some dating back to wen Biden was in the Senate.
Yet, contrary to Garland's statement, they do have double standards and apply them at every opportunity.
Tucker Carlson pointed out last night that when the FBI was finally allowed to searched one of Biden’s houses, they only searched some of the rooms—the ones Biden’s people gave them permission to search.
While Trump's lawyers couldn't even watch the search whereas Biden attorneys are deputized to search (and destroy). Just one glaring example of Garland's "equal" treatment".

Moving docs for no reason to Chinatown is obstruction
As well as treason
We are talking about a handful of documents. Biden has made no claim that it belongs to him as Trump has done.
Indeed! Is this how you explain the stolen Classified SCIF document(s) from 2007 and other classified material found in Bai Dung's cache of National Archive documents in his garage, beach home, his mansion and University office?
We are talking about a handful of documents. Biden has made no claim that it belongs to him as Trump has done.
100s of documents…he had hidden ed for years…some were found in a file he labeled personal

sounds like he thought they were his

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