Merrick Garland Hearing Another Big Fail

They have no evidence at all of them doing anything wrong

You people just make shit up, but in the real world you need this thing called proof and evidence, which you do not have at all.

You need to provide evidence of wrong doing, just crying like a weakling and yelling "Biden crime family" is not evidence at all.

Two links reference a report issued by the (at the time) Repub controlled Senate Judiciary Committee acknowledge they found no wrongdoing by Joe Biden.
If you could refute anything in the Dem's report why didn't you?
Opinion masquerading as fact, usual shit from progs.
A report released Wednesday by Senate Republicans found that the role of Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma was "awkward" and at times "problematic" for U.S. officials dealing with the country, but provides no new evidence and found no instance of policy being altered as a result of his role.
A report released Wednesday by Senate Republicans found that the role of Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma was "awkward" and at times "problematic" for U.S. officials dealing with the country, but provides no new evidence and found no instance of policy being altered as a result of his role.

The machine defends the machine.

Which Senate "Republicans"
They have no evidence at all of them doing anything wrong

You people just make shit up, but in the real world you need this thing called proof and evidence, which you do not have at all.

You need to provide evidence of wrong doing, just crying like a weakling and yelling "Biden crime family" is not evidence at all.
RINO's and Quislings.

Figured as much.
Ron Johnson is no RINO. He's just as much of a nut as you are.

But an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.

Anything else, nitwit?
You never answer anything.
You are scared to answer.
All you do is duck questions.
I have asked you hundreds of questions and you can't answer them. Case in point:

Can you admit That Bush inherited a balanced budget then passed massive spending bills and started 2 failed and mis-managed wars and blew up the deficit terribly and destroyed the balanced budget?
and i have aswered them you lying sack of shit...some 2 or 3 i said more than once in the past.....bush was a dumb ass...what would you expect?...
“Mr. Weiss has made his … decisions, and Mr. Weiss is an experienced federal prosecutor with extensive experience and with sufficient credibility to be appointed by President Trump,” Garland said of Hunter Biden case special counsel David Weiss. “I just have no grounds for interfering here.”

Weiss is a republican appointed by Trump to be US attorney and assigned to investigate Hunter Biden. He found absolutely nothing at all, and didn't have any evidence to bring any real charges against Hunter beyond low level misdemeanor gun charges that regular Americans would never face.

Republicans are mad that there is no real and credible evidence or charges against Hunter so they decided to cry and yell at Garland, but they failed, just like with the Devon Archer testimony.

Now we know why McCarthy does not have the votes for an impeachment inquiry, there is no real evidence of wrongdoing at all.

Republicans on Fox News have lied, per usual, and built up the Hunter Biden case to be more serious than it is. They have nothing at all, and the failed Garland hearing reiterates that there is nothing credible against Hunter or Joe.

For Garland it was a huge fail. He only looks more fascist and more corrupt.
Ron Johnson is no RINO. He's just as much of a nut as you are.

But an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.

Anything else, nitwit?

Coverup, nothing else but.

Anything else, oxygen thief?
What do you expect from the party of retribution who are trying to defend the "Dirty Don" aka, Benedict Donald.
“Mr. Weiss has made his … decisions, and Mr. Weiss is an experienced federal prosecutor with extensive experience and with sufficient credibility to be appointed by President Trump,” Garland said of Hunter Biden case special counsel David Weiss. “I just have no grounds for interfering here.”

Weiss is a republican appointed by Trump to be US attorney and assigned to investigate Hunter Biden. He found absolutely nothing at all, and didn't have any evidence to bring any real charges against Hunter beyond low level misdemeanor gun charges that regular Americans would never face.

Republicans are mad that there is no real and credible evidence or charges against Hunter so they decided to cry and yell at Garland, but they failed, just like with the Devon Archer testimony.

Now we know why McCarthy does not have the votes for an impeachment inquiry, there is no real evidence of wrongdoing at all.

Republicans on Fox News have lied, per usual, and built up the Hunter Biden case to be more serious than it is. They have nothing at all, and the failed Garland hearing reiterates that there is nothing credible against Hunter or Joe.

are you an idiot? the gun charge isn't a misdemeanor, and he also brought tax fraud charges....
They are as dirty as the underside of your ballsack.

But they are "your people", so a little government corruption is allowable.
see the problem is, just proclaiming them "dirty" means jack shit because there is no credible proof or evidence that they are dirty.

Just like when you said Hunter paid Joe rent, which was a lie. Or when Trump told the Big lie of election fraud that never happened, then lost all court cases and has no real credible evidence of fraud at all.

You gullible sheep have a history of believing any lie they feed you, you got played again here as they have no evidence at all.

If there was evidence Weiss would bring charges after his 5 year investigation that started under Trump...

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