Message From Rabbi Eckstein


Aug 31, 2010

My heart truly breaks for the thousands of elderly Jews who lived through the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust and now in the twilight of their years find themselves living in abject poverty.

Unable to afford even basic food and medicine, they are once again in a daily struggle just to stay alive.

The Fellowship now urgently needs your support to help provide essential supplies and services for these silent heroes who have already suffered so much.

People like Auschwitz survivor Josef Katz.

Josef lives in the Ukraine. He is seventy-five years old and the only way he can make ends meet is with the food and medical assistance he receives thanks to generous friends of The Fellowship like you.

“Thank you for the help you are providing,” Josef said. “Give these good people my regards.” He continued, “I pray there will be peace for them.”

Please help us give elderly Holocaust survivors like Josef the dignity they so deserve by making a contribution right now on their behalf.

With Holocaust Remembrance Day approaching on May 1st, our work takes on an added sense of urgency. Not only because of the desperate conditions so many elderly survivors like Josef are facing, but also because the circumstances that allowed the Holocaust to occur are once again taking shape before our eyes.

There has never been a more critical time for us to stand united with the people of Israel and Jews everywhere, and shout: “Never again!”

With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

If you feel as strongly as I do about the heartbreaking conditions these brave elderly men and women now face, then I urge you to make a generous gift to our Holocaust Survivor Fund today.

This is the crap you get if you happen to go into a Jewish begging site. This is what I got when I happened to wonder what was going on in the Fellowship of Christians and Jews site. These leeches are still making money off the gullible Christians who have fallen for their Holohoax bullshit. When will it end? Will it ever end? Will we be hit on some day for alms for the poor grandchildren of Holohoax survivors? The Gggggrand children of Holohoax survivors? Will the world ever be rid of these lice who are making a booming industry out of the biggest hoax in history? It should make a thinking person hurl chunks.
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