Message to Cruz Lovers

Oh please, Cruz told many lies about Trump and threw the first grenade in the war of the wives. Not to mention that stunt he pulled against Ben Carson in Iowa was unconscionable. Cruz got burned by the very game he was playing and now he's acting like a whiny little pussy. Ted Cruz, the self-appointed leader of the Conservative movement, may have just tipped the courts in favor of Liberals with his little stunt.

You dickweasels are entitled to whatever opinion you want to have regarding the primaries. Trump won the nomination with less than 50% of the GOP backing him. Those are the rules and he won fair and square. But the primaries are OVER... this was the moment Trump (and YOU) needed to bring the party together... Party Unity... Big Tent... Let's put our differences aside and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton....

What we GOT... was a bunch of pompous and arrogant loud-mouths who refused to allow Ted Cruz any sort of dignity and couldn't resist taking a few more parting shots at the man. Blustering on and on into the next day about how Cruz ended his career and how he somehow unwittingly has unified the party behind Trump by not kissing his ass.

ALL YOU HAD TO DO... was shut your pie holes and show some class! That's really ALL you had to do. Just suck it up... let the man have his dignity... accept what he said as a positive and good thing, and show a modicum of respect for him in speaking favorably about Trump's agenda and the party platform.... HAD YOU DONE THAT... You would see millions and millions of Cruz supporters streaming to Trump's corner. But, AGAIN... you DIDN'T do that. You chose to rehash the primaries... you're doing so here in this very post.

Apparently, it is more important to for you to bash and trash Ted Cruz than to defeat Hillary Clinton. You fuckwits literally just walked away from MILLIONS of potential votes because you couldn't refrain for one day from being complete assholes.

So okay.... You don't want or need our support? You don't have it! Fuck you and Donald Trump.... go out there and get your ass kicked by Hillary! When it happens, just remember, you didn't need us... you could do it without us! It was FAR MORE important to bash and trash Ted Cruz a little more! This was the moment YOU lost the election for Donald Trump.
Oh please, Cruz told many lies about Trump and threw the first grenade in the war of the wives. Not to mention that stunt he pulled against Ben Carson in Iowa was unconscionable. Cruz got burned by the very game he was playing and now he's acting like a whiny little pussy. Ted Cruz, the self-appointed leader of the Conservative movement, may have just tipped the courts in favor of Liberals with his little stunt.

You dickweasels are entitled to whatever opinion you want to have regarding the primaries. Trump won the nomination with less than 50% of the GOP backing him. Those are the rules and he won fair and square. But the primaries are OVER... this was the moment Trump (and YOU) needed to bring the party together... Party Unity... Big Tent... Let's put our differences aside and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton....

What we GOT... was a bunch of pompous and arrogant loud-mouths who refused to allow Ted Cruz any sort of dignity and couldn't resist taking a few more parting shots at the man. Blustering on and on into the next day about how Cruz ended his career and how he somehow unwittingly has unified the party behind Trump by not kissing his ass.

ALL YOU HAD TO DO... was shut your pie holes and show some class! That's really ALL you had to do. Just suck it up... let the man have his dignity... accept what he said as a positive and good thing, and show a modicum of respect for him in speaking favorably about Trump's agenda and the party platform.... HAD YOU DONE THAT... You would see millions and millions of Cruz supporters streaming to Trump's corner. But, AGAIN... you DIDN'T do that. You chose to rehash the primaries... you're doing so here in this very post.

Apparently, it is more important to for you to bash and trash Ted Cruz than to defeat Hillary Clinton. You fuckwits literally just walked away from MILLIONS of potential votes because you couldn't refrain for one day from being complete assholes.

So okay.... You don't want or need our support? You don't have it! Fuck you and Donald Trump.... go out there and get your ass kicked by Hillary! When it happens, just remember, you didn't need us... you could do it without us! It was FAR MORE important to bash and trash Ted Cruz a little more! This was the moment YOU lost the election for Donald Trump.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Ya know what? You're one ignorant son of a bitch. Cruz speech did more to intelligently articulate the differences between the two parties than any speaker before him. Focus groups showed his speech moved a lot of people towards the republican party and here you are trying to turn that progress around. Go pound sand asshole.
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Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump knew going in Ted was not going to endorse him, I guess he forgot to tell the ignorant ones in his movement.
Oh please, Cruz told many lies about Trump and threw the first grenade in the war of the wives. Not to mention that stunt he pulled against Ben Carson in Iowa was unconscionable. Cruz got burned by the very game he was playing and now he's acting like a whiny little pussy. Ted Cruz, the self-appointed leader of the Conservative movement, may have just tipped the courts in favor of Liberals with his little stunt.

You dickweasels are entitled to whatever opinion you want to have regarding the primaries. Trump won the nomination with less than 50% of the GOP backing him. Those are the rules and he won fair and square. But the primaries are OVER... this was the moment Trump (and YOU) needed to bring the party together... Party Unity... Big Tent... Let's put our differences aside and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton....

What we GOT... was a bunch of pompous and arrogant loud-mouths who refused to allow Ted Cruz any sort of dignity and couldn't resist taking a few more parting shots at the man. Blustering on and on into the next day about how Cruz ended his career and how he somehow unwittingly has unified the party behind Trump by not kissing his ass.

ALL YOU HAD TO DO... was shut your pie holes and show some class! That's really ALL you had to do. Just suck it up... let the man have his dignity... accept what he said as a positive and good thing, and show a modicum of respect for him in speaking favorably about Trump's agenda and the party platform.... HAD YOU DONE THAT... You would see millions and millions of Cruz supporters streaming to Trump's corner. But, AGAIN... you DIDN'T do that. You chose to rehash the primaries... you're doing so here in this very post.

Apparently, it is more important to for you to bash and trash Ted Cruz than to defeat Hillary Clinton. You fuckwits literally just walked away from MILLIONS of potential votes because you couldn't refrain for one day from being complete assholes.

So okay.... You don't want or need our support? You don't have it! Fuck you and Donald Trump.... go out there and get your ass kicked by Hillary! When it happens, just remember, you didn't need us... you could do it without us! It was FAR MORE important to bash and trash Ted Cruz a little more! This was the moment YOU lost the election for Donald Trump.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Cruz got punked by Trump at his own game.Trump didn't have to let Cruz speak, but he was gracious enough to allow it. Cruz knew the deal, that in return for the prime speaking spot he was supposed to just say, "Vote Trump". But whiny little pussies like Cruz and yourself still can't get over the ass beating you took. If Hillary wins and the SCOTUS becomes Liberal we can thank garbage like Cruz and YOU. There's much more at stake here than your little butt-hurt feelings. Trump won now shut the fuck up and get over it, or get used to Liberal decisions coming from the presidency and SCOTUS.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

Oh please. He raked clinton over the coals for being a big corp greedy assed money grabber ... right before he said "I love hillary and endorse her, she'll be great!" He was suppose to be for the little guy and against the big money monsters. So much for principle.

Trump backed off the pledge in March, no one batted an eye. Cruz backed off the pledge in July (and stuck to his principles) and zomg! he's some kind of traitor or something? Puleezze.
If your standards are "2 wrongs make a right", then that's your prerogative :thup:

My standard is if you have core principles and stand by them, even when you get booed off a stage, then you have core principles.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

You're aware (of course you're because you're a dishonest, reprehensible fucking retard, that Trump rejected his pledge along the way, right?
Oh please, Cruz told many lies about Trump and threw the first grenade in the war of the wives. Not to mention that stunt he pulled against Ben Carson in Iowa was unconscionable. Cruz got burned by the very game he was playing and now he's acting like a whiny little pussy. Ted Cruz, the self-appointed leader of the Conservative movement, may have just tipped the courts in favor of Liberals with his little stunt.

You dickweasels are entitled to whatever opinion you want to have regarding the primaries. Trump won the nomination with less than 50% of the GOP backing him. Those are the rules and he won fair and square. But the primaries are OVER... this was the moment Trump (and YOU) needed to bring the party together... Party Unity... Big Tent... Let's put our differences aside and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton....

What we GOT... was a bunch of pompous and arrogant loud-mouths who refused to allow Ted Cruz any sort of dignity and couldn't resist taking a few more parting shots at the man. Blustering on and on into the next day about how Cruz ended his career and how he somehow unwittingly has unified the party behind Trump by not kissing his ass.

ALL YOU HAD TO DO... was shut your pie holes and show some class! That's really ALL you had to do. Just suck it up... let the man have his dignity... accept what he said as a positive and good thing, and show a modicum of respect for him in speaking favorably about Trump's agenda and the party platform.... HAD YOU DONE THAT... You would see millions and millions of Cruz supporters streaming to Trump's corner. But, AGAIN... you DIDN'T do that. You chose to rehash the primaries... you're doing so here in this very post.

Apparently, it is more important to for you to bash and trash Ted Cruz than to defeat Hillary Clinton. You fuckwits literally just walked away from MILLIONS of potential votes because you couldn't refrain for one day from being complete assholes.

So okay.... You don't want or need our support? You don't have it! Fuck you and Donald Trump.... go out there and get your ass kicked by Hillary! When it happens, just remember, you didn't need us... you could do it without us! It was FAR MORE important to bash and trash Ted Cruz a little more! This was the moment YOU lost the election for Donald Trump.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Cruz got punked by Trump at his own game.Trump didn't have to let Cruz speak, but he was gracious enough to allow it. Cruz knew the deal, that in return for the prime speaking spot he was supposed to just say, "Vote Trump". But whiny little pussies like Cruz and yourself still can't get over the ass beating you took. If Hillary wins and the SCOTUS becomes Liberal we can thank garbage like Cruz and YOU. There's much more at stake here than your little butt-hurt feelings. Trump won now shut the fuck up and get over it, or get used to Liberal decisions coming from the presidency and SCOTUS.

I guess that's what we'll have, asswipe. Because, I plan to actively campaign AGAINST Donald Trump now. It didn't have to be that way... YOU made that happen! Be proud of that!
Cruz did himself no favors. The reality of the situation is that he would have been better off totally skipping the speaking spot and not endorsing him, rather than doing what he did. He thinks he scored some points with a majority of Republican's and he'll find out in a couple of years just how wrong he was.

Watching him speak is really nauseating. He constantly pauses and does that putrid chuckle before continuing on. Its obviously a habit that he really needs to kick. Turns people off and has earned him the "creepy" title

Oh Cruz is toast. His dreams of 1600 are forever in the trash now. And this piece is just the tip of the iceberg that's out there on reaction to the egomaniac's stunt last night.

Sometimes gambles fail

Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said.

Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -
Oh please, Cruz told many lies about Trump and threw the first grenade in the war of the wives. Not to mention that stunt he pulled against Ben Carson in Iowa was unconscionable. Cruz got burned by the very game he was playing and now he's acting like a whiny little pussy. Ted Cruz, the self-appointed leader of the Conservative movement, may have just tipped the courts in favor of Liberals with his little stunt.

You dickweasels are entitled to whatever opinion you want to have regarding the primaries. Trump won the nomination with less than 50% of the GOP backing him. Those are the rules and he won fair and square. But the primaries are OVER... this was the moment Trump (and YOU) needed to bring the party together... Party Unity... Big Tent... Let's put our differences aside and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton....

What we GOT... was a bunch of pompous and arrogant loud-mouths who refused to allow Ted Cruz any sort of dignity and couldn't resist taking a few more parting shots at the man. Blustering on and on into the next day about how Cruz ended his career and how he somehow unwittingly has unified the party behind Trump by not kissing his ass.

ALL YOU HAD TO DO... was shut your pie holes and show some class! That's really ALL you had to do. Just suck it up... let the man have his dignity... accept what he said as a positive and good thing, and show a modicum of respect for him in speaking favorably about Trump's agenda and the party platform.... HAD YOU DONE THAT... You would see millions and millions of Cruz supporters streaming to Trump's corner. But, AGAIN... you DIDN'T do that. You chose to rehash the primaries... you're doing so here in this very post.

Apparently, it is more important to for you to bash and trash Ted Cruz than to defeat Hillary Clinton. You fuckwits literally just walked away from MILLIONS of potential votes because you couldn't refrain for one day from being complete assholes.

So okay.... You don't want or need our support? You don't have it! Fuck you and Donald Trump.... go out there and get your ass kicked by Hillary! When it happens, just remember, you didn't need us... you could do it without us! It was FAR MORE important to bash and trash Ted Cruz a little more! This was the moment YOU lost the election for Donald Trump.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Cruz got punked by Trump at his own game.Trump didn't have to let Cruz speak, but he was gracious enough to allow it. Cruz knew the deal, that in return for the prime speaking spot he was supposed to just say, "Vote Trump". But whiny little pussies like Cruz and yourself still can't get over the ass beating you took. If Hillary wins and the SCOTUS becomes Liberal we can thank garbage like Cruz and YOU. There's much more at stake here than your little butt-hurt feelings. Trump won now shut the fuck up and get over it, or get used to Liberal decisions coming from the presidency and SCOTUS.

Ah, nope. If clinton wins it's because of the Republicans going hard core Trump and saying eff you to the conservatives who support Cruz.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
Free publicity? That is his modis operandi...
Ironically, the usual suspects on the Right are demanding kneejerk, lockstep, blind loyalty to the Republican candidate.

That's exactly the kind of loyalty they routinely mock Obama supporters for having.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

You're aware (of course you're because you're a dishonest, reprehensible fucking retard, that Trump rejected his pledge along the way, right?

They keep ignoring that.

Not to mention the shit Trump said about Cruz's wife. And to the best of my recollection, no apology.

What kind of man would give that a pass? Well, apparently the kind of male pussies we see on the Right at USMB.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
Free publicity? That is his modis operandi...

Yup. Pretty smart.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

You're aware (of course you're because you're a dishonest, reprehensible fucking retard, that Trump rejected his pledge along the way, right?

They keep ignoring that.

Not to mention the shit Trump said about Cruz's wife. And to the best of my recollection, no apology.

What kind of man would give that a pass? Well, apparently the kind of male pussies we see on the Right at USMB.

What did he say that was more offensive than the Cruz camp playing at Melania doing soft porn?

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