Message to Cruz Lovers

I have no idea in the world why an invitation was extended to Cruz....
Seems like more amateur hour stuff....

Team Trump invited almost everyone that he competed with to speak at the convention. Even Rubio and Walker came on board. And they set up Cruz big time.

He'll never be Presidential nominee evah!

I thought you leaned conservative and here you are gloating that one of the very few conservatives may be done.

This is truly the weirdest election cycle ever.


Cruz is the penultimate inside the beltway establishment candidate. He and Heidi are linked at the hip with the Bush family AND they are glued to and supported by Wall Street. His whole campaign of being an outsider is a complete and utter lie.
You're aware (of course you're because you're a dishonest, reprehensible fucking retard, that Trump rejected his pledge along the way, right?
What does trump have to do with cruz being a POS? Good gawd almighty. You are even a fucking hack when dealing with republicans :rofl:

You're attacking Cruz for not adhering to a standard that Trump himself would not adhere to.

If you pledged to support the candidate a year down the road, and 6 months down the road, the candidate raped and killed a 9 year old girl,

would you honor your pledge?
so lets make up hypotheticals that have absolutely no basis in reality so you can save some face? Grow some fucking balls, coward.

Note that the witness would not answer the question.

The issue here is, to what extent is a pledge, into the future, ethically and morally binding, regarding actions of the person to whom the pledge is made.

Now you are tacitly acknowledging that once you made a pledge to a person over future support,

you would not violate that pledge even if that person raped and killed a child.

VERY interesting.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?
Yes...yes,back in February he signed pledge...No, Mr. Trump believes in free speech and Yes.
Trump made the whole pledge thing meaningless in March, as he said, and I quote:

“No, I don’t anymore,” Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper during a town hall event in Wisconsin, when Cooper asked if Trump still planned to adhere to the pledge he signed last fall. "

The one that the Republican Guard started violating as soon as Trump made a legitimate lead? Where leadership dissed him on a regular basis?
I have no idea in the world why an invitation was extended to Cruz....
Seems like more amateur hour stuff....

Team Trump invited almost everyone that he competed with to speak at the convention. Even Rubio and Walker came on board. And they set up Cruz big time.

He'll never be Presidential nominee evah!

I thought you leaned conservative and here you are gloating that one of the very few conservatives may be done.

This is truly the weirdest election cycle ever.


Cruz is the penultimate inside the beltway establishment candidate. He and Heidi are linked at the hip with the Bush family AND they are glued to and supported by Wall Street. His whole campaign of being an outsider is a complete and utter lie.

Naw, I'm not buying that. The establishment hates him because they can't control him. If Cruz were the ultimate establishment candidate the establishment would have jumped to support him. They didn't.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
False. Never previewed the speech.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?
Yes...yes,back in February he signed pledge...No, Mr. Trump believes in free speech and Yes.

So...that the type of D.C. politician we want as president?
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

Are you trying to make an argument as to why Cruz should support Trump?

Not at all. I'm just sick to death of the "boo hoo poor Heidi's bad hair day picture was retweeted by Trump".

Cruz has played it to the hilt. It's old and it's bullshit compared to Trump's wife being accused of doing lesbian porn to politically turn off any evangelical support for Trump.

That's why Team Cruz did this shit.

Did Trump apologize for the attack on Cruz's wife?
Anyone who saw Cruz's epic rant the day before he quit the race knew there was no way in hell he would ever endorse Trump. I even said at the time you just don't walk back from something like that.

As we were posting in real time on this forum last night, I asked what the odds were Cruz would even mention Trump by name. Anyone with more than two brain cells knew Cruz would not endorse Trump.

Trump's a piece of gutter trash. He's a turd. He invalidated the pledge long ago with his behavior and his personal attacks.

Fuck him. Eat shit.
He's the next President of the United States.
Trump made the whole pledge thing meaningless in March, as he said, and I quote:

“No, I don’t anymore,” Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper during a town hall event in Wisconsin, when Cooper asked if Trump still planned to adhere to the pledge he signed last fall. "

The one that the Republican Guard started violating as soon as Trump made a legitimate lead? Where leadership dissed him on a regular basis?

Yeah, the one where Trump whined "“I have been treated very unfairly” by the Republican National Committee" and summarily said he wouldn't support the R nom if it wasn't him.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
Free publicity? That is his modis operandi...

No it was a set up. Team Trump knew that Cruz would not endorse him. They knew he'd be his egotistical smarmy self and set about scripting their reactions and it was solid freaking gold.


The whole family was in on it. You see if Cruz had surprised everyone and endorsed Trump, it would have been a win. If Cruz didn't endorse him, the team could control the narrative that Cruz was negative and divisive and Trump was the unifier of the party.

It's one of the best political moves I have ever witnessed. :)

It was much better thought through by the Trump camp than Cruz for sure.

Not sure if you've seen this.

"Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said."


Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Donald Trump need to reach out to those that voted for Cruz and to write your side don't need them, well that is foolish as can be.

Also a True Conservative would have never voted for Donald John Trump and to claim he is the best choice to save America is a pathetic joke to me!

The reality is Cruz should endorse Gary Johnson and tell all those that voted for him to vote Libertarian, and when Trump loses remember that your side did not need the Cruz voters this November and how he won so many states while not understanding some of those states he will lose in the General Election because they are blue states...

Trump voters are some arrogant assholes that need another reality check in life!
Gary Johnson is a loser. "Losing Gary!"
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
Free publicity? That is his modis operandi...

No it was a set up. Team Trump knew that Cruz would not endorse him. They knew he'd be his egotistical smarmy self and set about scripting their reactions and it was solid freaking gold.


The whole family was in on it. You see if Cruz had surprised everyone and endorsed Trump, it would have been a win. If Cruz didn't endorse him, the team could control the narrative that Cruz was negative and divisive and Trump was the unifier of the party.

It's one of the best political moves I have ever witnessed. :)

It was much better thought through by the Trump camp than Cruz for sure.

Not sure if you've seen this.

"Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said."


Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -

Yes I posted a similar report. Thing is, if you go with the long term play, Cruz would have known he was going to get rejected at the after party. No, Ted thought he was King of the Conservatives and found out he isn't.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
Free publicity? That is his modis operandi...

No it was a set up. Team Trump knew that Cruz would not endorse him. They knew he'd be his egotistical smarmy self and set about scripting their reactions and it was solid freaking gold.


The whole family was in on it. You see if Cruz had surprised everyone and endorsed Trump, it would have been a win. If Cruz didn't endorse him, the team could control the narrative that Cruz was negative and divisive and Trump was the unifier of the party.

It's one of the best political moves I have ever witnessed. :)

It was much better thought through by the Trump camp than Cruz for sure.

Not sure if you've seen this.

"Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said."


Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -
Tiny Dancer again hits a home run.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

If trump supports the constitution, why did the crowd get so upset over Cruz stating we should support candidates up and down the ticket? Wouldn't that be an endorsement of Trump? Yet no one thinks it was. Tells me no one believes he is the constitutional candidate. Not even his die hard supporters.

Oh and I dont expect trump to owe me anything. But I took an oath to defend the constitution. I take that oath seriously and will not support its perversion just because it comes from someone with an R next to his name
Because Cruz was taking Trump convention and being a self centered narcissistic asshole.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

Are you trying to make an argument as to why Cruz should support Trump?

Not at all. I'm just sick to death of the "boo hoo poor Heidi's bad hair day picture was retweeted by Trump".

Cruz has played it to the hilt. It's old and it's bullshit compared to Trump's wife being accused of doing lesbian porn to politically turn off any evangelical support for Trump.

That's why Team Cruz did this shit.

I have no idea in the world why an invitation was extended to Cruz....
Seems like more amateur hour stuff....

Team Trump invited almost everyone that he competed with to speak at the convention. Even Rubio and Walker came on board. And they set up Cruz big time.

He'll never be Presidential nominee evah!

I thought you leaned conservative and here you are gloating that one of the very few conservatives may be done.

This is truly the weirdest election cycle ever.


Cruz is the penultimate inside the beltway establishment candidate. He and Heidi are linked at the hip with the Bush family AND they are glued to and supported by Wall Street. His whole campaign of being an outsider is a complete and utter lie.

Naw, I'm not buying that. The establishment hates him because they can't control him. If Cruz were the ultimate establishment candidate the establishment would have jumped to support him. They didn't.

Cruz is hated on Capitol Hill because he's an arrogant asshole who does nothing but diss anyone and everyone around him. Going to run the dog in a minute but Cruz not only had Wall Street completely behind him but as soon as Jeb was out of the race the Bush family backed Cruz.

For crying out loud, Cruz and Heidi worked for GW Bush for years on end. Heidi longer that Ted.

Ted even hired Neil Bush and his wife as finance advisors for his campaign. I'm loaded for bear on Ted. I felt really betrayed when I started digging and found out that everything to do with him and his wife was a charade.

I had been a fan and a mega supporter before I found out alllllllllllllllllll about Teddy.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

If trump supports the constitution, why did the crowd get so upset over Cruz stating we should support candidates up and down the ticket? Wouldn't that be an endorsement of Trump? Yet no one thinks it was. Tells me no one believes he is the constitutional candidate. Not even his die hard supporters.

Oh and I dont expect trump to owe me anything. But I took an oath to defend the constitution. I take that oath seriously and will not support its perversion just because it comes from someone with an R next to his name
Because Cruz was taking Trump convention and being a self centered narcissistic asshole.

He was? He congratulated Trump, ripped Hillary Clinton, extolled freedom, and then told Americans to vote their conscience. omg, the rat bastard!

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