Message to FBI...Your Days of Being a Liberal Machine Tool are Over!

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

You are confusing fake conservatives with real conservatives. You are a fake conservative. The Republican Party is composed of fake conservatives. The fact is that who they donated to is meaningless., They have experience in certain areas of the investigation. Even Trey Gowdy is defending Mueller.
So you think a "real coservstive" is idistinguishable from a liberal? Do you ever wonder wht the conservatives in here all tell you that you're full of shit?

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Because I know the people saying that are not conservatives. They are driven by hate, allied with white supremacists and have lost their marbles. Ronald Reagan was a real conservative. Reagan looked for conservative solutions to problems. He got tax reform done and it was driven by doing the right thing for the country not by getting even with blue states as this tax reform was driven by. Reagan in his "Time for Choosing" speech said no man should be unable to see a doctor because he can't afford it. Yet the Republican plan to replace Obamacare was to kick people off of their insurance and pit poor against people with pre-existing conditions vs older people. Reagan was a strong supporter of the EITC. He also never would be making false accusations and promoting crazy conspiracy theories. You and other Trump supporters have no idea what being a conservative is.
You stupid motherfucker, who do you think pays for those peoples insurance. The people that are forced to pay for their insurance cannot afford it, do not want anything to do with Obama care and will never use it. So stay the fuck out other peoples lives you silly little fucker...
Fucking cowardly control freaks

You are a monstrous motherfucker. Refundable tax credits are actually supported by a majority of Americans. They actually care about people unlike you who apparently say "let them eat cake". You are the coward.
Paying for anybody else’s insurance should be 100% voluntary if not it’s fucking worthless. Communist

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