Message to FBI...Your Days of Being a Liberal Machine Tool are Over!

Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost

You do realize that article is posing a contrary argument than you are, right? The article, from a "liberal" news organization, is arguing that Comey is a dyed in the wool Republican.

Yes Comey is a Republican and was appointed by Obama, hired first by Bush.
You think he had to be a Dem for Obama to hire him?
Comey is a Republican who has moderate to liberal ideology leanings.

So he's more aligned with the whole country than with the 30% that support Trump? How does that disqualify him?
The FBI has become completely political due to the Democratic influence in Washington DC. I served in two branches of military...under both Democratic and Republican Presidents. FBI needs a house cleaning.
FBI special agent says he's leaving over political attacks against the bureau - CNNPolitics

Bullcrap. The FBI has become political because Trump and his stooges are trying to turn it into Trump's personal Gestapo. The White House and Congress needs a housecleaning starting in 2018., You need a good rubber room somewhere so you won't hurt anyone.
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's very amusing! Lol
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost

You do realize that article is posing a contrary argument than you are, right? The article, from a "liberal" news organization, is arguing that Comey is a dyed in the wool Republican.

Yes Comey is a Republican and was appointed by Obama, hired first by Bush.
You think he had to be a Dem for Obama to hire him?
Comey is a Republican who has moderate to liberal ideology leanings.

So why did bring up that letter so late in the day on the Clinton Campaign?

Look like you tissue of lies just fell apart... The problem is that Trump has asked all the DOJ where there loyalty lies, expecting them to be to him... They are for the law...

When Comey was investigating Hllary, did Hillary send out multiple false allegations about him? NO...

Your whole premise now just looks stupid.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost

You do realize that article is posing a contrary argument than you are, right? The article, from a "liberal" news organization, is arguing that Comey is a dyed in the wool Republican.

Yes Comey is a Republican and was appointed by Obama, hired first by Bush.
You think he had to be a Dem for Obama to hire him?
Comey is a Republican who has moderate to liberal ideology leanings.

So he's more aligned with the whole country than with the 30% that support Trump? How does that disqualify him?

Disqualify him from what?
All I was doing was to help in the clarification.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost

You do realize that article is posing a contrary argument than you are, right? The article, from a "liberal" news organization, is arguing that Comey is a dyed in the wool Republican.

Yes Comey is a Republican and was appointed by Obama, hired first by Bush.
You think he had to be a Dem for Obama to hire him?
Comey is a Republican who has moderate to liberal ideology leanings.

So why did bring up that letter so late in the day on the Clinton Campaign?

Look like you tissue of lies just fell apart... The problem is that Trump has asked all the DOJ where there loyalty lies, expecting them to be to him... They are for the law...

When Comey was investigating Hllary, did Hillary send out multiple false allegations about him? NO...

Your whole premise now just looks stupid.

What premise?
There is no premise.
What proof do you have that Trump asked all the DOJ that other the hearsay?
All I made was a statement clarification that seemed muddy of Comey being a Repub.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost

You do realize that article is posing a contrary argument than you are, right? The article, from a "liberal" news organization, is arguing that Comey is a dyed in the wool Republican.

Yes Comey is a Republican and was appointed by Obama, hired first by Bush.
You think he had to be a Dem for Obama to hire him?
Comey is a Republican who has moderate to liberal ideology leanings.

So why did bring up that letter so late in the day on the Clinton Campaign?

Look like you tissue of lies just fell apart... The problem is that Trump has asked all the DOJ where there loyalty lies, expecting them to be to him... They are for the law...

When Comey was investigating Hllary, did Hillary send out multiple false allegations about him? NO...

Your whole premise now just looks stupid.

It's a long read, but worth it...

The True Story of the Comey Letter Debacle

The argument that the F.B.I gave in response was that now that the circle had become much bigger, including agents in New York, the probability of a leak was high and would only increase once the request for the warrant was filed. “Yes, it was absolutely explicit that one reason for the letter was that the agents in New York would leak it,” says a Justice Department source. “That is a crappy reason. You can’t manage your people? And a leak would have been better than what happened.” (In fact, on the morning of November 4, Giuliani returned to Fox & Friends, to gloat, “Did I hear about it? You’re darn right I heard about it.” Later that day, he tweeted, “I still challenge someone to produce proof of my direct involvement w @fbi.”)
comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Bush was a liberal. And I agree with the poster above...surround the building and shout "Sozialist Raus!!!"
Socialists Come Out!

bush was only a "liberal" to someone who is a rightwingnut freak.

Actually Bush was more of a conservative that these lads... They don't want a independent federal investigators but a police force loyal to Trump, that is effectively the Gestapo...

A police force that is loyal to Obama/Hillary and the conducts espionage on the opposition candidate is perfectly OK with you?

Stuff like that is how we know you're a douchebag.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

You are confusing fake conservatives with real conservatives. You are a fake conservative. The Republican Party is composed of fake conservatives. The fact is that who they donated to is meaningless., They have experience in certain areas of the investigation. Even Trey Gowdy is defending Mueller.
So you think a "real coservstive" is idistinguishable from a liberal? Do you ever wonder wht the conservatives in here all tell you that you're full of shit?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Because I know the people saying that are not conservatives. They are driven by hate, allied with white supremacists and have lost their marbles. Ronald Reagan was a real conservative. Reagan looked for conservative solutions to problems. He got tax reform done and it was driven by doing the right thing for the country not by getting even with blue states as this tax reform was driven by. Reagan in his "Time for Choosing" speech said no man should be unable to see a doctor because he can't afford it. Yet the Republican plan to replace Obamacare was to kick people off of their insurance and pit poor against people with pre-existing conditions vs older people. Reagan was a strong supporter of the EITC. He also never would be making false accusations and promoting crazy conspiracy theories. You and other Trump supporters have no idea what being a conservative is.
You stupid motherfucker, who do you think pays for those peoples insurance. The people that are forced to pay for their insurance cannot afford it, do not want anything to do with Obama care and will never use it. So stay the fuck out other peoples lives you silly little fucker...
Fucking cowardly control freaks

You are a monstrous motherfucker. Refundable tax credits are actually supported by a majority of Americans. They actually care about people unlike you who apparently say "let them eat cake". You are the coward.
comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Bush was a liberal. And I agree with the poster above...surround the building and shout "Sozialist Raus!!!"
Socialists Come Out!

bush was only a "liberal" to someone who is a rightwingnut freak.

Actually Bush was more of a conservative that these lads... They don't want a independent federal investigators but a police force loyal to Trump, that is effectively the Gestapo...

A police force that is loyal to Obama/Hillary and the conducts espionage on the opposition candidate is perfectly OK with you?

Stuff like that is how we know you're a douchebag.

You are the ignorant douchebag that is not intelligent enough to understand how a calendar works. There was no espionage on Trump. You are a lying weasel.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost
Comey was confirmed by republican controlled Senate 93 to 1 on July 29, 2013.
The lone holdout was Rand Paul protesting drone surveillance policy.
Absolute zero issues with Comey being FBI director.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

You are confusing fake conservatives with real conservatives. You are a fake conservative. The Republican Party is composed of fake conservatives. The fact is that who they donated to is meaningless., They have experience in certain areas of the investigation. Even Trey Gowdy is defending Mueller.
So you think a "real coservstive" is idistinguishable from a liberal? Do you ever wonder wht the conservatives in here all tell you that you're full of shit?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Because I know the people saying that are not conservatives. They are driven by hate, allied with white supremacists and have lost their marbles. Ronald Reagan was a real conservative. Reagan looked for conservative solutions to problems. He got tax reform done and it was driven by doing the right thing for the country not by getting even with blue states as this tax reform was driven by. Reagan in his "Time for Choosing" speech said no man should be unable to see a doctor because he can't afford it. Yet the Republican plan to replace Obamacare was to kick people off of their insurance and pit poor against people with pre-existing conditions vs older people. Reagan was a strong supporter of the EITC. He also never would be making false accusations and promoting crazy conspiracy theories. You and other Trump supporters have no idea what being a conservative is.
You stupid motherfucker, who do you think pays for those peoples insurance. The people that are forced to pay for their insurance cannot afford it, do not want anything to do with Obama care and will never use it. So stay the fuck out other peoples lives you silly little fucker...
Fucking cowardly control freaks

You are a monstrous motherfucker. Refundable tax credits are actually supported by a majority of Americans. They actually care about people unlike you who apparently say "let them eat cake". You are the coward.
So if you oppose the EITC you are a "monstrous motherfucker?"
comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Bush was a liberal. And I agree with the poster above...surround the building and shout "Sozialist Raus!!!"
Socialists Come Out!

bush was only a "liberal" to someone who is a rightwingnut freak.

Actually Bush was more of a conservative that these lads... They don't want a independent federal investigators but a police force loyal to Trump, that is effectively the Gestapo...

A police force that is loyal to Obama/Hillary and the conducts espionage on the opposition candidate is perfectly OK with you?

Stuff like that is how we know you're a douchebag.

You are the ignorant douchebag that is not intelligent enough to understand how a calendar works. There was no espionage on Trump. You are a lying weasel.

It has already been proven there was espionage on the Trump campaign.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost
Comey was confirmed by republican controlled Senate 93 to 1 on July 29, 2013.
The lone holdout was Rand Paul protesting drone surveillance policy.
Absolute zero issues with Comey being FBI director.

So? The Senate normally confirms the appointees the President wants, unless they have some kind of serious legal issues.
Bush was a liberal. And I agree with the poster above...surround the building and shout "Sozialist Raus!!!"
Socialists Come Out!

bush was only a "liberal" to someone who is a rightwingnut freak.

Actually Bush was more of a conservative that these lads... They don't want a independent federal investigators but a police force loyal to Trump, that is effectively the Gestapo...

A police force that is loyal to Obama/Hillary and the conducts espionage on the opposition candidate is perfectly OK with you?

Stuff like that is how we know you're a douchebag.

You are the ignorant douchebag that is not intelligent enough to understand how a calendar works. There was no espionage on Trump. You are a lying weasel.

It has already been proven there was espionage on the Trump campaign.

No it hasn't .
Bush was a liberal. And I agree with the poster above...surround the building and shout "Sozialist Raus!!!"
Socialists Come Out!

bush was only a "liberal" to someone who is a rightwingnut freak.

Actually Bush was more of a conservative that these lads... They don't want a independent federal investigators but a police force loyal to Trump, that is effectively the Gestapo...

A police force that is loyal to Obama/Hillary and the conducts espionage on the opposition candidate is perfectly OK with you?

Stuff like that is how we know you're a douchebag.

You are the ignorant douchebag that is not intelligent enough to understand how a calendar works. There was no espionage on Trump. You are a lying weasel.

It has already been proven there was espionage on the Trump campaign.
That is a lie and there has never been any such proof.

Stop lying nutbar.
bush was only a "liberal" to someone who is a rightwingnut freak.

Actually Bush was more of a conservative that these lads... They don't want a independent federal investigators but a police force loyal to Trump, that is effectively the Gestapo...

A police force that is loyal to Obama/Hillary and the conducts espionage on the opposition candidate is perfectly OK with you?

Stuff like that is how we know you're a douchebag.

You are the ignorant douchebag that is not intelligent enough to understand how a calendar works. There was no espionage on Trump. You are a lying weasel.

It has already been proven there was espionage on the Trump campaign.
That is a lie and there has never been any such proof.

Stop lying nutbar.
I've encountered five FBI agents, and I wouldn't consider them liberals. I wouldn't let them in my house without a warrant, either. But that's another thing..
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost
Comey was confirmed by republican controlled Senate 93 to 1 on July 29, 2013.
The lone holdout was Rand Paul protesting drone surveillance policy.
Absolute zero issues with Comey being FBI director.

So? The Senate normally confirms the appointees the President wants, unless they have some kind of serious legal issues.
From the party of no?
If they can obstruct Merrick Garland, then could've obstructed FBI director.
You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost
Comey was confirmed by republican controlled Senate 93 to 1 on July 29, 2013.
The lone holdout was Rand Paul protesting drone surveillance policy.
Absolute zero issues with Comey being FBI director.

So? The Senate normally confirms the appointees the President wants, unless they have some kind of serious legal issues.
From the party of no?
If they can obstruct Merrick Garland, then could've obstructed FBI director.

Why would a Republican controlled Senate reject the appointee of a Republican president?
comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum

Obama appointed Comey.
Barack Obama Named James Comey FBI Chief For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost
Comey was confirmed by republican controlled Senate 93 to 1 on July 29, 2013.
The lone holdout was Rand Paul protesting drone surveillance policy.
Absolute zero issues with Comey being FBI director.

So? The Senate normally confirms the appointees the President wants, unless they have some kind of serious legal issues.
From the party of no?
If they can obstruct Merrick Garland, then could've obstructed FBI director.

Why would a Republican controlled Senate reject the appointee of a Republican president?
He was appointed deputy AG in 2003 by bush, and then worked in private sector from 2005 to 2013, then was nominated by Obama in 2013, just as described here a few posts back.
So, we would think if he was nominated by Obama, republicans would have rejected him for this so-called bias he's accused of today.

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