Message to LGBTQ people -- stop pushing your agenda into my beloved roleplaying games!!!

I knew nothing about homosexuality when I was a child, I didn't even think it existed. When kids at school started using the word "gay" and "fag" in seventh grade, I did not know what those words meant, and I don't think they did either.

I had friends who acted gay in high school, but I was still so naive I did not perceive them as gay, I just thought they acted weird. When I signed up for a drama class and saw a bunch of men prancing around acting gay, I was uncomfortable and dropped the class, but I still did not know what I was seeing.

Finally, in my first year of community college, I went to an outing with a strange nerdy female friend of mine, and at that outing I saw her other strange nerdy friends. And then I saw two men kissing each other on the lips, and I still didn't know what was going on, but I didn't like it so I left the park without saying goodbye to anyone.

So I was an innocent child, and gayness wasn't always shoved in your face back then, and people were gay, but they didn't make you look at it. And because that's the way my life was, I wish it was still that way. The constant, unrelenting, unmerciful focus of the media on gayness now irritates me.

When I was a child I still remember how confusing it was when I first saw an inter-racial couple kissing- I was a kid and mixed race relationships were not shoved in your face, and generally they didn't make you look at it.

Now I have no problem seeing mixed race couples kiss- or gay men.

And frankly I really enjoy watching two hot chicks kiss.
This thread is not about Gamergate, so go start your own thread and look it up yourself. God, you're lazy.

Blackrook ... I believe you need to re-read the Dungeon Master's Guide.
There is only one person in control of an active game ... And they have the ability to alter anything in the game/support materials/rules to suit their liking.


The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, .

Then boycott D&D.

Show them the power of offending your wallet.

You assume- like so many of your delusions- that D&D is folding to pressure- rather than D&D deciding to become more inclusive and responding to societal change.

In a game where someone can play a chaotic evil assassin you are obsessed that they tell players that they can role play any sexual orientation they want.
If the paragraph was there because they wanted to put it in, then I would not be irritated. But that's not what happened. They put it in to avoid trouble with the LGBTQ extremists, who use propaganda and economic terrorism to get what they want.
Also, it's immoral, but I guess that's not even a factor in the discussion anymore. God has been banished by the LGBTQ, and apparently anyone who still believes in him is a bigot who deserves to have his life and career destroyed. The LGBTQ people have turned into terrorists.

LOL.....just pointing out that murder is immoral, but D&D is okay with role playing an assassin.

Most gays are Christian- and I call bigots bigots.

Gays are not the ones who tried to pass laws to make Christians criminals- that is all on Christians- attempting to terrorize homosexuals.
Actually, no, it's illegal to be a Christian now.e.

Actually that is a completely idiotic claim.

Christians did pass laws that made it illegal to be homosexual- but the courts overturned them.

Meanwhile- in every city in America there are dozens and hundreds of tax exempt buildings devoted to Christians- who never get raided, never get arrested just for being in a Christian building.

Just another of one of your 'we poor Christians are soooooooooo oppressed!"
If it's legal to be Christian only on a Sunday in Church, then Christians are being persecuted.

Also, the homosexuals are destroying the Churches from within by infiltrating them and assuming leadership positions. When the Episcopalians started allowing gay priests and bishops, it broke them into tiny little pieces, and the Episcopalians Churches in Africa will never accept this, so the Church is doomed to die.

So to recap:

Christians persecuted Homosexuals for centuries- actually passing laws, and putting them in prison.
Now they can't do that.
Now- if Christians don't get special exemptions from the same laws that apply to everyone else- they are being 'persecuted'.

Not by having laws passed against them. Or by prohibiting them from holding parades. Or praying in public. Or displaying Christian symbols. But be being asked to obey the same laws as everyone else.

Poor, whiny Christians.
Also, it's immoral, but I guess that's not even a factor in the discussion anymore. God has been banished by the LGBTQ, and apparently anyone who still believes in him is a bigot who deserves to have his life and career destroyed. The LGBTQ people have turned into terrorists.

LOL.....just pointing out that murder is immoral, but D&D is okay with role playing an assassin.

Most gays are Christian- and I call bigots bigots.

Gays are not the ones who tried to pass laws to make Christians criminals- that is all on Christians- attempting to terrorize homosexuals.
Actually, no, it's illegal to be a Christian now.

If you're a Christian florist, baker, or photographer, it is illegal to tell gays that you will not provide service to their gay-wedding because it's against your Christian values.

If you're a Christian employer, even Sisters of the Poor, it is illegal for you to refuse to provide your employees birth control and abortifacients even you consider that a mortal sin.

And now, just recently, the ACLU filed a lawsuit against a Catholic hospital to force it to perform abortions. The lawsuit was thrown out, but they will keep suing hospitals until they find a more friendly judge.
What a load of crap.
Also, it's immoral, but I guess that's not even a factor in the discussion anymore. God has been banished by the LGBTQ, and apparently anyone who still believes in him is a bigot who deserves to have his life and career destroyed. The LGBTQ people have turned into terrorists.

LOL.....just pointing out that murder is immoral, but D&D is okay with role playing an assassin.

Most gays are Christian- and I call bigots bigots.

Gays are not the ones who tried to pass laws to make Christians criminals- that is all on Christians- attempting to terrorize homosexuals.
Actually, no, it's illegal to be a Christian now.e.

Actually that is a completely idiotic claim.

Christians did pass laws that made it illegal to be homosexual- but the courts overturned them.

Meanwhile- in every city in America there are dozens and hundreds of tax exempt buildings devoted to Christians- who never get raided, never get arrested just for being in a Christian building.

Just another of one of your 'we poor Christians are soooooooooo oppressed!"
If it's legal to be Christian only on a Sunday in Church, then Christians are being persecuted.

Also, the homosexuals are destroying the Churches from within by infiltrating them and assuming leadership positions. When the Episcopalians started allowing gay priests and bishops, it broke them into tiny little pieces, and the Episcopalians Churches in Africa will never accept this, so the Church is doomed to die.

Hate and prejudice is destroying the church.

>>Some local congregations, especially those designated as "Welcoming churches" in the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Methodist, Episcopal, and Brethren/Mennonite denominations, may consist of a majority of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender members.<<

LGBT-affirming Christian denominations - Wikipedia, the free ...
This thread is not about Gamergate, so go start your own thread and look it up yourself. God, you're lazy.

Blackrook ... I believe you need to re-read the Dungeon Master's Guide.
There is only one person in control of an active game ... And they have the ability to alter anything in the game/support materials/rules to suit their liking.


The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, .

Then boycott D&D.

Show them the power of offending your wallet.

You assume- like so many of your delusions- that D&D is folding to pressure- rather than D&D deciding to become more inclusive and responding to societal change.

In a game where someone can play a chaotic evil assassin you are obsessed that they tell players that they can role play any sexual orientation they want.
If the paragraph was there because they wanted to put it in, then I would not be irritated. But that's not what happened. They put it in to avoid trouble with the LGBTQ extremists, who use propaganda and economic terrorism to get what they want.

And you know that HOW?

And this'economic terrorism'- is this like the terrorism that Southern Baptists used against Disney for being 'too gay friendly'- or the economic terrorism the Catholic Church did for years by blacklisting any book or movie that they deemed too dangerous?
I knew nothing about homosexuality when I was a child, I didn't even think it existed. When kids at school started using the word "gay" and "fag" in seventh grade, I did not know what those words meant, and I don't think they did either.

I had friends who acted gay in high school, but I was still so naive I did not perceive them as gay, I just thought they acted weird. When I signed up for a drama class and saw a bunch of men prancing around acting gay, I was uncomfortable and dropped the class, but I still did not know what I was seeing.

Finally, in my first year of community college, I went to an outing with a strange nerdy female friend of mine, and at that outing I saw her other strange nerdy friends. And then I saw two men kissing each other on the lips, and I still didn't know what was going on, but I didn't like it so I left the park without saying goodbye to anyone.

So I was an innocent child, and gayness wasn't always shoved in your face back then, and people were gay, but they didn't make you look at it. And because that's the way my life was, I wish it was still that way. The constant, unrelenting, unmerciful focus of the media on gayness now irritates me.

When I was a child I still remember how confusing it was when I first saw an inter-racial couple kissing- I was a kid and mixed race relationships were not shoved in your face, and generally they didn't make you look at it.

Now I have no problem seeing mixed race couples kiss- or gay men.

And frankly I really enjoy watching two hot chicks kiss.
They said what's in the privacy of the bedroom is nobody's business, but once people went along with that they said, now you have to tolerate us doing it openly, and once people went along with that, they said now you have to accept us as normal, and that's where I draw the line. Homosexuality is not normal, it is a sexual deviation, and children should not be exposed to it because children are impressionable and imitate what they see.

I do believe environment is a part of homosexuality, and it's already proven that children raised by homosexual couples are more likely to grow up to be homosexual, or gender confused, then children of heterosexual parents.

And that concerns me, and it should concern everyone.
That's a tall boast since you don't know how much money I make or how much my net worth is. But even if it's true, if you're rich, you're idle rich. You inherited money from your Daddy and Mommy.

You play games all day. I earn more than you. I own a business chief.
Check and mate, I own a business too. You have no idea how much money I make, and I have no idea how much you make. You are being very stupid trying to one-up me on this. What I do know, however, is that you have posted nearly 39,000 posts on this forum, while I have posted less than 5,000. That means I spend a hell of a lot more time working than you do.

No it doesn't. You don't know how life works. You play role playing games at the age of 50. How hard can you work? Role playing games take lots of time. It sounds like you are some kind of admin for them. Who do you think you are fooling?

I am the Dungeon Master, but it does not take up nearly as much time to do that for an occasional game that it does for you to do nearly 39,000 posts in five years. You are handcuffed to your keyboard, my friend.

I spend about 30 hours per week working on my business with no distractions. Another 20 or so multitasking. It works well.

30 hours is a very light work schedule. And 20 hours of household chores and running to the grocery store and bank doesn't impress me. are active on other forums. Why try to lie about your life on an anonymous forum.
It's been at least a year since I've posted on any other forum. This is the only forum that doesn't try to censor me, or ban me for insulting "groups" -- whatever that means. Some guy wanted to get me in trouble for saying Chicago politics was corrupt, because Chicagoans are a "group."

None of that matters though. As you are a dummy. You think being gay is a choice. Only dummies think that.

I never said being gay is a choice, though I do note that many women in college turn lesbian, and then turn straight again when they graduate. This is called being "LUG." It really makes it clear that for many people being gay really is a choice, so if a child is exposed to homosexuality, or is seduced by a homosexual molester, it is very likely he will grow up to be homosexual.

You are the "dungeon master"? Sounds gay.
An alleged 50 year old DM playing with young people. I'm sure they relate on so many levels.
This thread is not about Gamergate, so go start your own thread and look it up yourself. God, you're lazy.

Blackrook ... I believe you need to re-read the Dungeon Master's Guide.
There is only one person in control of an active game ... And they have the ability to alter anything in the game/support materials/rules to suit their liking.

The game itself is not the problem, or my campaign. Like I said above, I have introduced an NPC who is female, but was told my her mother she was a boy, so thinks she's a male.

The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, and yet these same corporations do business in Saudi Arabia. For example, Starbucks requires men and women to use separate doors and sit in separate sections, and when the wall came down, they didn't let women in their shop at all. And yet, no consequences. It's very hypocritical.

I just don't understand why you are upset about the publishing company living in the new millennium ... Gary Gygax died in 2008.

Whatever they do to keep the game alive is what they do ... And I guarantee you there are no more than a handful of decent DM's left.
Instead of fretting about the changes in publications ... I am more likely to tell players to put their books in their bag and grab a handful of dice.

What they want ... What they think ... What happens to their characters ... Is the result of what I tell them is in front of them and what they choose to do with it.
They will be lucky to live through the first day of a campaign ... And telling me they are confused about who they are ... Only means they will start rolling random 20 sided die checks against their Constitution versus Insanity.

Believe me ... If that is the path they want to take ... We will all have fun with it.

Here's my comparison to make you understand:

Your character could decide that he or she is married, but likes to cheat on his or her spouse. You can have a long term affair with a mistress or the pool boy. You can have occasional one-night stands with strangers you meet in a singles bar. You can hire prostitutes or little boys or little girls to give you regular sex, anal sex, blow jobs and hand jobs. You can even go to a poor neighborhood and have sex with an infant who has been kidnapped for that purpose. In Dungeons & Dragons, the world is your oyster and you can do as you want!!!

Do you think the above paragraph should ALSO be in the Player's Handbook, and if not, why not?

Well let us compare shall we?
The paragraph that so offends you is this:
You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Your paragraph is this

Your character could decide that he or she is married, but likes to cheat on his or her spouse. You can have a long term affair with a mistress or the pool boy. You can have occasional one-night stands with strangers you meet in a singles bar. You can hire prostitutes or little boys or little girls to give you regular sex, anal sex, blow jobs and hand jobs. You can even go to a poor neighborhood and have sex with an infant who has been kidnapped for that purpose. In Dungeons & Dragons, the world is your oyster and you can do as you want!!!

D&D has said that character can choose to role play a character's sexual orientation.
You want to compare that to the acts of child rape.

You are really a sick bastard.

You are no better than those who accuse all Catholics of being pedophiles.
Casting a +5 AIDS enchantment on the character should do the trick. lol
This thread is not about Gamergate, so go start your own thread and look it up yourself. God, you're lazy.

Blackrook ... I believe you need to re-read the Dungeon Master's Guide.
There is only one person in control of an active game ... And they have the ability to alter anything in the game/support materials/rules to suit their liking.


The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, .

Then boycott D&D.

Show them the power of offending your wallet.

You assume- like so many of your delusions- that D&D is folding to pressure- rather than D&D deciding to become more inclusive and responding to societal change.

In a game where someone can play a chaotic evil assassin you are obsessed that they tell players that they can role play any sexual orientation they want.
If the paragraph was there because they wanted to put it in, then I would not be irritated. But that's not what happened. They put it in to avoid trouble with the LGBTQ extremists, who use propaganda and economic terrorism to get what they want.

And you know that HOW?

And this'economic terrorism'- is this like the terrorism that Southern Baptists used against Disney for being 'too gay friendly'- or the economic terrorism the Catholic Church did for years by blacklisting any book or movie that they deemed too dangerous?
I'm going to surprise you by my consistency. I oppose all blackballing by anyone. Freedom of speech and religion means nothing if a political or religious majority can destroy the livelihood of members of a minority.

To see how wrong it is, imagine a Christian group organizing a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, or a white group organizing a boycott of black-owned businesses.

This is NOT illegal, but now maybe you can see how wrong blackballing ALWAYS is.
Blackrook ... I believe you need to re-read the Dungeon Master's Guide.
There is only one person in control of an active game ... And they have the ability to alter anything in the game/support materials/rules to suit their liking.


The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, .

Then boycott D&D.

Show them the power of offending your wallet.

You assume- like so many of your delusions- that D&D is folding to pressure- rather than D&D deciding to become more inclusive and responding to societal change.

In a game where someone can play a chaotic evil assassin you are obsessed that they tell players that they can role play any sexual orientation they want.
If the paragraph was there because they wanted to put it in, then I would not be irritated. But that's not what happened. They put it in to avoid trouble with the LGBTQ extremists, who use propaganda and economic terrorism to get what they want.

And you know that HOW?

And this'economic terrorism'- is this like the terrorism that Southern Baptists used against Disney for being 'too gay friendly'- or the economic terrorism the Catholic Church did for years by blacklisting any book or movie that they deemed too dangerous?
I'm going to surprise you by my consistency. I oppose all blackballing by anyone. Freedom of speech and religion means nothing if a political or religious majority can destroy the livelihood of members of a minority.

To see how wrong it is, imagine a Christian group organizing a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, or a white group organizing a boycott of black-owned businesses.

This is NOT illegal, but now maybe you can see how wrong blackballing ALWAYS is.

So you agree that Christians use economic terrorism to get what they want?
Here's my comparison to make you understand:

Your character could decide that he or she is married, but likes to cheat on his or her spouse. You can have a long term affair with a mistress or the pool boy. You can have occasional one-night stands with strangers you meet in a singles bar. You can hire prostitutes or little boys or little girls to give you regular sex, anal sex, blow jobs and hand jobs. You can even go to a poor neighborhood and have sex with an infant who has been kidnapped for that purpose. In Dungeons & Dragons, the world is your oyster and you can do as you want!!!

Do you think the above paragraph should ALSO be in the Player's Handbook, and if not, why not?

Well let us compare shall we?
The paragraph that so offends you is this:
You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Your paragraph is this

Your character could decide that he or she is married, but likes to cheat on his or her spouse. You can have a long term affair with a mistress or the pool boy. You can have occasional one-night stands with strangers you meet in a singles bar. You can hire prostitutes or little boys or little girls to give you regular sex, anal sex, blow jobs and hand jobs. You can even go to a poor neighborhood and have sex with an infant who has been kidnapped for that purpose. In Dungeons & Dragons, the world is your oyster and you can do as you want!!!

D&D has said that character can choose to role play a character's sexual orientation.
You want to compare that to the acts of child rape.

You are really a sick bastard.

You are no better than those who accuse all Catholics of being pedophiles.
I see that on this forum all the time, almost always from liberals like you, and if I ever catch you doing it, I will remember this day and repeat what you just said.
Also, it's immoral, but I guess that's not even a factor in the discussion anymore. God has been banished by the LGBTQ, and apparently anyone who still believes in him is a bigot who deserves to have his life and career destroyed. The LGBTQ people have turned into terrorists.

LOL.....just pointing out that murder is immoral, but D&D is okay with role playing an assassin.

Most gays are Christian- and I call bigots bigots.

Gays are not the ones who tried to pass laws to make Christians criminals- that is all on Christians- attempting to terrorize homosexuals.
Actually, no, it's illegal to be a Christian now.e.

Actually that is a completely idiotic claim.

Christians did pass laws that made it illegal to be homosexual- but the courts overturned them.

Meanwhile- in every city in America there are dozens and hundreds of tax exempt buildings devoted to Christians- who never get raided, never get arrested just for being in a Christian building.

Just another of one of your 'we poor Christians are soooooooooo oppressed!"

Why should it be illegal or sinful to be born LGBT?
God create in nature and in mankind
Blackrook ... I believe you need to re-read the Dungeon Master's Guide.
There is only one person in control of an active game ... And they have the ability to alter anything in the game/support materials/rules to suit their liking.


The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, .

Then boycott D&D.

Show them the power of offending your wallet.

You assume- like so many of your delusions- that D&D is folding to pressure- rather than D&D deciding to become more inclusive and responding to societal change.

In a game where someone can play a chaotic evil assassin you are obsessed that they tell players that they can role play any sexual orientation they want.
If the paragraph was there because they wanted to put it in, then I would not be irritated. But that's not what happened. They put it in to avoid trouble with the LGBTQ extremists, who use propaganda and economic terrorism to get what they want.

And you know that HOW?

And this'economic terrorism'- is this like the terrorism that Southern Baptists used against Disney for being 'too gay friendly'- or the economic terrorism the Catholic Church did for years by blacklisting any book or movie that they deemed too dangerous?
I'm going to surprise you by my consistency. I oppose all blackballing by anyone. Freedom of speech and religion means nothing if a political or religious majority can destroy the livelihood of members of a minority.

To see how wrong it is, imagine a Christian group organizing a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, or a white group organizing a boycott of black-owned businesses.

This is NOT illegal, but now maybe you can see how wrong blackballing ALWAYS is.

You don't know anything about your own church.
I knew nothing about homosexuality when I was a child, I didn't even think it existed. When kids at school started using the word "gay" and "fag" in seventh grade, I did not know what those words meant, and I don't think they did either.

I had friends who acted gay in high school, but I was still so naive I did not perceive them as gay, I just thought they acted weird. When I signed up for a drama class and saw a bunch of men prancing around acting gay, I was uncomfortable and dropped the class, but I still did not know what I was seeing.

Finally, in my first year of community college, I went to an outing with a strange nerdy female friend of mine, and at that outing I saw her other strange nerdy friends. And then I saw two men kissing each other on the lips, and I still didn't know what was going on, but I didn't like it so I left the park without saying goodbye to anyone.

So I was an innocent child, and gayness wasn't always shoved in your face back then, and people were gay, but they didn't make you look at it. And because that's the way my life was, I wish it was still that way. The constant, unrelenting, unmerciful focus of the media on gayness now irritates me.

When I was a child I still remember how confusing it was when I first saw an inter-racial couple kissing- I was a kid and mixed race relationships were not shoved in your face, and generally they didn't make you look at it.

Now I have no problem seeing mixed race couples kiss- or gay men.

And frankly I really enjoy watching two hot chicks kiss.
They said what's in the privacy of the bedroom is nobody's business, but once people went along with that they said, now you have to tolerate us doing it openly,.

Who said we have to tolerate people having sex in the open?


50 years ago it was as offensive to many people to see a mixed race couple kissing as it offends your delicate sensibilities to see a gay couple kiss now.

No one says 'now we have to tolerate black men kissing white women in public' now- it just is.

If anyone displays too much PDA, then it is too much PDA- regardless of their race, or gender. I don't care what you consider 'normal'- hell most people don't consider playing D&D normal.
Still waiting for some proof other than your paranoia that "LGBT" people are pushing anything onto your game.
The problem is the forced political correctness that is being imposed on and by corporate America with the LGBTQ agenda. Look at all the corporations that have piled on North Carolina and Mississippi because they passed public restroom laws, .

Then boycott D&D.

Show them the power of offending your wallet.

You assume- like so many of your delusions- that D&D is folding to pressure- rather than D&D deciding to become more inclusive and responding to societal change.

In a game where someone can play a chaotic evil assassin you are obsessed that they tell players that they can role play any sexual orientation they want.
If the paragraph was there because they wanted to put it in, then I would not be irritated. But that's not what happened. They put it in to avoid trouble with the LGBTQ extremists, who use propaganda and economic terrorism to get what they want.

And you know that HOW?

And this'economic terrorism'- is this like the terrorism that Southern Baptists used against Disney for being 'too gay friendly'- or the economic terrorism the Catholic Church did for years by blacklisting any book or movie that they deemed too dangerous?
I'm going to surprise you by my consistency. I oppose all blackballing by anyone. Freedom of speech and religion means nothing if a political or religious majority can destroy the livelihood of members of a minority.

To see how wrong it is, imagine a Christian group organizing a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, or a white group organizing a boycott of black-owned businesses.

This is NOT illegal, but now maybe you can see how wrong blackballing ALWAYS is.

So you agree that Christians use economic terrorism to get what they want?
I'm calling it that because that's what it is. People are not truly have freedom of speech and religion if we live in a society where they will be punished for it.

Here's an article on the topic:

Does Free Speech Exist?

Try walking down the street of any American city with a burning American flag in your hand. The police won't arrest you, but that doesn't matter. They won't stop the people who beat you up, and if you're beaten up by a war veteran, they will make the guy a hero.

So really, there is a lot you cannot say in this country.

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