Message to LGBTQ people -- stop pushing your agenda into my beloved roleplaying games!!!

LGBTQ people demand the spotlight constantly be shined on them and their problems and their radical agenda to transform our society.

This crap has even invaded my beloved roleplaying games, with detailed explanations FORCED BY THE LGBTQ community, why it's ok to be unsure about your sexual identity with your fantasy character:

The acceptance in 5th Edition has made me incredibly happy. Thank you WOTC, thank you D&D! • /r/DnD

From the most recent printing of the Dungeons & Dragons Next (5th ed.) Players Handbook:

You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Why is this necessary? I have no frickin' idea. In the 2nd ed. of Dungeons & Dragons ("Advanced Dungeons & Dragons") genders were distinct in that maximum strength was slightly higher for males than females, which seemed a common sense concession to reality, without too much of a penalty for those who wanted to roleplay females.

But that distinction was done away with in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, and there was no difference in maximum strength between the genders.

In Pathfinder, a fantasy role playing game published by Paizo, it was put out there that all the official stock characters were bisexuals.

But now, even universal bisexualism isn't good enough.

Now we have to explicitly tell players, including children as young as four-years-old, that it's ok if their character is confused about their gender identity, and wishes with all his heart that he had no penis and testicles, or that she had no vagina.

This has reached the too-frickin'-far point. Innocent kids who play a roleplaying game should not be exposed to the mentally unstable gender confusion of adults who think that there is no such thing as God, and therefore no objective reality, and therefore no objective truth regarding what gender you belong to.

Your body defines your gender. If you have a penis and testicles, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female. God decided that when he gave you a penis and testicles or a vagina. You don't get to decide. Your DNA is your destiny, like it or not. The only people who SHOULD have a problem with this are hermaphrodites, but that's a rare condition and is biological in nature. If you have a clearly defined penis and testicles or vagina, you have no excuse to be confused about what gender you are.

Stop exposing little children who just want to play a game to your gender confusion problems. Roleplaying games are not the "safe place" you should be looking for. Go find some adult venue to talk about your gender identity problems, and only talk to people who care, because most of us don't.

Because in a fantasy role playing game.....heaven forbid that any player want to role play a sexual orientation.....

Let us all know when the ghost of Gary Gygax forces you to play a hermaphrodite elf character.
Lonelaugher, I know you rated my last post "funny" because that's the closet thing to a negative rating you could come up with, not because you actually thought it was funny.

But tell me, how do you have time for nearly 39,000 posts and still hold down a job? I cannot see that as possible.

Idiot. My posts are short. I could buy you twice, gameboi.
That's a tall boast since you don't know how much money I make or how much my net worth is. But even if it's true, if you're rich, you're idle rich. You inherited money from your Daddy and Mommy.

You play games all day. I earn more than you. I own a business chief.
Check and mate, I own a business too. You have no idea how much money I make, and I have no idea how much you make. You are being very stupid trying to one-up me on this. What I do know, however, is that you have posted nearly 39,000 posts on this forum, while I have posted less than 5,000. That means I spend a hell of a lot more time working than you do.

No it doesn't. You don't know how life works. You play role playing games at the age of 50. How hard can you work? Role playing games take lots of time. It sounds like you are some kind of admin for them. Who do you think you are fooling?

I am the Dungeon Master, but it does not take up nearly as much time to do that for an occasional game that it does for you to do nearly 39,000 posts in five years. You are handcuffed to your keyboard, my friend.

I spend about 30 hours per week working on my business with no distractions. Another 20 or so multitasking. It works well.

30 hours is a very light work schedule. And 20 hours of household chores and running to the grocery store and bank doesn't impress me. are active on other forums. Why try to lie about your life on an anonymous forum.
It's been at least a year since I've posted on any other forum. This is the only forum that doesn't try to censor me, or ban me for insulting "groups" -- whatever that means. Some guy wanted to get me in trouble for saying Chicago politics was corrupt, because Chicagoans are a "group."

None of that matters though. As you are a dummy. You think being gay is a choice. Only dummies think that.

I never said being gay is a choice, though I do note that many women in college turn lesbian, and then turn straight again when they graduate. This is called being "LUG." It really makes it clear that for many people being gay really is a choice, so if a child is exposed to homosexuality, or is seduced by a homosexual molester, it is very likely he will grow up to be homosexual.
LGBTQ people demand the spotlight constantly be shined on them and their problems and their radical agenda to transform our society.

This crap has even invaded my beloved roleplaying games, with detailed explanations FORCED BY THE LGBTQ community, why it's ok to be unsure about your sexual identity with your fantasy character:

The acceptance in 5th Edition has made me incredibly happy. Thank you WOTC, thank you D&D! • /r/DnD

From the most recent printing of the Dungeons & Dragons Next (5th ed.) Players Handbook:

You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Why is this necessary? I have no frickin' idea. In the 2nd ed. of Dungeons & Dragons ("Advanced Dungeons & Dragons") genders were distinct in that maximum strength was slightly higher for males than females, which seemed a common sense concession to reality, without too much of a penalty for those who wanted to roleplay females.

But that distinction was done away with in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, and there was no difference in maximum strength between the genders.

In Pathfinder, a fantasy role playing game published by Paizo, it was put out there that all the official stock characters were bisexuals.

But now, even universal bisexualism isn't good enough.

Now we have to explicitly tell players, including children as young as four-years-old, that it's ok if their character is confused about their sexual identity, and wishes with all his heart that he had no penis and testicles, or that she had no vagina.

This has reached the too-frickin'-far point. Innocent kids who play a roleplaying game should not be exposed to the mentally unstable gender confusion of adults who think that there is no such thing as God, and therefore no objective reality, and therefore no objective truth regarding what gender you belong to.

Your body defines your gender. If you have a penis and testicles, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female. God decided that when he gave you a penis and testicles or a vagina. You don't get to decide. Your DNA is your destiny, like it or not. The only people who SHOULD have a problem with this are hermaphrodites, but that's a rare condition and is biological in nature. If you have a clearly defined penis and testicles or vagina, you have no excuse to be confused about what gender you are.

Stop exposing little children who just want to play a game to your gender confusion problems. Roleplaying games are not the "safe place" you should be looking for. Go find some adult venue to talk about your gender identity problems, and only talk to people who care, because most of us don't.

This stuff is getting ridiculous now....definately entering the full-on Twilight Zone soon.

I figured that Lucy was of the camp that D&D was a form of Satanic worship.....
What I'm saying is, it need not be said. If someone really wants to be gay in the game, I'll allow it. But there is no need for a special paragraph in the Player's Handbook that any impressionable child can read, and get confused by.
Children are not confused, excerpt as to why anyone would care. They accept gay people. For people like yourself (and to much lesser degree, me) this kind of acceptance seems contrived and political. The difference between us is that I accept the need for demanding tolerance. I have had first hand experience of the kind of discrimination and violence which gay people face. I will never be comfortable seeing open displays of affection from two gay men (while two gay women wouldn't bother me in the least). Nonetheless, I understand that when a group is required to organize in order to guarantee their rights, there will always be a backlash against every gain that they make. You appear to be that backlash.
Yes, I understand that I represent backlash. As a Christian, I live in a society that is becoming increasingly alien to everything I believe. Three thousand unborn babies are murdered every day in this country, and some are murdered only a few miles away from where I live. I am totally without any power, even the power to vote, to stop this wholesale massacre of innocent lives. I grow increasingly frustrated in a world that is becoming a darker and less loving every day. And by love, I mean the Christian kind of love that welcomes all human life into the world, regardless of handicap or birth defect. Down's Syndrome people have become very rare, and some people think that's progress, but that progress was acheived through genocide of Down's Syndrome babies, not through advancement of medicine or science. Increasingly, doctors will stop looking for cures to ailments because they can terminate the lives of their patients instead. This is already happening in the Netherlands, and soon euthanasia will be practiced in this country as well.

You want fewer abortions? Make birth control readily available and teach people how to use it.
Everyone who knows how to fuck knows how to put on a condom and they cost a few bucks in any drug store. That's a fucking lame excuse, and really the fact that you made it proves once again what a lying liar you are.
There is a movement afoot by the modern feminist movement (I say modern since it is mostly LGBTQ and not traditional feminist) to tell the world that white males who play roleplaying games are dangerous rapists who hate women, minorities, and LGBTQ people, and won't let them play.

This is a dirty lie..

LOL- who is telling this 'dirty lie'?


I just wonder, because my role playing game group hasn't heard of it.

But I have only been been playing these games for the last 40 years so maybe I missed something.
You act like you know more about what children need than other people. Why is that?
Because I raised three children, and I am a good father, as my three children and my wife, and everyone else who knows me would tell you.

I spend more time with my son's friends than their own fathers do, and I am more of a father than any of them have ever had. We play roleplaying games, and through that I try to teach them lessons of what I know of the world from the perspective of a 50-year-old man who has seen a lot.

I do not approve of homosexual marriage, but the gay male married couple are welcome to play in my game because I know the difference between disapproval and intolerance. That's a distinction that has been plowed down by the radical gay agenda folks, who say that anyone who disapproves of homosexual marriage is a "hater" and deserves to be utterly destroyed.

Typically, the usual radical hateful liberals are lying about what I said in the OP. I did not say I will not play roleplaying games with LGBTQ folks, in my second post and afterwards I made it clear that a gay male DID play a key role in my last campaign, and that he and his husband are welcome to play again if they move back from Ohio, which is what they are planning to do.

I am sure they are aware that I, a traditional Catholic, disapprove of their lifestyle but that does not have to interfere with our friendship. As a Christian who follows what the Bible says, I have no choice but to disapprove of homosexuality, it is explicitly said in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin.

But disapproval is not the same as intolerance. I can be friends with people who do things I disapprove of. I'm sure that among my friends are many people who do things I disapprove of, especially such common sins like adultery and fornication.

Like I said, and I said it again, LGBQT are not special snowflakes. But there is no other group of sinners seeking approval for the sins they commit. We do not have idol worshippers, adulterers, thieves and murderers demanding that we approve of what they do. LGBTQ are the only group doing that.

You have no credentials that I don't have. I think you should tell your kids all about gay people and how your God made them just like he made everyone else.

You don't even have a job do you?

Why would you say something so stupid?
I asked you because you have an insane number of posts, nearly 39,000 in five years. You must be on this forum non-stop. That's why I can always count on you to jump on all my threads and register your disapproval, you and Clayton who thinks everything is a "straw man fallacy" because he doesn't know what that is.
Look at you....flailing around looking for something to attack posters with. :lol:
LGBTQ people demand the spotlight constantly be shined on them and their problems and their radical agenda to transform our society.

This crap has even invaded my beloved roleplaying games, with detailed explanations FORCED BY THE LGBTQ community, why it's ok to be unsure about your sexual identity with your fantasy character:

The acceptance in 5th Edition has made me incredibly happy. Thank you WOTC, thank you D&D! • /r/DnD

From the most recent printing of the Dungeons & Dragons Next (5th ed.) Players Handbook:

You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Why is this necessary? I have no frickin' idea. In the 2nd ed. of Dungeons & Dragons ("Advanced Dungeons & Dragons") genders were distinct in that maximum strength was slightly higher for males than females, which seemed a common sense concession to reality, without too much of a penalty for those who wanted to roleplay females.

But that distinction was done away with in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, and there was no difference in maximum strength between the genders.

In Pathfinder, a fantasy role playing game published by Paizo, it was put out there that all the official stock characters were bisexuals.

But now, even universal bisexualism isn't good enough.

Now we have to explicitly tell players, including children as young as four-years-old, that it's ok if their character is confused about their gender identity, and wishes with all his heart that he had no penis and testicles, or that she had no vagina.

This has reached the too-frickin'-far point. Innocent kids who play a roleplaying game should not be exposed to the mentally unstable gender confusion of adults who think that there is no such thing as God, and therefore no objective reality, and therefore no objective truth regarding what gender you belong to.

Your body defines your gender. If you have a penis and testicles, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female. God decided that when he gave you a penis and testicles or a vagina. You don't get to decide. Your DNA is your destiny, like it or not. The only people who SHOULD have a problem with this are hermaphrodites, but that's a rare condition and is biological in nature. If you have a clearly defined penis and testicles or vagina, you have no excuse to be confused about what gender you are.

Stop exposing little children who just want to play a game to your gender confusion problems. Roleplaying games are not the "safe place" you should be looking for. Go find some adult venue to talk about your gender identity problems, and only talk to people who care, because most of us don't.

Because in a fantasy role playing game.....heaven forbid that any player want to role play a sexual orientation.....

Let us all know when the ghost of Gary Gygax forces you to play a hermaphrodite elf character.
You have more than 24,000 posts in less than two years, so you also must be unemployed, or idle rich like LoneLaugher.
There is a movement afoot by the modern feminist movement (I say modern since it is mostly LGBTQ and not traditional feminist) to tell the world that white males who play roleplaying games are dangerous rapists who hate women, minorities, and LGBTQ people, and won't let them play.

This is a dirty lie..

LOL- who is telling this 'dirty lie'?


I just wonder, because my role playing game group hasn't heard of it.

But I have only been been playing these games for the last 40 years so maybe I missed something.
OK, well it's all over the internet, Facebook and Twitter so you're just telling me you're stupid and ignorant when you tell me you haven't heard of this.
LGBTQ people demand the spotlight constantly be shined on them and their problems and their radical agenda to transform our society.

This crap has even invaded my beloved roleplaying games, with detailed explanations FORCED BY THE LGBTQ community, why it's ok to be unsure about your sexual identity with your fantasy character:

The acceptance in 5th Edition has made me incredibly happy. Thank you WOTC, thank you D&D! • /r/DnD

From the most recent printing of the Dungeons & Dragons Next (5th ed.) Players Handbook:

You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Why is this necessary? I have no frickin' idea. In the 2nd ed. of Dungeons & Dragons ("Advanced Dungeons & Dragons") genders were distinct in that maximum strength was slightly higher for males than females, which seemed a common sense concession to reality, without too much of a penalty for those who wanted to roleplay females.

But that distinction was done away with in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, and there was no difference in maximum strength between the genders.

In Pathfinder, a fantasy role playing game published by Paizo, it was put out there that all the official stock characters were bisexuals.

But now, even universal bisexualism isn't good enough.

Now we have to explicitly tell players, including children as young as four-years-old, that it's ok if their character is confused about their gender identity, and wishes with all his heart that he had no penis and testicles, or that she had no vagina.

This has reached the too-frickin'-far point. Innocent kids who play a roleplaying game should not be exposed to the mentally unstable gender confusion of adults who think that there is no such thing as God, and therefore no objective reality, and therefore no objective truth regarding what gender you belong to.

Your body defines your gender. If you have a penis and testicles, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female. God decided that when he gave you a penis and testicles or a vagina. You don't get to decide. Your DNA is your destiny, like it or not. The only people who SHOULD have a problem with this are hermaphrodites, but that's a rare condition and is biological in nature. If you have a clearly defined penis and testicles or vagina, you have no excuse to be confused about what gender you are.

Stop exposing little children who just want to play a game to your gender confusion problems. Roleplaying games are not the "safe place" you should be looking for. Go find some adult venue to talk about your gender identity problems, and only talk to people who care, because most of us don't.
Straw man fallacy, a ridiculous lie.

The only thing gay and transgender Americans demand is their civil rights and to be left alone.

Indeed, gay and transgender Americans wish only to live their lives quietly, out of the ‘spotlight,’ like all other private citizens.

If you’re ‘tired’ of ‘hearing about’ gay and transgender Americans, then stop discriminating against them and seeking to disadvantage them through force of law.
If they want to be out of the "spotlight" why do they have "Gay Pride" parades where they flaunt their special selves, and why do they demand their own "special paragraph" just for them in the player's handbook of every roleplaying game?

Who demanded that 'special paragraph' Blackrook?

Which 'gay' person forced D&D to put that in the book?

As a gamer, I am finding your outrage to be hilariously at odds with the whole concept of 'fantasy role playing games'.

You are okay with D&D saying that someone can have as a character a 1/2 orc chaotic evil murderer- but outraged that they say someone can play a gay character.

Kind of missing the point of the 'fantasy role playing'
Because I raised three children, and I am a good father, as my three children and my wife, and everyone else who knows me would tell you.

I spend more time with my son's friends than their own fathers do, and I am more of a father than any of them have ever had. We play roleplaying games, and through that I try to teach them lessons of what I know of the world from the perspective of a 50-year-old man who has seen a lot.

I do not approve of homosexual marriage, but the gay male married couple are welcome to play in my game because I know the difference between disapproval and intolerance. That's a distinction that has been plowed down by the radical gay agenda folks, who say that anyone who disapproves of homosexual marriage is a "hater" and deserves to be utterly destroyed.

Typically, the usual radical hateful liberals are lying about what I said in the OP. I did not say I will not play roleplaying games with LGBTQ folks, in my second post and afterwards I made it clear that a gay male DID play a key role in my last campaign, and that he and his husband are welcome to play again if they move back from Ohio, which is what they are planning to do.

I am sure they are aware that I, a traditional Catholic, disapprove of their lifestyle but that does not have to interfere with our friendship. As a Christian who follows what the Bible says, I have no choice but to disapprove of homosexuality, it is explicitly said in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin.

But disapproval is not the same as intolerance. I can be friends with people who do things I disapprove of. I'm sure that among my friends are many people who do things I disapprove of, especially such common sins like adultery and fornication.

Like I said, and I said it again, LGBQT are not special snowflakes. But there is no other group of sinners seeking approval for the sins they commit. We do not have idol worshippers, adulterers, thieves and murderers demanding that we approve of what they do. LGBTQ are the only group doing that.

You have no credentials that I don't have. I think you should tell your kids all about gay people and how your God made them just like he made everyone else.

You don't even have a job do you?

Why would you say something so stupid?
I asked you because you have an insane number of posts, nearly 39,000 in five years. You must be on this forum non-stop. That's why I can always count on you to jump on all my threads and register your disapproval, you and Clayton who thinks everything is a "straw man fallacy" because he doesn't know what that is.
Look at you....flailing around looking for something to attack posters with. :lol:
I note that you have more than 80,000 posts in just nine years, so you also do not have a job.
What I'm saying is, it need not be said. If someone really wants to be gay in the game, I'll allow it. But there is no need for a special paragraph in the Player's Handbook that any impressionable child can read, and get confused by.

As opposed to being confused by playing a chaotic evil elf who wants to murder an entire town?
There is a movement afoot by the modern feminist movement (I say modern since it is mostly LGBTQ and not traditional feminist) to tell the world that white males who play roleplaying games are dangerous rapists who hate women, minorities, and LGBTQ people, and won't let them play.

This is a dirty lie..

LOL- who is telling this 'dirty lie'?


I just wonder, because my role playing game group hasn't heard of it.

But I have only been been playing these games for the last 40 years so maybe I missed something.
OK, well it's all over the internet, Facebook and Twitter so you're just telling me you're stupid and ignorant when you tell me you haven't heard of this.

'it's all over the internet'

And yet you couldn't provide a single example?
Also, it's immoral, but I guess that's not even a factor in the discussion anymore. God has been banished by the LGBTQ, and apparently anyone who still believes in him is a bigot who deserves to have his life and career destroyed. The LGBTQ people have turned into terrorists.

LOL.....just pointing out that murder is immoral, but D&D is okay with role playing an assassin.

Most gays are Christian- and I call bigots bigots.

Gays are not the ones who tried to pass laws to make Christians criminals- that is all on Christians- attempting to terrorize homosexuals.
LGBTQ people demand the spotlight constantly be shined on them and their problems and their radical agenda to transform our society.

This crap has even invaded my beloved roleplaying games, with detailed explanations FORCED BY THE LGBTQ community, why it's ok to be unsure about your sexual identity with your fantasy character:

The acceptance in 5th Edition has made me incredibly happy. Thank you WOTC, thank you D&D! • /r/DnD

From the most recent printing of the Dungeons & Dragons Next (5th ed.) Players Handbook:

You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

Why is this necessary? I have no frickin' idea. In the 2nd ed. of Dungeons & Dragons ("Advanced Dungeons & Dragons") genders were distinct in that maximum strength was slightly higher for males than females, which seemed a common sense concession to reality, without too much of a penalty for those who wanted to roleplay females.

But that distinction was done away with in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, and there was no difference in maximum strength between the genders.

In Pathfinder, a fantasy role playing game published by Paizo, it was put out there that all the official stock characters were bisexuals.

But now, even universal bisexualism isn't good enough.

Now we have to explicitly tell players, including children as young as four-years-old, that it's ok if their character is confused about their gender identity, and wishes with all his heart that he had no penis and testicles, or that she had no vagina.

This has reached the too-frickin'-far point. Innocent kids who play a roleplaying game should not be exposed to the mentally unstable gender confusion of adults who think that there is no such thing as God, and therefore no objective reality, and therefore no objective truth regarding what gender you belong to.

Your body defines your gender. If you have a penis and testicles, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female. God decided that when he gave you a penis and testicles or a vagina. You don't get to decide. Your DNA is your destiny, like it or not. The only people who SHOULD have a problem with this are hermaphrodites, but that's a rare condition and is biological in nature. If you have a clearly defined penis and testicles or vagina, you have no excuse to be confused about what gender you are.

Stop exposing little children who just want to play a game to your gender confusion problems. Roleplaying games are not the "safe place" you should be looking for. Go find some adult venue to talk about your gender identity problems, and only talk to people who care, because most of us don't.
Straw man fallacy, a ridiculous lie.

The only thing gay and transgender Americans demand is their civil rights and to be left alone.

Indeed, gay and transgender Americans wish only to live their lives quietly, out of the ‘spotlight,’ like all other private citizens.

If you’re ‘tired’ of ‘hearing about’ gay and transgender Americans, then stop discriminating against them and seeking to disadvantage them through force of law.
If they want to be out of the "spotlight" why do they have "Gay Pride" parades where they flaunt their special selves, and why do they demand their own "special paragraph" just for them in the player's handbook of every roleplaying game?

Who demanded that 'special paragraph' Blackrook?

Which 'gay' person forced D&D to put that in the book?

As a gamer, I am finding your outrage to be hilariously at odds with the whole concept of 'fantasy role playing games'.

You are okay with D&D saying that someone can have as a character a 1/2 orc chaotic evil murderer- but outraged that they say someone can play a gay character.

Kind of missing the point of the 'fantasy role playing'
They actually did try to take evil options out of the game for awhile, they took out half-orcs, the assassin class, and all of it was to please people who don't play D&D any way.

But I do play the game, and I'm not annoyed so much by the gayness, but by the required hand job penis polishing that game publishers are required to do to satisfy the radical LGBTQ folks, or else face an economically destructive boycott, like what they do to all companies and people who oppose them.
There is a movement afoot by the modern feminist movement (I say modern since it is mostly LGBTQ and not traditional feminist) to tell the world that white males who play roleplaying games are dangerous rapists who hate women, minorities, and LGBTQ people, and won't let them play.

This is a dirty lie..

LOL- who is telling this 'dirty lie'?


I just wonder, because my role playing game group hasn't heard of it.

But I have only been been playing these games for the last 40 years so maybe I missed something.
OK, well it's all over the internet, Facebook and Twitter so you're just telling me you're stupid and ignorant when you tell me you haven't heard of this.

'it's all over the internet'

And yet you couldn't provide a single example?
This thread is not about Gamergate, so go start your own thread and look it up yourself. God, you're lazy.
All I'm saying is that this gender confusion crap doesn't need to be in book that will be read by children. That's all I'm saying. We already have gay parents encouraging their children to be gender confused, and we don't need more mind-twisted unhappy children.

This in a book that describes how a character can choose to be chaotic evil- and provides examples to help the player know what chaotic evil means.

I think it is telling that you have no problem with D&D telling 'children' about that- but you have a real problem with them telling children that 'gay is okay'.
You have no credentials that I don't have. I think you should tell your kids all about gay people and how your God made them just like he made everyone else.

You don't even have a job do you?

Why would you say something so stupid?
I asked you because you have an insane number of posts, nearly 39,000 in five years. You must be on this forum non-stop. That's why I can always count on you to jump on all my threads and register your disapproval, you and Clayton who thinks everything is a "straw man fallacy" because he doesn't know what that is.
Look at you....flailing around looking for something to attack posters with. :lol:
I note that you have more than 80,000 posts in just nine years, so you also do not have a job.
Yes I do...I wish to congratulate you for being able to read a numeral that high....:clap:

And I'm retired Navy....where I learned how to play AD&D...with my CO.

When did you have the time to serve your country? (since you want to go off topic to find things to needle people about, it's all fair game now)
But I do play the game, and I'm not annoyed so much by the gayness, but by the required hand job penis polishing that game publishers are required to do to satisfy the radical LGBTQ folks, or else face an economically destructive boycott, like what they do to all companies and people who oppose them.

LOL... tell us more about this 'polishing' that you are fantasizing about....

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