Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath


“Beyond what I have said here... I do not believe it is appropriate for me to speak further.”

...except to add this additional extra narrative today - more opinionated / extra narrative that failed to have any impact in HIS and HIS TEAM'S decision made in the report.

** Anything he states today, IMO, should be completely ignored SINCE HE IS NOT WILLING TO BACK UP / SUBSTANTIATE WHAT HE SAYS UNDER OATH.

Mueller: 'If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so' – live

Graham needs to subpoena Mueller.
/——/ If you can’t indict a sitting president, why did we go through this dog and pony show?
See, here's how this works Meuller, you hold a press conference and announce that you were unable to find the president guilty of any illegal wrongdoing.

You don't get up there, and announce you were unable to find for certain the president is innocent.
Here's the deal.

As far as Collusion, none was found. As far as obstruction, he made NO conclusion, so basically its OVER.

In the Ken Start Report, Clinton was labeled GUILTY five times. In the Mueller Report, Trump was never declared GUILTY of anything! That's telling!

Collusion is not a crime Mueller investigated. The report site many instances of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russians. Mueller was not able to conclude that there was a conspiracy or agreement between Trump and the Russian Government, but he certainly didn't find "no collusion". It's documented in the report
So what Crime was Mueller Investigating?

You have to have committed a crime to have an investigation, since impeachment requires you be found guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Again, someone tell me why Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel at all, since he had No Crime Scene and No Evidence of a Crime to even Investigate?

Ignorance is bliss. Are you saying you don't know there is not a crime called collusion? Read the report and you too will know what crimes he was investigating.
Ignorance of a Crime that there is no evidence to suggest even occurred, is bliss, and so you are correct, there was no reason to appoint Mueller.

Crimes had to be committed to get Mueller appointed. Comey committed them, Yates, Rosenstein and McCabe and others.

This is why FISA needs abolished along with The Patriot Act as it allows The Government to violate people's Civil Rights.

There is No Crime called Political Collusion in US Code. There was also no Crime Scene where this occurred, and no evidence of a crime.

So again, I ask you, since impeachment requires proof of "high crimes and misdemeanors" why was Mueller appointed?

Please site US Code of a misdemeanor or high crime The President Committed that justifies Mueller's appointment to investigate

The whole thing is a joke. Mueller knew for the first 18 months of his illegitimate investigation that there was NO COLLUSION and he was involved in a hoax, let alone any actual evidence of any actual crimes The President committed could even be found.

The whole thing was designed to manufacture crimes and to do political damage to The President. Nothing more.

Please explain to me how an Investigation in search of a crime works when there is no evidence of a crime being committed.
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.
Close. The Muel Team's job was to uncover criminality … which they specifically did not. It wasn't to exonerate anyone.
And their report was an internal DOJ document meaning all that was required of Barr was to summarize its findings for congress. Barr - with Trump's blessing - decided to make virtually the entire report not only available to congress but also to the public.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
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If Mueller has anything worthwhile to say, anything he truly feels strong enough to defend / substantiate, let him do so under oath before Congress; otherwise, this was more meaningless unsubstantiated BS...

As Mueller stated, this investigation is OVER! It ended with ZERO indictments of anyone and ZERO convictions of anyone for the NON-crime of 'illegal collusion' (for which a bogus investigation was opened with an un-necessary Special Counsel appointed to head up the bogus investigation of the NON-crime).

Mueller now gets to walk off into the proverbial sunset....while Rosenstein's, Clapper's, Brennan's, and Comey's NUTS remain in a vice as they are continuing to be investigated by the DOJ and as they wait for the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses....
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.

Where are you getting he was supposed to give his report to anyone but the AG?

Good point. The Special Counsel reports to the Attorney General. Mueller isn't a separate, independent branch of government.

By Special Counsel LAW, he reports to the Attorney General.

By LAW Mueller reports his findings to the Attorney General, on his decisions for Prosecution or to Decline to Prosecute and explain why.

Special Counsel LAW Democrats continually ignore, they think a department policy can override a Congressional law.

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel."
Collusion is not a crime Mueller investigated.
So you admit there should never have been an investigation to begin with....

Thank you for admitting there was NEVER any evidence of a crime committed by Trump or anyone on his team that warranted an investigation or Special Counsel appointment.

If it was OBVIOUS from the start that there was NO illegal collusion, as you state collusion is not a crime, then Mueller had to know almost immediately no crime had been committed, none worth an investigation and none worth his appointment as Special Counsel..

...and that has to mean he continued using 'Illegal Collusion' as an excuse to continue his Witch Hunt, digging into anything he could, allowing the FBI to try to set up Papadopoulos and others to provide Mueller with the opportunity to try to get 'process crimes' on Trump associates - crimes that had nothing to do with the investigation - so he could squeeze them to try to get them to provide evidence of any crime on Trump...something that he did not have....and could never come up with.

Hey you snipped out the part where the Mueller report listed several instances of collusion, not to mention the crime he investigated was Conspiracy, since collusion is not a crime . What a pathetic false narrative you're diving.
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.
Close. The Muel Team's job was to uncover criminality … which they specifically did not. It wasn't to exonerate anyone.
And their report was an internal DOJ document meaning all that was required of Barr was summarize its findings for congress. Barr - with Trump's blessing - decided to make virtually the entire report not only available to congress but also to the public.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

The goal wasn't to uncover criminality, the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS, and to determine if the Trump Campaign in general, including Donald Trump, broke any laws in regard to both in regards to their dealings with Russians, and in obstructing the investigations into Russian interference.
All this is designed to keep Mueller from testifying under oath. Once sworn, the questions can go anywhere - including his own culpability. That would force him to: come clean, take the 5th or commit perjury.
And as such he will wait for the IG and DOJ investigations into the investigators rather than voluntarily step in that steaming pile which may contain a bear trap.
Your Honor, I cannot even Find a Crime that was Committed, let alone any Evidence to suggest a crime was committed.
I cannot even find The Crime Scene.


Why am I here again?
Hey you snipped out the part where the Mueller report listed several instances of collusion, not to mention the crime he investigated was Conspiracy, since collusion is not a crime . What a pathetic false narrative you're diving.
Neither 'collusion' or the crime of 'Conspiracy' was proven...against ANYONE on the Trump team!

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.
Where are you getting he was supposed to give his report to anyone but the AG?
CNN/PMSNBC. They feed our hysterical D-Ladies lies which they eagerly swallow. I used to enjoy the comical value of leftarded news but they have been reduced to simply lying in a pitiful attempt to hang on to what is left of their audience.
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.
Close. The Muel Team's job was to uncover criminality … which they specifically did not. It wasn't to exonerate anyone.
And their report was an internal DOJ document meaning all that was required of Barr was summarize its findings for congress. Barr - with Trump's blessing - decided to make virtually the entire report not only available to congress but also to the public.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

The goal wasn't to uncover criminality, the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS, and to determine if the Trump Campaign in general, including Donald Trump, broke any laws in regard to both in regards to their dealings with Russians, and in obstructing the investigations into Russian interference.
Yah, and that is why Mueller avoided Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Spying like they had The Bubonic Plague.

You don't claim that, and ignore the only Fake Evidence you had that got you the Fake Job for your Fake Investigation.

Why Ignore The Dirty Russian Dossier that was THE SOLE REASON for The Witch Hunt?


President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.
Close. The Muel Team's job was to uncover criminality … which they specifically did not. It wasn't to exonerate anyone.
And their report was an internal DOJ document meaning all that was required of Barr was summarize its findings for congress. Barr - with Trump's blessing - decided to make virtually the entire report not only available to congress but also to the public.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

The goal wasn't to uncover criminality, the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS, and to determine if the Trump Campaign in general, including Donald Trump, broke any laws in regard to both in regards to their dealings with Russians, and in obstructing the investigations into Russian interference.
How do you "uncover criminality" if there was no crime committed for you to investigate?

You mean a witch hunt, or an investigation in search of a crime.

First you identify your victim, then you investigate their entire life to see if they committed any crimes.

That is not how investigations and our justice system works.

It's how they do things in The Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Venezuela.

It's how ISIS, and Al Queada operate.

In other words what we witnessed and endured was The Weaponization of the Government against We The People, because there was no Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, nor any protections of any one's Civil Rights in any of this.

It was a Grotesque Invention of President Trump's enemies, and Obama, Putin, and Clinton's allies, and it was an extreme abuse of power by The Obama Administration.

Now that is an impeachable offense..things like abuse of power and violations of Civil Rights by people in power. Spying on political rivals and launching Fake Investigations based on Fake Evidence ARE REAL CRIMES! Initiating a COUP and trying to Illegally overturn an Election is a REAL CRIME!

Obama committed Treason. It's that simple.
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Mueller admits he cannot prove Trump is not an extraterrestrial from the Vegan star system. “Trumps behavior might be suggestive, but in the end, we could not prove he is not a Vegan.”
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President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.
Close. The Muel Team's job was to uncover criminality … which they specifically did not. It wasn't to exonerate anyone.
And their report was an internal DOJ document meaning all that was required of Barr was summarize its findings for congress. Barr - with Trump's blessing - decided to make virtually the entire report not only available to congress but also to the public.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

The goal wasn't to uncover criminality, the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS, and to determine if the Trump Campaign in general, including Donald Trump, broke any laws in regard to both in regards to their dealings with Russians, and in obstructing the investigations into Russian interference.
You contradict yourself. You state "The goal wasn't to uncover criminality," but and in the same sentence you admit "the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS, and to determine if the Trump Campaign in general, including Donald Trump, broke any laws..."

To determine if the Trump campaign broke any laws is - by definition - an attempt to uncover criminality.

The Mueller witch-hunt was a prosecutorial investigation. We already knew what happened in 2016 (Foreign meddling) but for some reason you continue to spew the same erroneous silliness. Evidently you hope that by repeating your ignorance the outcome of Mueller's witch-hunt will magically be changed. It won't but your spinning is the very definition of - drum roll, please - TDS insanity.
The goal wasn't to uncover criminality, the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS,


DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted that the DNC rigged the primaries for Hillary, helped her cheat in debates during the primaries...evidence showed she committed campaign finance violations... Leaked DNC e-mails substantiated all of this.

If anyone was looking for an attempt made to alter the 2016 election, THERE YOU GO!

Evidence proved Hillary Clinton actually DID what the Democrats / Mueller could only claim but never prove Trump did: Hillary conspired / colluded with a proven Trump-hating foreign spy who was working with the Russians (and for the FBI), who sold her Russian-authored propaganda, what is now suspected to be intentional false Russian information that was part of their Counter-Intelligence operation against the United States.

This information was purchased by Hillary with the intent of affecting the 2016 Presidential election.

This KNOWN false information was intentionally used by Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI to affect the outcome of the 2016 election!

If anyone was looking for an attempt made to alter the 2016 election, THERE YOU GO!

Mueller intentionally ignored these exposed crimes - and more - during his singularly focused investigation of Donald Trump in an attempt to take down Trump...and it failed.
Bob Mueller spoke & he spoke these words.

"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime.”

This is EXACTLY why it is the function of Congress to pursue the matter within their responsibility of over sight concerning the abuse of power by the executive, period. any real prosecutor will state...if they aren't prosecuting, they aren't supposed to say anything....mueller is an asshat trying to help the democrats ...........

Perhaps you should go and watch "Minority Report," since that is what mueller seems to want to imply here....
Mueller is a lifelong republican appointed by republicans. While Trump is an absolute fucking disgrace and a stain on the honor of this nation that we’ll never be able erase. Go fuck yourself.

Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars....

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....

I had my questions about Mueller's motives once he assembled the team that he did, and he convinced me today that he is a totally unethical and unprincipled person.

Lawrence Walsh, special counsel in the Iran/Contra investigation, concluded that both President Reagan and Vice President Bush had violated rules/broken the law, but they were crimes for which there were no penalties. In other words, there was no point in prosecuting them. I don't even remember what those infractions were and don't care enough to look it up.

Ken Starr did not indict or suggest President Clinton should be indicted. But in his report he clearly indicated 13 specific crimes committed by President Clinton along with his evidence for that. It was then left up to Congress what to do with it.

Mueller had two years and millions of dollars to use to investigate. The White House provided him 1.4 million documents and refused him none. No executive privilege was evoked to prevent him from interviewing people or otherwise seeking evidence. He interviewed 500 people and indicted several--none for crimes that had anything to do with President Trump--dragged their names through the mud, broke them financially, ruined them professionally, and put unconscionable stress on their families trying to get some dirt on the President, and had the most maliciously partisan team hostile to President Trump and pro Hillary that he could have assembled.

And with all that, he could not point to any specific crime that President Trump had committed? He didn't have to indict. All he had to say is that he concluded that President Trump and/or members of his campaign colluded with Russians here and here and here. President Trump obstructed justice here and here and here. Mueller didn't do that.

But what he did do this morning was pour gasoline on the fire practically insisting that the Democrats keep up their witch hunt and go after the President.

That was dirty, slimy, unethical, and evil. Whatever respect I had for the man based on others' opinion of him is completely gone now.

Like I have said, The Mueller Report itself is a hoax and a $40 Million dollar turd to flush down the toilet. If you print it out, it does not even make good toilet paper.

The whole investigation is a F'n embarrassment to American Justice, the FBI and The DOJ.

About the only thing it did was delay Clintonistas, and Obamanites Conspirators from eventually going to jail.

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