Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath any real prosecutor will state...if they aren't prosecuting, they aren't supposed to say anything....mueller is an asshat trying to help the democrats ...........

Perhaps you should go and watch "Minority Report," since that is what mueller seems to want to imply here....
Mueller is a lifelong republican appointed by republicans. While Trump is an absolute fucking disgrace and a stain on the honor of this nation that we’ll never be able erase. Go fuck yourself.

Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars....

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!

What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come one Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?

It's a four lanes bridge in a major city.....Half price, today only!
Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars....

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!

What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come one Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?
by the way that was Mueller's job. if he concluded without an arrest, then he has exonerated Trump and his campaign. PERIOD!

Mueller was supposed to draw conclusions on everything. He punted on some things, because DemNazi benefactors employing him at The DemNazi Lawfirm he works at would have skewered him. So he could not even complete his Hack Job correctly.
Dem Nazi, read no more.
A zero college white boy whose mind is made up
Mueller is a lifelong republican appointed by republicans. While Trump is an absolute fucking disgrace and a stain on the honor of this nation that we’ll never be able erase. Go fuck yourself.

Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars....

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!

What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come one Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?

It's a four lanes bridge in a major city.....Half price, today only!

Name the Crime President Trump Committed Blind Bitch!
2 Things to take from this:

1) Dershowitz was right all along about not being able to indict a sitting president 2) and libs that called him a hack will ignore he was right.
Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars....

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!

What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come one Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?
by the way that was Mueller's job. if he concluded without an arrest, then he has exonerated Trump and his campaign. PERIOD!

Mueller was supposed to draw conclusions on everything. He punted on some things, because DemNazi benefactors employing him at The DemNazi Lawfirm he works at would have skewered him. So he could not even complete his Hack Job correctly.

On other things he completely IGNORED..... (All things Clinton and Obama)

What a loser and waste of our time and money.
No he wasn't
Mueller is a lifelong republican appointed by republicans. While Trump is an absolute fucking disgrace and a stain on the honor of this nation that we’ll never be able erase. Go fuck yourself.

Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars....

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!

What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come one Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?

It's a four lanes bridge in a major city.....Half price, today only!
it's a four lanes bridge? what the fk does that mean?
2 Things to take from this:

1) Dershowitz was right all along about not being able to indict a sitting president 2) and libs that called him a hack will ignore he was right.
Can you quote libs (might help if you knew the def) who said that about D.
Or knees news swill?
GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.

Amash has taken the high ground to take the out spoken position he has on the issue; his political position is now at stake.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

No wonder AmeriKKKa is in it's death throes.
There is no one of principle left within the leadership of this nation, other than Amash.

RIP AmeriKKKa ......................

Another America-Hating Nazi, dimocrap scumbag.

Read this piece of shit, people. This is who you're voting for when you vote dimocrap.

Yes, you ARE responsible for the acts of those you vote for.

You vote dimocrap, you are scum.


We suffered through 8 years of THE most unqualified piece of fucking shit to ever hold the Office of POTUS. A total shitbag. Making stupid treaties, creating ISIS, allowing a terrorist organization (the muslim brotherhood) to take over the one of our best allies in the ME, making apology tours to everybody that hates us, starting the garbage that people r still dying over in the ME, shitting all over Israel, making our government and our Press Nazi-like in its Anti Semitism, lying through his fucking cum-stained teeth about the ACA......

But we didn't try to tear the Country apart.

dimocrap FILTH are doing just that. They are trying to tear this Country to shreds. They KNOW they can't Impeach Trump. There's just no way it can be done.

But they keep trying, they keep talking because they just don't care about the Country. They don't care what an Impeachment would do to the Country. They only care that it will hurt the Country and, more importantly, the people that put Trump in power. Us. The Deplorables. The men and women that go to work each and every day, pay our taxes, obey the law, raise our kids..... Us. dimocrap scum hate us.

dimocrap FILTH care about only one thing, and one thing only -- Power.

If that means the Country has to fall apart, so be it. They could NOT care less.

Don't believe me? Then you don't believe your lyin' eyes.

It's right there in front of you.

dimocraps are scum

Bob Mueller spoke & he spoke these words.

"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime.”

This is EXACTLY why it is the function of Congress to pursue the matter within their responsibility of over sight concerning the abuse of power by the executive, period.
The exhaustive, 2 yr $35 million Mueller witch-hunt uncovered what there was to be found and stated in no uncertain terms that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Congress will do no better but they have the report in hand and the authority to impeach Trump if they so choose (and I believe they will). The fact is they will get torched in the court of public opinion and Pelosi knows it but she can't contain the hysterical voices of her colleagues or their lemmings. You fools are squandering what little chance of winning whatever socialist you run in 2020 had but it's clear you just don't care because your butts still hurt so much. :D

GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.
I was a proponent of Trump's impeachment BEFORE Amash voiced his opinion on the subject.

Amash has taken the high ground to take the out spoken position he has on the issue; his political position is now at stake.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

No wonder AmeriKKKa is in it's death throes.
There is no one of principle left within the leadership of this nation, other than Amash.

RIP AmeriKKKa ......................
fine, name them

See my signature? There is the link, and the info; it's all in Volume II of the report.
Go read it, if you care to.
Mueller: Investigators did not have confidence the president did not commit a crime

If we had confidence that the president had not committed a crime, we would have said so,” he said. He added, citing a DOJ policy: “Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.”


If Mueller and his team had confidence that the President HAD committed a crime he would have said so.

His protégé, Comey, stood up in front of the American people and declared Hillary Clinton DID BREAK LAWS...and then used the ridiculous, brain-dead excuses that she was TOO STUPID TO KNOW SHE WAS BREAKING LAWS (as if ignorance of the law is a defense for breaking them) as justification for HIS DECISION that Hillary should not be charged with a crime. (IT was NEVER his decision to make!)

Not being able to charge a President with a crime did not prevent him from making the definitive statement that he and his team came to the conclusion that the President Broke The Law - which he did NOT do - despite not being able to charge him with the crime!

Again this is another BS statement made without being under oath to substantiate and explain this false statement. Mueller just stated he did NOT declare President Trump had broken the Law in his report but wants to say 'but I thought he did...I just did not have the balls (or the evidence) to declare it openly.

If he wants anyone reasonable to believe this statement, all he has to do is agree to testify. (He had no problem grilling the sh!t out of Trump associates but he does not have the courage to testify to defend his findings under oath before Congress.

No, that is not what the HRC prosecution was about.

It was about INTENT. Did she have criminal intent? That is a subjective judgement.

Criminal INTENT is necessary to prosecute, and that is the same thing that is hinging on whether or not to prosecute Trump.

It is, in the end, all political.

Intention (criminal law) - Wikipedia





Hillary Clinton lying to the FBI by telling them thousands of e-mails she attempted to delete were 'personal' and not official documents does not prove an INTENT to Obstruct Justice?

Attempting to delete over 15,000 OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED e-mails - WHICH THE FBI DECLARED THEY SUCCESSFULLY RECOVERED - which proved Hillary Clinton violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act by refusing to run in official documents for mandatory archival as required by both laws is NOT evidence of an INTENT to break the law?

ILLEGALLY smashing official government classified devices with hammers - in violation of the laws pertaining to the handling and destruction of classified - and the removal and refusal to turn in subpoenaed official SIM cards does not prove an INTENT to obstruct justice and break laws?


Oh yeah, the SNOWFLAKE Alternate Reality Universe.

Hey, I agree with you.

It is pretty obvious. Anybody that followed her behavior on all of her other scandals, the MENA drug running, the Whitewater affair, everything? They know damn well why she had a private server in the first place and what her intent was from the beginning.

She was a sleazy piece of shit from the very first days of her being a prosecutor. It is why they kicked her off of the prosecutorial team going after Nixon. Everyone knew then how crooked she was, it is why Bill was attracted to her. Cute and corrupt, just the way he likes them. Evil as sin.

Only ignorant folks that watch TEE VEE don't know her true nature. The only person more evil than she is probably Kissinger.

Now, as to Trump's intent? Who knows? :dunno:

We know he is innocent of collusion and conspiracy, and he knew it too. He was just sick and tired of having his presidency bogged down. Was he guilty of trying to absolutely stop the investigation? meh? Would the left care if Hillary or Obama tried to stop such nonsensical investigations as well? Probably not. Neither would the press. However, Trump's inexperience led him into hot water. D.C. power players were hoping for that. They were counting on it. So should the people be disenfranchised of the legally voted in representative b/c he didn't know what he was doing?

A process crime at best. If the left wants to nail him on that, simply b/c they hate him? After the ENTIRE nation now knows he was innocent of everything else to begin with? Then everyone should not let them near the reigns of power. The left can be now seen to be the evil authoritarians they accuse everyone else of being.

This shit is getting out of hand and it is STUPID. Like I said, determining intent is SUBJECTIVE. The left will tell both of us, Hillary was investigated by the right, and found not guilty, so she MUST be not guilty. What they don't understand, is those doing the investigating had motive to find no intent. The Clinton Machine has long tentacles, like the mob, all over the place. What is legal, and what is lawful are different.

In D.C., government trials and hearings only prove who has the most leverage, and the more loyal friends, it doesn't prove guilt, innocence, or truth. Not anymore.

The Mueller report? With out having the so-called hacked record examined by a bevy of non-biased experts, and going only on the word of the victims? Is not worth anymore than the toilet paper in my bathroom. It is a propaganda piece meant to distract you, and subvert the national conversation. It is all lies and Mueller is a Deep State fixer.

Are you seriously going to trust the likes of Crowd Strike and Christopher Steele for facts? :dunno: This is the premise from which the investigation began.

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

Trump's inexperience led him into hot water.

What was it?
Mueller is corrupt....he allowed 4 men to stay in jail, though they were innocent, to cover for the fact that 6 FBI agents in the Boston office were on Whitey Bulgers payroll.......two of the men died in jail, and the other two won settlements for over 100 million dollars

I want to know how much of the $145 million Hillary got from Putin for our uranium wound up in Mueller's bank account.[/QUOT

This is the stupidest propaganda ever produced by the echo-chamber by far. How stupid do you have to be to think that Putin, the guy who benefited from the sales to the USA of 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian nuclear warheads between 1993 and 2013, bribed the SoS to buy a few piece of shit dirt mines that produce barely 4% of the uranium we use each year?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

I know of a bridge you can buy too, cheap!

What crime did Mueller find The President Committed?

Come one Dotard..... Out with it.

Name the Crime that Mueller was appointed to Investigate, and name the crime that Mueller discovered The President committed.

Your whole life is now one steaming pile of smelly propaganda.

Give us Facts, not your usual steaming pile of nonsense.

We are tired of stepping in your shit.

Out with the Factual Accusation or STFU.

What Crime?

Site US Code.

What Crime did Mueller find President Trump Committed?

It's a four lanes bridge in a major city.....Half price, today only!

Name the Crime President Trump Committed Blind Bitch!
Always the zero college pathetic name calling.
No wonder you like our rapist pres
Bob Mueller spoke & he spoke these words.

"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime.”

This is EXACTLY why it is the function of Congress to pursue the matter within their responsibility of over sight concerning the abuse of power by the executive, period.
The exhaustive, 2 yr $35 million Mueller witch-hunt uncovered what there was to be found and stated in no uncertain terms that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Congress will do no better but they have the report in hand and the authority to impeach Trump if they so choose (and I believe they will). The fact is they will get torched in the court of public opinion and Pelosi knows it but she can't contain the hysterical voices of her colleagues or their lemmings. You fools are squandering what little chance of winning whatever socialist you run in 2020 had but it's clear you just don't care because your butts still hurt so much. :D

GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.
I was a proponent of Trump's impeachment BEFORE Amash voiced his opinion on the subject.

Amash has taken the high ground to take the out spoken position he has on the issue; his political position is now at stake.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

No wonder AmeriKKKa is in it's death throes.
There is no one of principle left within the leadership of this nation, other than Amash.

RIP AmeriKKKa ......................
fine, name them

See my signature? There is the link, and the info; it's all in Volume II of the report.
Go read it, if you care to.
fk you, post the crime. go for it. why are you afraid to post one? bauk bauk bauk!!!!

more people who can't walk the walk. too fking funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.
Close. The Muel Team's job was to uncover criminality … which they specifically did not. It wasn't to exonerate anyone.
And their report was an internal DOJ document meaning all that was required of Barr was summarize its findings for congress. Barr - with Trump's blessing - decided to make virtually the entire report not only available to congress but also to the public.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

The goal wasn't to uncover criminality, the goal was to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 2016 ELECTIONS, and to determine if the Trump Campaign in general, including Donald Trump, broke any laws in regard to both in regards to their dealings with Russians, and in obstructing the investigations into Russian interference.
/——/ Link please
2 Things to take from this:

1) Dershowitz was right all along about not being able to indict a sitting president 2) and libs that called him a hack will ignore he was right.
Can you quote libs (might help if you knew the def) who said that about D.
Or knees news swill?

Are you really that uninformed? That stupid? Or just a dimocrap scumbag troll??

Yes, yes and yes

One article out of about 500 on the topic you so stupidly seem to have missed while the rest of the world was watching

‘What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
looks like you're down in flames on that wish.

wallow in your misery. i'll be over here. laughing at your wallowing.
All future investigations and subpoena’s now justified. Enjoy, trash.
Wrong again, scum.
GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.

Amash has taken the high ground to take the out spoken position he has on the issue; his political position is now at stake.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

No wonder AmeriKKKa is in it's death throes.
There is no one of principle left within the leadership of this nation, other than Amash.

RIP AmeriKKKa ......................

Another America-Hating Nazi, dimocrap scumbag.

Read this piece of shit, people. This is who you're voting for when you vote dimocrap.

Yes, you ARE responsible for the acts of those you vote for.

You vote dimocrap, you are scum.


We suffered through 8 years of THE most unqualified piece of fucking shit to ever hold the Office of POTUS. A total shitbag. Making stupid treaties, creating ISIS, allowing a terrorist organization (the muslim brotherhood) to take over the one of our best allies in the ME, making apology tours to everybody that hates us, starting the garbage that people r still dying over in the ME, shitting all over Israel, making our government and our Press Nazi-like in its Anti Semitism, lying through his fucking cum-stained teeth about the ACA......

But we didn't try to tear the Country apart.

dimocrap FILTH are doing just that. They are trying to tear this Country to shreds. They KNOW they can't Impeach Trump. There's just no way it can be done.

But they keep trying, they keep talking because they just don't care about the Country. They don't care what an Impeachment would do to the Country. They only care that it will hurt the Country and, more importantly, the people that put Trump in power. Us. The Deplorables. The men and women that go to work each and every day, pay our taxes, obey the law, raise our kids..... Us. dimocrap scum hate us.

dimocrap FILTH care about only one thing, and one thing only -- Power.

If that means the Country has to fall apart, so be it. They could NOT care less.

Don't believe me? Then you don't believe your lyin' eyes.

It's right there in front of you.

dimocraps are scum


So, you think Amash is a Dem? LOFL ..............

Me? I'm also not a Dem.

Seems like you are having an extremely disturbed wet dream, boi.
2 Things to take from this:

1) Dershowitz was right all along about not being able to indict a sitting president 2) and libs that called him a hack will ignore he was right.
Can you quote libs (might help if you knew the def) who said that about D.
Or knees news swill?

Get real. Virtually all the libs on this board were telling us Trump is going to be in handcuffs
He won't testify until the IG report is released. The possibility that it will find crimes he should have and may have uncovered but didn't report poses a risk to him and the Muel Team.

That's a smart move on the part of Mueller if he can pull it off. After all, why testify if you know you will be found to have perjured yourself after the IG reports is unveiled.

IMHO, I'd say that Barr needs to have Mueller picked up on unrelated charges and lock him into solitary confinement until he is ready to flip. Just like Mueller did with Mr. Manafort.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I'm sure that allegations can be made the Mr. Mueller ripped the tag off of a mattress or committed some other felony that he can be held on.
Perhaps use an FBI SWAT team - heavily armed and armored - at 5 AM with CNN cameras conveniently nearby.

I think that is how all who fall into Barr's net should be treated. Put their marbles in the DOJ vice and I assure you many will be quick to play "Let's Make A Deal."
Last edited:

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