Mexico. Age of consent: 12

The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?
Let's send Pedo Roy to Mexico.

And anyone who votes or supports him.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Are you seriously defending a man in his 30s hitting on a 14 year old girl?
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Are you seriously defending a man in his 30s hitting on a 14 year old girl?

Yep, that's what they are doing all right. Shameless, ain't it?

At least they aren't using the example of Joseph being a lot older than Mary and they gave birth to Jesus. I wonder.............was the idiot that said that thinking that Moore is somehow the second coming?
Moore wants to keep Mexicans with their low old age of consent out of the country. He doesn't want the competition. :lol:
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


All of you by your actions which are designed to add as large of percentage of Mexico to the American cultural fusion as you can..

LOL- because of course- believing in legal immigration of people from other countries means I don't give shit about anything.

By the way- we have always had a large percentage of Mexico in our American cultural fusion.
America isn't Mexico, dummy.

But....but....but....I thought that Mexicans should be awarded citizenship.

Don't tell me you are a racist.

Does it bother you that your arguments have devolved into those of an 8 year old?

What bothers me is that left wingers race bait like an 8 year old and then cry when it gets done to them

What bothers me is that the right wingers whine and complain about brown people and black people and jews and Muslims- and then get all pissy when someone points out that they are racists.
deep in the "deliverance" hills of RW redneck country there is no age of consent OR taboo for family members.

be proud .

A nice baseless and off topic charge that does not address the hypocrisy of the Left attacking Moore, but wanting to have an open border with Mexico.

Who wants an open border with anyone? We have a virtually open border with Canada. We have no open border with Mexico- the hypocrisy of the Right lying about us having an open border- or that anyone is saying we should have an open border- and then defending Moore- is just the usual right wing hypocrisy.
America isn't Mexico, dummy.

But....but....but....I thought that Mexicans should be awarded citizenship.

Don't tell me you are a racist.

Does it bother you that your arguments have devolved into those of an 8 year old?

What bothers me is that left wingers race bait like an 8 year old and then cry when it gets done to them

What does this thread have to do with race baiting? Admit that your argument had nothing to do with anything, and bow out gracefully.
America isn't Mexico, dummy.

But....but....but....I thought that Mexicans should be awarded citizenship.

Don't tell me you are a racist.

Does it bother you that your arguments have devolved into those of an 8 year old?

What bothers me is that left wingers race bait like an 8 year old and then cry when it gets done to them

What does this thread have to do with race baiting? Admit that your argument had nothing to do with anything, and bow out gracefully.

You do realize that the entire DNC has blood on their hands, right?

Obama refused to so much as utter the words "Islamic terrorist" so as not to generate hatred towards innocent Muslims

However, he has no problem suggesting that law enforcement and the legal system is racist as white police officers are assassinated around the country.

Sick racist bastards you are.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

The Left also hangs onto Justice Ginsburg who advocated for the age of consent to be lowered to 12. The Moore attacks are simply another example of selective outrage to fit an agenda.
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


All of you by your actions which are designed to add as large of percentage of Mexico to the American cultural fusion as you can..

LOL- because of course- believing in legal immigration of people from other countries means I don't give shit about anything.

By the way- we have always had a large percentage of Mexico in our American cultural fusion.

A. no, it used to be pretty small.

b. YOu support an open border with a country that is sending millions and millions of immigrants, you are supporting making their culture a big part of our culture. If you don't like Mexican culture, then you would not want it here in every greater amounts.
America isn't Mexico, dummy.

But....but....but....I thought that Mexicans should be awarded citizenship.

Don't tell me you are a racist.

Does it bother you that your arguments have devolved into those of an 8 year old?

What bothers me is that left wingers race bait like an 8 year old and then cry when it gets done to them

What does this thread have to do with race baiting? Admit that your argument had nothing to do with anything, and bow out gracefully.

You do realize that the entire DNC has blood on their hands, right?

Obama refused to so much as utter the words "Islamic terrorist" so as not to generate hatred towards innocent Muslims

However, he has no problem suggesting that law enforcement and the legal system is racist as white police officers are assassinated around the country.

Sick racist bastards you are.

Holy shit. This thread has nothing to do with race baiting, Mexican immigration, Obama, or the DNC. If you don't have an actual argument why did you post in this thread?
deep in the "deliverance" hills of RW redneck country there is no age of consent OR taboo for family members.

be proud .

A nice baseless and off topic charge that does not address the hypocrisy of the Left attacking Moore, but wanting to have an open border with Mexico.

Who wants an open border with anyone? We have a virtually open border with Canada. We have no open border with Mexico- the hypocrisy of the Right lying about us having an open border- or that anyone is saying we should have an open border- and then defending Moore- is just the usual right wing hypocrisy.

We got over 20 million illegals in this country and about half of them just walked across the border.

That's an effectively open border.

Those cultural beliefs are and will be increasingly the cultural beliefs of America.
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12..... I don't want that either. I also don't want masses of people entering this country illegally who believe the age of consent is 12. If they break immigration laws and don't go through the process of swearing allegiance to the United States and adherence to its laws, whats to say they won't honor the sexual consent laws?
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12..... I don't want that either. I also don't want masses of people entering this country illegally who believe the age of consent is 12. If they break immigration laws and don't go through the process of swearing allegiance to the United States and adherence to its laws, whats to say they won't honor the sexual consent laws?

or vote to lower then to what they feel is right.
Unlike most Western countries, half of the US states do not have a legal minimum age of marriage. While in most US states, individuals age 18 have a right to marriage (with two exceptions—Nebraska (19) and Mississippi (21)), all states allow minors to marry in certain circumstances, such as parental consent, judicial consent, pregnancy, or a combination of these situations. Most states allow parties aged 16 and 17 to marry with parental consent alone. In most states, children under 16 can be married too. In the 25 states [1] which have an absolute minimum age set by statute, this age varies between 13 and 17, while in 25 states there is no statutory minimum age if other legal conditions are met. Although in such states there is no set minimum age by statute, the traditional common law minimum age is 14 for boys and 12 for girls - ages which have been confirmed by case law in some states.[2] Over the past 15 years, more than 200,000 minors married in US, and in Tennessee girls as young as 10 were married in 2001.

Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Just me or do liberals adopt shit without thinking things through? 'Multi-cultural" and "tolerance" are good things....................... so long as it's hip.

Meanwhile, Clinton is good, Moore is bad. If that fails, Clinton isn't a candidate and Moore is. In other terms, our views are free-flowing, because we're dishonest, corrupt, and pretty fucking dumb really.
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