Mexico. Age of consent: 12

The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Just one, can Moore date them?

Bill Clinton also has an interest.

Bill has lots of issues, messing around with children was not one of them.
JFC no wonder they're literally dying to get here. LOL Tell them about Moore and Ala, so they'll stay home!
The only Mexican girl I met who had started cohabitating at 13 was very happy with her "husband." Her Dad was real happy about it too. She was still attending school and I felt like shit going in to tell them all that her "husband" was committing sexual abuse because he was 20 and she was now 15. The family did NOT get that at all.
That's the only reason I know anything about it.
I think the "husband" left to work in Florida for awhile, until she turned 16.
Back in the late 70s, I worked with some illegal immigrants picking fruit and then again in a factory making ... mop heads. It was unwise to even attempt to speak with any of the women because the males were quite protective. Around the same time I hung around some bars with my dad that catered to the illegal immigrant crowd, and their were some pretty good fights involving "honor."
The families I met were very respectful, generous and decent people. The macho "honor" thing is for real, and that's a fact.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Thats why so many wetbacks get jammed up for diddling kids.
Mexicans. Hard working. Deeply religious. Family oriented.

Of course pseudocons detest them!
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?
And the fathers are the ones that breaks their daughter's virginity so that they can enter into womanhood. But I cannot find any sites that talks about their practice.

Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible.

Confronting a Sexual Rite of Passage in Malawi

One HUGE flaw in this thread, regardless of where someone is from, and the laws of THAT country, when they come to the United States they follow the laws of the United States. Soooo what's the issue here?
One HUGE flaw in this thread, regardless of where someone is from, and the laws of THAT country, when they come to the United States they follow the laws of the United States. Soooo what's the issue here?

Because to most right wing idiots, if they can do it somewhere else in the world, it is only a matter of time before it reaches here.

And yeah, I asked the same question. If Moore was dating the girl in Mexico at the time, then and only then, would the OP have a possibility of being relevant.
deep in the "deliverance" hills of RW redneck country there is no age of consent OR taboo for family members.

be proud .

A nice baseless and off topic charge that does not address the hypocrisy of the Left attacking Moore, but wanting to have an open border with Mexico.
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


All of you by your actions which are designed to add as large of percentage of Mexico to the American cultural fusion as you can.

If you had any problem with Mexico's culture(s), you are hiding it extremely well.

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