Mexico. Age of consent: 12

Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12..... I don't want that either. I also don't want masses of people entering this country illegally who believe the age of consent is 12. If they break immigration laws and don't go through the process of swearing allegiance to the United States and adherence to its laws, whats to say they won't honor the sexual consent laws?

or vote to lower then to what they feel is right.

If citizens vote to lower the age of consent- then that is what the citizens do.

But since there is absolutely no movement to lowering the age of consent- instead the age of consent has steadily been raised- this is just another Con job- trying to scare Americans about the brown people below the border- and a non-existent problem in the United States.
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12....

What Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12?
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


All of you by your actions which are designed to add as large of percentage of Mexico to the American cultural fusion as you can..

LOL- because of course- believing in legal immigration of people from other countries means I don't give shit about anything.

By the way- we have always had a large percentage of Mexico in our American cultural fusion.

A. no, it used to be pretty small.

b. YOu support an open border.

No- I realize that being a Trumpster- you are used to just lying and pretending like everyone will believe you.

As i have said- I don't want an open border- and I am glad we don't have an open border.

The whole concept of an 'open border' is just a Right Wing lie to scare the gullible Trumpsters.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

How about any LINKS to that one--LOL I frequent Mexico a lot that is NOT the age of consent. A 32 year old man down there chasing around a 14 year old girl is going to end up in the desert buried in an unmarked grave.

The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

The Left also hangs onto Justice Ginsburg who advocated for the age of consent to be lowered to 12. The Moore attacks are simply another example of selective outrage to fit an agenda.

A) of course your smear of Ginsberg is false
Lindsey Graham's smear.
B) Typical of the Contard Right- to equate advocating for a change of the law regarding the age of consent- to taking a minor's hand and putting it on your erection.

Now that is typical of the Right's selective outrage.
I can understand Mexico allowing 12 to be the age of consent. The number
12 is associated with the combined IQ of its citizens, why not the age of consent.
A lot of "Mexicans" or whatever you call folks south of Texas down to South America do a lot of incest even more prevalent than Orthodox Jews.
Mejico. Old enough to bleed/old enough to breed. Oh yeah. its often big bro and a couple buddies hitting sis first then they haul ass to "confession" Gracias a Dios
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12..... I don't want that either. I also don't want masses of people entering this country illegally who believe the age of consent is 12. If they break immigration laws and don't go through the process of swearing allegiance to the United States and adherence to its laws, whats to say they won't honor the sexual consent laws?

or vote to lower then to what they feel is right.

If citizens vote to lower the age of consent- then that is what the citizens do.

But since there is absolutely no movement to lowering the age of consent- instead the age of consent has steadily been raised- this is just another Con job- trying to scare Americans about the brown people below the border- and a non-existent problem in the United States.

And yet another Lib job of trying to inject color of skin into an argument about consent Unnecessarily. Are you brown? Are you of brown descent? Is your wife brown? Do you have brown children? I answer 'yes' to all of these questions about myself.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?
I have also a question wasn't Mary 12 when Joseph married her and he was 90?
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12..... I don't want that either. I also don't want masses of people entering this country illegally who believe the age of consent is 12. If they break immigration laws and don't go through the process of swearing allegiance to the United States and adherence to its laws, whats to say they won't honor the sexual consent laws?

or vote to lower then to what they feel is right.

If citizens vote to lower the age of consent- then that is what the citizens do.

But since there is absolutely no movement to lowering the age of consent- instead the age of consent has steadily been raised- this is just another Con job- trying to scare Americans about the brown people below the border- and a non-existent problem in the United States.

If you change the people, thus changing the culture, laws will follow.

Ignoring or denying this obvious fact has been the Left's only response to any reasonable questions about the effects of immigration.

Mexico is by far the single largest source of immigrant to this country. Their voice in our culture and our laws is growing and will continue to grow more and more for the foreseeable future.
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


All of you by your actions which are designed to add as large of percentage of Mexico to the American cultural fusion as you can..

LOL- because of course- believing in legal immigration of people from other countries means I don't give shit about anything.

By the way- we have always had a large percentage of Mexico in our American cultural fusion.

A. no, it used to be pretty small.

b. YOu support an open border.

No- I realize that being a Trumpster- you are used to just lying and pretending like everyone will believe you.

As i have said- I don't want an open border- and I am glad we don't have an open border.

The whole concept of an 'open border' is just a Right Wing lie to scare the gullible Trumpsters.

Illegal Alien Deported 15 Times, Is Suspect in San Diego Hit-and-Run DUI - Breitbart

"The illegal alien suspect, who attempted to flee the scene, had already been deported fifteen times, according to the Union-Tribune newspaper.

Suspect Constantino Banda-Acosta was deported back to his native Mexico the first time in 2002 and re-entered and been deported at least 14 times since, most recently in January of this year, the newspaper reported."

A drunk staggers across the border 15 times without consequence? That's an open border.
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

It's not okay. This is not a defense of Moore. It is an exposure of your hypocrisy. I don't want Judge fondling 14 year olds but a Supreme Court Justice has advocated for the age of consent to be 12..... I don't want that either. I also don't want masses of people entering this country illegally who believe the age of consent is 12. If they break immigration laws and don't go through the process of swearing allegiance to the United States and adherence to its laws, whats to say they won't honor the sexual consent laws?

or vote to lower then to what they feel is right.

If citizens vote to lower the age of consent- then that is what the citizens do.

But since there is absolutely no movement to lowering the age of consent- instead the age of consent has steadily been raised- this is just another Con job- trying to scare Americans about the brown people below the border- and a non-existent problem in the United States.

And yet another Lib job of trying to inject color of skin into an argument about consent Unnecessarily. Are you brown? Are you of brown descent? Is your wife brown? Do you have brown children? I answer 'yes' to all of these questions about myself.

Thanks, I missed that.

We have to be careful about allowing such constant Race Baiting to go unchallenged or they can create the illusion of winning the argument due to the Logical Fallacy of Ad nauseam

Ad nauseam - Wikipedia
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Yeah, America is not Mexico, Iran or the Sudan, so your Strawman is a failure!

Moore is a sick pervert and trying to defend him is a battle you will lose!!

Moore is another veraion of Weiner and both should be shun from society!!!
Just one more way that demonstrates that liberals don't care at all about the shit they pretend to be offended by..

And which 'liberals' are saying that Mexico's age of consent is okay?


Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

The more we import the better indeed!

To be honest, I have a huge problem with your stupid questions.

Clearly you do have a problem with answering that specific question- I wonder why that is....

Meanwhile- do you have any problem with a 32 year old man puts a 14 year old girls hand on his erection?

There is no question that you could ask that I would have problem answering. The reason I won't answer is because the question is utterly stupid. Meanwhile, to prove your low IQ beyond shadow a doubt you ask the same question again.
Norman this question is not stupid..Do you have a daughter..Do you think that your 14 year old daughter is mature enough to touch a man's penis?
Why is that a dumb question?

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Mexico has an age of consent at the age of 12, therefore the charges against Moore are totally baseless.

That is an excellent defense.

And other supporting facts should be:
  • Weinstein gave money to the DNC
  • Kevin Spacey is a liberal
  • Bill Clinton was a pervert
  • An article reports that Obama received college funds from a radial Muslim
  • Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old when he was 38
  • Bezos owns the Washington Post
  • Ali Velshi is of Indian descent
With ALL of the above evidence, it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Roy Moore did not have inappropriate relations with a 14-year-old girl or other minors.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Yeah, America is not Mexico, Iran or the Sudan, so your Strawman is a failure!

Moore is a sick pervert and trying to defend him is a battle you will lose!!

Moore is another veraion of Weiner and both should be shun from society!!!

Mexicans, and HIspanics, are an even growing portion of our cultural fusion.

That culture is here and growing every day.

No strawmen here, lefty.

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