Mexico Is the Main Election Problem, Not Russia

I propose that Trumpsters should each get their own personal wall that the can hide behind. Be better than fucking up the view for everyone else.
Why should Trump supporters be the ones to only pay for what ALL Americans will benefit from ? Actually, if any group should pay for it (other than Mexico), it ought to be Democrats, who, along with Mexico, have caused the whole mess.
I propose that Trumpsters should each get their own personal wall that the can hide behind. Be better than fucking up the view for everyone else.
Why should Trump supporters be the ones to only pay for what ALL Americans will benefit from ? Actually, if any group should pay for it (other than Mexico), it ought to be Democrats, who, along with Mexico, have caused the whole mess.
Benefit who, according to cato, wall wont work.
I propose that Trumpsters should each get their own personal wall that the can hide behind. Be better than fucking up the view for everyone else.
Why should Trump supporters be the ones to only pay for what ALL Americans will benefit from ? Actually, if any group should pay for it (other than Mexico), it ought to be Democrats, who, along with Mexico, have caused the whole mess.

Maybe that last drink was too many. It's affecting your reading comprehension. I didn't say anything about who pays. I'd be happy pitch in my bit for your wall. As long as you promise to stay behind it.
Benefit who, according to cato, wall wont work.
I don't read links that are a mile long, especially when the poster takes the time and trouble to post a whole 8 words (including the link)

If you tell me in your own words why you think the wall wouldn't word, I'll read that.
For now , I'll just say that walls are working in 65 countries around the world, in places that don't need it as much as we in the US do. I'll also say that the CATO Institute is a Koch Brothers, liberal, think tank strongly biased against Trump.

Anybody think (besides hating Trump) the Koch's aren't liberal ? Here's some of the orgs they support >> National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Center for American Progress, and the United Negro College Fund.
Maybe that last drink was too many. It's affecting your reading comprehension. I didn't say anything about who pays. I'd be happy pitch in my bit for your wall. As long as you promise to stay behind it.
I have no intention to go anywhere outside the USA, especially not to Mexico.
You ducked my question.
Is Politifact's accuracy less than Coulter's in this matter?

Ann Coulter wrongly claims that U.S. 'has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population'

"Ann Coulter wrongly claims that U.S. 'has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population'"

Ann Coulter may have gotten the numbers wrong, but her mistake might be an UNDERestimate of how much of Mexico's population the US has already taken in.
While Ann claimed it was 25%, the real number may be around 35 - 39%.

I base this on the Bear Stearns report combined with the TIME magazine study, arriving at the 30 million illegal aliens here in 2011, almost all of them from Mexico. That 30 million, plus the 15 million the US had "taken in" (legally) from Mexico, gives us about 45 million.

Since the population of Mexico was actually LESS in 2011, than the 120 million Ann said (it was 115.68 million), that gives us a figure of 39%.


What about the fact that two-thirds of the "Mexicans" Ann is so worried about were born in the US?

Ann Coulter wrongly claims that U.S. 'has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population'

"In a sub-section titled 'Doesn’t Mexico want any Mexicans?' Coulter grounds her statement about America taking in one-quarter of Mexico’s population on a Pew Research Center analysis of census data.

"The top line number in that study finds that about 33.5 million people of Mexican origin lived in the United States in 2011.

"Coulter argues that since Mexico has about 120 million people, and one-quarter of that is 30 million, therefore, America has 'taken in' one-quarter of the total.

"The Pew report attempted to count the number of people who trace their roots back to Mexico, not people who came directly from that country.

"Why does that make such a difference?

"Well, about two-thirds of Americans with Mexican ancestry were born in the United States.

"By definition, they were never part of Mexico’s population.

"If they weren’t Mexican, they could not be 'taken in.'"
What about the fact that two-thirds of the "Mexicans" Ann is so worried about were born in the US?

Ann Coulter wrongly claims that U.S. 'has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population'

"In a sub-section titled 'Doesn’t Mexico want any Mexicans?' Coulter grounds her statement about America taking in one-quarter of Mexico’s population on a Pew Research Center analysis of census data.

"The top line number in that study finds that about 33.5 million people of Mexican origin lived in the United States in 2011.

"Coulter argues that since Mexico has about 120 million people, and one-quarter of that is 30 million, therefore, America has 'taken in' one-quarter of the total.

"The Pew report attempted to count the number of people who trace their roots back to Mexico, not people who came directly from that country.

"Why does that make such a difference?

"Well, about two-thirds of Americans with Mexican ancestry were born in the United States.

"By definition, they were never part of Mexico’s population.

"If they weren’t Mexican, they could not be 'taken in.'"
All of that was already addressed in Post # 35 >> Ann Coulter gave an "UNDERestimate of how much of Mexico's population the US has already taken in. While Ann claimed it was 25%, the real number may be around 35 - 39%."

ALL of that 35-39%, is migrants who CAME FROM MEXICO (illegaly + legally).

And frankly, if you really think about it, anchor babies born in the US are really just as much a part of Mexico's population as Mexicans born in Mexico, because they should not HAVE BEEN born in the the US. They, born to Mexican immigrants, are just as much Mexican as their parents, and are not really Americans, just because nutjob, Supreme Court justice, William Brennan slipped it into a footnote in the Phyler vs Doe, 1982 case.

What is more relevant and legit, as far as birthright citizenship goes, is the intent of the 14th amendment, of its author, Senator Jacob Howard, that it does not include children of foreigners.
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And frankly, if you really think about it, anchor babies born in the US are really just as much a part of Mexico's population as Mexicans born in Mexico, because they should not HAVE BEEN born in the the US. They, born to Mexican immigrants, are just as much Mexican as their parents, and are not really Americans, just because nutjob, Supreme Court justice, William Brennan slipped it into a footnote in the Phyler vs Doe, 1982 case
So how many generations of US births have to pass before Americans who can trace their family heritage to Mexico qualify as Regular Americans? Why should your answer be any different for American who trace their heritage to Europe?
So how many generations of US births have to pass before Americans who can trace their family heritage to Mexico qualify as Regular Americans? Why should your answer be any different for American who trace their heritage to Europe?
No generations have to pass. They just have to have arrived legally. But this isn't what we were talking about. We were talking about Ann Coulter's statement about how much of Mexico's population the US has taken in.

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