Mexico President tells his people not to buy U.S. made goods.

stop sending us tequila

That doesn't seem like a fight he or his people can win.

i didn't notice a link so I assume it's bogus. But if you don't think the 2nd largest purchaser of American goods in the world (Mexico) can't hurt us, then you've got your head up in a very dark spot. $262.2 billion in American products were purchased by Mexico in 2015.
Mexico | United States Trade Representative

Westinghouse, General Electric, American made auto's are all big sellers in Mexico. It's clear that none of you have been to the interior of Mexico. You've probably never gone farther than your back yard. There is actually an upper & middle class in Mexico that buys these products from us. American corporations are all over the place. Home Depot's, Walmarts, McDonalds, Pizza Huts, let alone the 100's of thousands of Americans that have bought condo's and invested heavily into vacation resorts in Mexico.

There is a huge American x pat population that lives in Guadalajara. In fact many of our doctors in the States graduated from medical schools there.

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Good for him! Fuck Donald Trump.

This bastard is going to start a great depression that will make the one in the 1930's looks like nothing.
IF he said that, and means it....

it could be the beginning of Mexico's real economic recovery...without USA goods at their fingertips, then they would be forced to increase their own manufacturing of goods for themselves, to fill their own demand cut off from USA suppliers.....right?

That's what Trumpsters believe would happen in the USA, an economic boom, if we ''just said no'' to imported goods and sending factories overseas, right?
The mexican "gubermint" is simply pissed that they might not be able to pawn of their poorest and least educated off on us to take care of. Remittances to Mexico by their people is more than what they buy in goods from America PLUS we lose BILLIONS a year in educating, subsidizing and paying for their medical care and anchor babies. Leftards are soooo fucking stupid that it defies the imagination. Did you see all the illegals waving their Mexican flag and all the members of La Raza claiming that the southwest belongs to Mexico at Trump rallies???? America has been invaded but the weapon of choice isn't a gun but rather the uterus of the Mexican women that aim and shoot out an anchor baby.
republicans are too busy jerking eachother off with the American flag to notice anything
They had 20+ years screwing us by taking our jobs and sending their throwbacks to take care the day of reckoning has arrived and they cry and whine

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