Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

If a lawyer and a client get together to perpetrate a fraud, the attorney-client privilege is null and void.

The emails and texts between Cohen and Trump will tell the story.,
What "fraud" did they perpetrate?
That's what is being investigates. But....be of good cheer. If this raid is indeed unConstitutional, anything found...and anything it leads to is inadmissible in a court of law.
You mean they don't know what the fraud was, but they siezed his records because of fraud?

I know you don't see the contradiction there. No snowflake ever sees the problem with his absurd excuse for logic.
No...it means that WE don't know what they were looking for. WE are not in the loop.................yet.
But you turds have been claiming you know what the charges being investigated are.

No one has said that.
So no Russians but a payment to keep quiet about a tryst from when Trump had no inkling of Presidency is somehow a crime or a campaign contribution violation or for Stormy s vote or Russians or...or....or.....
If a lawyer and a client get together to perpetrate a fraud, the attorney-client privilege is null and void.

The emails and texts between Cohen and Trump will tell the story.,
What "fraud" did they perpetrate?
We’re going to find out.

Just remember the people catching trumps wrongdoings and the people approving these raids were appointed by trump

Can’t get more fair and balanced
I will say one thing to Trump's credit.

I was very disappointed that Bill Clinton always went after dogs. Unattractive women. I used to say at the time that if I were in his shoes, I would have been banging Kim Bassinger on the Oval Office desk, not some homely intern!

And Kim Bassinger would have gone for it, too. What the hell was Clinton thinking?!?

At least Trump bagged some better looking broads.

Still low class whores, but better looking. Though Stormy is not my type.
What is your definition of facts? We have been so divided for so long, there is no consensus in facts..... but continue to go with what lies between your ears.
It's a fact Trump fucked Stormy Daniels. It's a fact Trump fucked Karen McDougal.

It's a fact their silence was bought in the last days of the 2016 campaign to help Trump get elected, at the very same time Trump was parading Bill Clinton's women before the cameras to divert attention away from his pussy grabbing tape.
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .

It wasn't done to protect and benefit the campaign?

Hmm..odd timing otherwise.
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?

Billionaires have to pay people who are trying to blackmail them all the time, moron. We've already seen how the Clinton smear campaign worked. Lisa Bloom offered to pay women up to $750,000 to smear Trump.
seems like they are just fishing and that's not probable cause
they are hoping to find something
Cohen's lawyers can stop it, if there was not probable cause.... haven't seen them object....

also, the judge is not going to proceed with a case like this unless probable cause is shown for a no knock search, and for attorney client privilege....

the i's were dotted and t's were crossed, the manual instructions for these type cases were followed....you can bet your life on it!!!

no judge is going to ruin their career by not following the letter of the law on a case that involves the president.

It already happened, so how can they stop it?

Your faith in judges only shows how gullible you are. Recent events have shown that they are little more than rubber stamps for whatever prosecuters want.
Recent events have shown that they are little more than rubber stamps for whatever prosecuters want

Nothing has shown that at all.

Post it up.

Simply declaring it so does not make it so.
The fact that 99% of all FISA warrants are approved has been posted multiple times in this forum
that's only because the prosecutors know what a FISA judge expects them to do in order for the judges to approve it under the law, so the investigators and prosecutors spend weeks, dotting all i's and crossing all t's before they bring it to the FISA judge.
ROFL! I love the way snowflakes fall all over themselves to tell us that federal judges are as pure as the driven snow and can do no wrong.
It's a fact Trump fucked Stormy Daniels. It's a fact Trump fucked Karen McDougal.

It's a fact their silence was bought in the last days of the 2016 campaign to help Trump get elected, at the very same time Trump was parading Bill Clinton's women before the cameras to divert attention away from his pussy grabbing tape.
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .

It wasn't done to protect and benefit the campaign?

Hmm..odd timing otherwise.
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?

Billionaires have to pay people who are trying to blackmail them all the time, moron. We've already seen how the Clinton smear campaign worked. Lisa Bloom offered to pay women up to $750,000 to smear Trump.

How many of those Bloom women did Trump pay off?
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .

It wasn't done to protect and benefit the campaign?

Hmm..odd timing otherwise.
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?

Billionaires have to pay people who are trying to blackmail them all the time, moron. We've already seen how the Clinton smear campaign worked. Lisa Bloom offered to pay women up to $750,000 to smear Trump.

How many of those Bloom women did Trump pay off?
Lisa Bloom paid them off, numskull.
It wasn't done to protect and benefit the campaign?

Hmm..odd timing otherwise.
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?

Billionaires have to pay people who are trying to blackmail them all the time, moron. We've already seen how the Clinton smear campaign worked. Lisa Bloom offered to pay women up to $750,000 to smear Trump.

How many of those Bloom women did Trump pay off?
Lisa Bloom paid them off, numskull.
So, you're admitting Trump paid her off?
No, dope. You're claiming billionaires pay off blackmailers all the time. How many of the Bloom women did Trump pay to remain silent? That's the only way your point has anything to do with Daniels.

BTW, how can one be blackmailed over something that never happened?
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?

Billionaires have to pay people who are trying to blackmail them all the time, moron. We've already seen how the Clinton smear campaign worked. Lisa Bloom offered to pay women up to $750,000 to smear Trump.

How many of those Bloom women did Trump pay off?
Lisa Bloom paid them off, numskull.
So, you're admitting Trump paid her off?
No, dope. You're claiming billionaires pay off blackmailers all the time. How many of the Bloom women did Trump pay to remain silent? That's the only way your point has anything to do with Daniels.

BTW, how can one be blackmailed over something that never happened?

What part of "Lisa Bloom paid them off" didn't you understand?

Is there any point in discussing this issue with a congenital numskull like you?
If Trump had not fucked those women, he'd be slamming them every day.

He knows Stormy has the goods on him.

She was such a good lay, he wanted her to be his next Apprentice. She probably has his drooling texts. Maybe even a dick pic.

Wrong. He gains nothing by slamming them. All that does is keep the issue alive.
He had no problems slamming the roughly 17 other women who accused him of sexual misbehavior. He even threatened to sue them, though he never did. So what is different about Stormy that’s keeping him sooo quiet?
I don't have a side..or any 'guys'.

This is about a lot more than Stormy Daniels. I suggest you keep an open mind..and weigh the facts as they become available.

What is your definition of facts? We have been so divided for so long, there is no consensus in facts..... but continue to go with what lies between your ears.
It's a fact Trump fucked Stormy Daniels. It's a fact Trump fucked Karen McDougal.

It's a fact their silence was bought in the last days of the 2016 campaign to help Trump get elected, at the very same time Trump was parading Bill Clinton's women before the cameras to divert attention away from his pussy grabbing tape.
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .

It wasn't done to protect and benefit the campaign?

Hmm..odd timing otherwise.
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.
Which they did 2 weeks before the election and not 5 years earlier when Stormy first started going public with her story.

Campaign contribution.
Stormy and her pimp/lawyer are going to end up in arbitration.
When that happens if either of them even says Trump's name in public they WILL be headed for prison.
How do when the agreement reads that PP and DD agree to settle any disputes in arbitration — but then DD, who also goes by the name, Donald Trump, never agreed to it??

That is way too complicated for them to think through.
Shit, a potato is too complicated for them.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?

Billionaires have to pay people who are trying to blackmail them all the time, moron. We've already seen how the Clinton smear campaign worked. Lisa Bloom offered to pay women up to $750,000 to smear Trump.

How many of those Bloom women did Trump pay off?
Lisa Bloom paid them off, numskull.
So, you're admitting Trump paid her off?
No, dope. You're claiming billionaires pay off blackmailers all the time. How many of the Bloom women did Trump pay to remain silent? That's the only way your point has anything to do with Daniels.

BTW, how can one be blackmailed over something that never happened?

What part of "Lisa Bloom paid them off" didn't you understand?

Is there any point in discussing this issue with a congenital numskull like you?

How is Bloom paying someone off an example of billionaires paying off blackmailers, dope?
What is your definition of facts? We have been so divided for so long, there is no consensus in facts..... but continue to go with what lies between your ears.
It's a fact Trump fucked Stormy Daniels. It's a fact Trump fucked Karen McDougal.

It's a fact their silence was bought in the last days of the 2016 campaign to help Trump get elected, at the very same time Trump was parading Bill Clinton's women before the cameras to divert attention away from his pussy grabbing tape.
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .

It wasn't done to protect and benefit the campaign?

Hmm..odd timing otherwise.
It was done because she was shopping around her claims to media outlets. It was prompted by her actions.

Who pays $130k if it's not true?
What is there to protect if it isn't true?
If it’s not true, Trump is calling the police to report extortion; not his lawyer to offer up a bribe.
If a lawyer and a client get together to perpetrate a fraud, the attorney-client privilege is null and void.

The emails and texts between Cohen and Trump will tell the story.,
What "fraud" did they perpetrate?
That's what is being investigates. But....be of good cheer. If this raid is indeed unConstitutional, anything found...and anything it leads to is inadmissible in a court of law.
You mean they don't know what the fraud was, but they siezed his records because of fraud?

I know you don't see the contradiction there. No snowflake ever sees the problem with his absurd excuse for logic.
No...it means that WE don't know what they were looking for. WE are not in the loop.................yet.
But you turds have been claiming you know what the charges being investigated are.
Who said that? Though some have guessed what it might be about, just about everyone here is in agreement that the details of the warrant request remain secret.
What is your definition of facts? We have been so divided for so long, there is no consensus in facts..... but continue to go with what lies between your ears.
It's a fact Trump fucked Stormy Daniels. It's a fact Trump fucked Karen McDougal.

It's a fact their silence was bought in the last days of the 2016 campaign to help Trump get elected, at the very same time Trump was parading Bill Clinton's women before the cameras to divert attention away from his pussy grabbing tape.
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .
Of course it is. Their testimony could have been harmful to his campaign. Shutting them up was therefore of value to his campaign. That renders it a campaign contribution.
Sure, if you can get a whole jury to buy that, go with it sparky.

Oh? Pray tell, what story could Cohen possibly make up to a jury to convince them he took out an equity line against his own home to pay off a prostitute $130,000 for something of which was worth no value to Trump’s campaign??


Sure, you can word it that way, and make it sound that way, but it will still come down to partisan politics, and you are daft if you don't think it won't.

Go ahead, run a poll on this site.

It comes down to POV and whether or not you are a partisan.

ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

No way you will ever get a unanimous jury opinion in this climate. No way.
It's a fact Trump fucked Stormy Daniels. It's a fact Trump fucked Karen McDougal.

It's a fact their silence was bought in the last days of the 2016 campaign to help Trump get elected, at the very same time Trump was parading Bill Clinton's women before the cameras to divert attention away from his pussy grabbing tape.
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .
Of course it is. Their testimony could have been harmful to his campaign. Shutting them up was therefore of value to his campaign. That renders it a campaign contribution.
Sure, if you can get a whole jury to buy that, go with it sparky.

Oh? Pray tell, what story could Cohen possibly make up to a jury to convince them he took out an equity line against his own home to pay off a prostitute $130,000 for something of which was worth no value to Trump’s campaign??


Sure, you can word it that way, and make it sound that way, but it will still come down to partisan politics, and you are daft if you don't think it won't.

Go ahead, run a poll on this site.

It comes down to POV and whether or not you are a partisan.

ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

No way you will ever get a unanimous jury opinion in this climate. No way.
Well if this was ever presented to a jury, how do you think the prosecution would word it?
It's not really a fact that you can call buying their silence a campaign contribution though. . . .
Of course it is. Their testimony could have been harmful to his campaign. Shutting them up was therefore of value to his campaign. That renders it a campaign contribution.
Sure, if you can get a whole jury to buy that, go with it sparky.

Oh? Pray tell, what story could Cohen possibly make up to a jury to convince them he took out an equity line against his own home to pay off a prostitute $130,000 for something of which was worth no value to Trump’s campaign??


Sure, you can word it that way, and make it sound that way, but it will still come down to partisan politics, and you are daft if you don't think it won't.

Go ahead, run a poll on this site.

It comes down to POV and whether or not you are a partisan.

ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

No way you will ever get a unanimous jury opinion in this climate. No way.
Well if this was ever presented to a jury, how do you think the prosecution would word it?

If this raid was really about paying off whores?

I don't think it will matter. America will be pissed at the establishment that they have violated attorney client privilege over something so trivial.

Only rabid partisans would actually condone such behavior by the bureaucracy and the police state. Our very liberty and freedom is at stake here. None of this warrants such abuse of power.

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