Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

God, but I DO so love watching TrumpBots $hit their pants... shame on me...
Trump will take no prisoners in October.

Mueller is going to be lucky if he's housed in Gitmo after this
October? Halloween?

October Surprise. You keep whacking the hornets nest and think it's funny too.

We know this is a desperate ploy by the Democrats to deflect from their treasonous behavior - using the FBI and DOJ to spy on a political candidate, using Facebook, Amazon and Google to feed information to the government. Trumps knows it, he's holding back to do maximum damage, think of the Corleone Baptism. You think you're going to flip the House and Senate -- cuz Stormy!!! LOL. Soros, Hillary, Comey, Mueller's little lap dog, are like the heads of the Five Families. The only one spared will be Barack because Trump respects the office.[/QUOTE
trump respects NOTHING except personal gain
What’s to stop Trump from granting Cohen a pardon tonight? The FBI would have no choice but to drop everything on Cohen immediately.
Unless the lawyer committed a crime. You can't keep criminal behavior secret or the country would be in chaos.
But, the privilege belongs to the client, not the lawyer. I don't care if the lawyer committed a crime.
better call Saul about the threat you issued....you do not have a Law license and you are Rather Ignorant
Per Wiki:

Attorney–client privilege or lawyer–client privilege is a "client's right privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent any other person from disclosing confidential communications between the client and the attorney."[1]

The attorney–client privilege is one of the oldest recognized privileges for confidential communications.[2] The United States Supreme Court has stated that by assuring confidentiality, the privilege encourages clients to make "full and frank" disclosures to their attorneys, who are then better able to provide candid advice and effective representation.[3]

Attorney–client privilege - Wikipedia

They said if I voted for Trump our Constitutional Rights would be violated. And they were right!
There is no such attorney client privilege with regard to ongoing criminality. There is also no attorney client privilege if another person was present for communications who is not a lawyer.

Privilege is something to be asserted . Not something that is honored in advance

Nice try though.
If Mueller is not dead bang right on this, it is a career killer. Now that Stormy Daniels is bearing it all for Penthouse and answering questions, conveniently not under oath, she may sink his investigation right out of her box.

What all is Stormy “bearing” for Penthouse, a child. Or did you mean “baring it all”?
This time its different!!!


What do you mean “This time”? There is no “This time”. There’s only ever had been one FBI Russia Investigation and this is a part of it. Cohen had tax and other financial records on Trump. Mueller wanted them.

Stone by stone, brick by brick, Mueller is building his case. Every filing reveals more of the case. Just like he did with the Gambino Crime Family.
Per Wiki:

Attorney–client privilege or lawyer–client privilege is a "client's right privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent any other person from disclosing confidential communications between the client and the attorney."[1]

The attorney–client privilege is one of the oldest recognized privileges for confidential communications.[2] The United States Supreme Court has stated that by assuring confidentiality, the privilege encourages clients to make "full and frank" disclosures to their attorneys, who are then better able to provide candid advice and effective representation.[3]

Attorney–client privilege - Wikipedia

They said if I voted for Trump our Constitutional Rights would be violated. And they were right!
Doesn't apply if the lawyer is involved with crimes.
It's all a charade and it will never stop until Trump boards Marine One and departs permanently.
Or he shuts them down completely.
Crush them. Fire the AG,Shut down the FBI,Shut down the CIA etc. Shut down ANYONE that had a hand in spying on President Trump surround himself with a tight knit loyal group.
Well, if this were authoritarian rule I would agree...but this is a Constitutional Republic...aint happening. He is an unwanted virus in the body politic...the body will not cease until it rids the system of him. Not my opinion..but true. It will never stop.
What I wanna know is.......

WAY more to prosecute there.

It;s like a Republican could FART and get crucifed.....while the Left can rob every bank from coast to coast and it all is ignored. WTF?

Don't give me any horseshit like they haven't committed crimes that are DEEP levels more serious and harmful to the nation than this imaginary shit.

If you're a real American and you love your country (or what it used to be), this shit should have you beyond upset at this point.

The Republicans hold the White House, Congress and DoJ. If they haven’t found anything worth a special counsel there probably isn’t anything and Sessions et al know so they are creating a sideshow of smoke and mirrors.

It isn’t through lack of trying.
CNN just reported that these raids were obviously based on the crime-fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege. Interesting...

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
The crime-fraud exception applies if:
  • the client was in the process of committing or intended to commit a crime or fraudulent act, and
  • the client communicated with the lawyer with intent to further the crime or fraud, or to cover it up.
Does not cover past actions. All present and future intent. Therefore, it does not apply in this case, does it?

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