Michael Savage thinks stock market plunge is a deep state plot to destroy Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Radio host Michael Savage thinks the plunge in the stock market is a deep state plot to destroy President Trump.
Michael Savage Thinks Stock Market Plunge is a Deep State Plot to Destroy Trump

There is no doubt they pulled this bs on purpose. Since Russia failed, impeaching him so far has failed, his having an affair failed there are only two options left make him look bad with the economy and we know those Trump haters are stupid enough to believe his economy improvement is going bad when really it's not.

The only card left after the economy bs fails, is take him out and that has been being said for awhile because Democrats are filthy, dirty, pos losers who will stop at nothing to get their way. They're like big, big babies.
There is no doubt the regressive scum will do anything to destroy Trump and this country.
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.
Radio host Michael Savage thinks the plunge in the stock market is a deep state plot to destroy President Trump.
Michael Savage Thinks Stock Market Plunge is a Deep State Plot to Destroy Trump

There is no doubt they pulled this bs on purpose. Since Russia failed, impeaching him so far has failed, his having an affair failed there are only two options left make him look bad with the economy and we know those Trump haters are stupid enough to believe his economy improvement is going bad when really it's not.

The only card left after the economy bs fails, is take him out and that has been being said for awhile because Democrats are filthy, dirty, pos losers who will stop at nothing to get their way. They're like big, big babies.

Laughing....so if the stock market goes up, its Trump. If the stock market goes down, its the 'deep state'.

So Trump only takes credit for the good, blames others for the bad.

That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.

So? A Dead-cat-bounce at the start. 2015-2016 were not great before the 2016 election. My 401K stalled out. She lost and went back to munching carpet.

Things shot up 35% on real hope & change. Leave Trump alone. Let him work his stuff. We had a very dead 8 years despite all the free money. Trump knows business.
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.

So? A Dead-cat-bounce at the start. 2015-2016 were not great before the 2016 election. My 401K stalled out. She lost and went back to munching carpet.

Things shot up 35% on real hope & change. Leave Trump alone. Let him work his stuff. We had a very dead 8 years despite all the free money. Trump knows business.

If Trump wants to take personal credit for the uptick in the stock market, he's gotta take personal responsibility for the down.

If he wanted to be 'left alone', he shouldn't have spent so much time patting himself on the back and literally applauding himself.

By Trump's own logic......he's responsible for a 2000 point drop.
Radio host Michael Savage thinks the plunge in the stock market is a deep state plot to destroy President Trump.
Michael Savage Thinks Stock Market Plunge is a Deep State Plot to Destroy Trump

There is no doubt they pulled this bs on purpose. Since Russia failed, impeaching him so far has failed, his having an affair failed there are only two options left make him look bad with the economy and we know those Trump haters are stupid enough to believe his economy improvement is going bad when really it's not.

The only card left after the economy bs fails, is take him out and that has been being said for awhile because Democrats are filthy, dirty, pos losers who will stop at nothing to get their way. They're like big, big babies.

More than likely it is the result of major corporations having more capital available after the tax cuts ...
And buying back a sizeable portion of their stock options.

I like Michael Savage but he is off base on this one. You could make a case that Janet Yellen's parting shot at Wells Fargo was in intended to take a swipe at Donald Trump replacing her, but even that is a stretch.
Radio host Michael Savage thinks the plunge in the stock market is a deep state plot to destroy President Trump.
Michael Savage Thinks Stock Market Plunge is a Deep State Plot to Destroy Trump

There is no doubt they pulled this bs on purpose. Since Russia failed, impeaching him so far has failed, his having an affair failed there are only two options left make him look bad with the economy and we know those Trump haters are stupid enough to believe his economy improvement is going bad when really it's not.

The only card left after the economy bs fails, is take him out and that has been being said for awhile because Democrats are filthy, dirty, pos losers who will stop at nothing to get their way. They're like big, big babies.

Michael savage should start taking his anti-psychotic meds
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I like Michael Savage but he is off base on this one. You could make a case that Janet Yellen's parting shot at Wells Fargo was in intended to take a swipe at Donald Trump replacing her, but even that is a stretch.

:rofl: yes, it must be Janet Yellen's fault.

how about the market crashed the day nunes released his pretend memo and it scared investors because it made the congress and white house look insane?
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

Oh dude you do not have any clue how deeply inbedded they are and the powers that control more things than the average person even knows about.

Money is power and it's in every day aspect of our lives......... You can't believe how much power they have . just like the people who don't want pot legal well who steps up to hold them back " big pharma" they will pay out millions in ads, commercials, pay off people to keep it illegal.
If more LEFTARDS took the time to LEARN the powers behind so many wouldn't be clueless as to the powers of money

Those who bother to watch this end up connecting the dots, sometimes it takes a few watchings, or other films but one would learn from this it's those who are to lazy to bother who remain clueless to the powers that RULE OUR NATION

And it is NOT ALL ABOUT OBAMA it's about the BANKING INDUSTRY etc...



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Savage is one of my favorite personalities I listen to on the radio. He’s like a kooky Great Uncle that gets riled up very easy and then goes off on longwinded rants to anyone that will listen.
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

Oh dude you do not have any clue how deeply inbedded they are and the powers that control more things than the average person even knows about.

Money is power and it's in every day aspect of our lives......... You can't believe how much power they have . just like the people who don't want pot legal well who steps up to hold them back " big pharma" they will pay out millions in ads, commercials, pay off people to keep it illegal.
Everyone is plotting against you. Really. Everyone.

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