Michelle Malkin launches "Conservatives for Maxine Waters for President"

That makes them racist.

Technically, everyone is a racist. Unless you are utterly blind or simply cannot see skin colour, hear voices and other things, you're a racist. If you look at a person and note their hair is long, they are thin, dressed a certain way and have a certain complexion, you are a racist; you have made a racial distinction. If you are a black and have slavery issues from 150 years ago before your grandparents were even born and believe in blacks getting reparations, you are seeing yourself and others based on race------ you are a racist. If you are asked on a form what ethnicity you are, they are a racist. Since the government invoked affirmative action mandating hiring patterns based on ethnicity, they are all racist. Every person I've ever known that claimed they don't consider or even see people at all based on their race, treating all alike, they are often more racist. And those that riot and protest racist issues always seeing, judging and describing everything as a matter of race or inequality, they are the most supreme racists. After all, if they were NOT racist, how would they see all these alleged things???

You see, it is NATURAL to seek out people of similar likes and interests. All your friends are friends because you share something in common. Likewise, white people tend to associate with other whites, blacks with blacks, indians with indians etc., not because they are bigots, but because THAT IS NATURE, they have something in common. Common history, common familiar appearance, common social patterns, common locations, whatever. If a black and white person are friends, etc., it is because they share something else at another level in common; they are no more or less racist. Part of nature is sensing your environment, knowing a predator from another of your species. it is BIOLOGY that we see and note every visual characteristic in our surroundings, so EVERYONE is a racist at some level because part of nature and survival is the necessity of making distinctions, which is another ways of saying that NO ONE is a racist, and the whole "racism" issue is just another trumped up hype as a way of dividing and characterizing people in subgroups as victims of yet another issue.

Everyone has a right to chose the people they like, dislike and associate with. That isn't racism, it is NATURE.
Democrats will no doubt vote for her, and they outnumber Conservatives.

Another fallacy taught you by the democratic party. Leftists are a minority. The majority of people in this country are conservative or at least conservative-leaning. That is why democrats have been trying for years to shovel tons and tons of illegals into the country to build up their numbers through bribery with the promise of free benefits. The number of democrats will be further diminished once the voter rolls have been screen for inaccuracies.

The only reason why democrats survive at all is, besides constant lying, cheating, stealing, corruption and collusion, they focus their efforts at getting into key positions, in government, industry, education, media, etc., where they have added leverage over the masses. Once they get into key positions, they quickly organize to build a buddy system like a virus where they organize together to take over the body of the company to exclude anyone who is identified as not being part of the "team." Which as per another thread, makes them racists and hypocrites. But then we already knew that. Leftists and hardcore democrats are the greatest violators of everything they claim to believe in or be for.

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