Michelle Obama-"all this just for a flag"

It's funny I am noticing a Distinct Pattern. According to the Left in here, anything that might make Obama look less than Great is Dismissed as Irrelevant, A smear, Just right wing Extremism. While at the same time you are desperately trying to find Silver linings in Terrible Jobs reports, and continue to play the, Obama inherited this, Excuse.


Outright lies are more than irrelevant. They are political smears.

And the truth is the truth, whether you libs like it or not. This woman is a low life, two faced, hypocritical, leftist POS just like her husband...

lol. Nice little treat. :rolleyes:

I guess money grows on trees or something.


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Obama is bigger than the flag...I'm sure she'd prefer this one...


Obama's image on American flag angers vets - U.S. News

No President or person's image should be imposed on the American Flag. The Flag is supposed to embody all those who are US Citizens (......as offensive as that may sound to some people). No Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, or OBAMA or any future President be on the flag.

Go Vets!
It's funny I am noticing a Distinct Pattern. According to the Left in here, anything that might make Obama look less than Great is Dismissed as Irrelevant, A smear, Just right wing Extremism. While at the same time you are desperately trying to find Silver linings in Terrible Jobs reports, and continue to play the, Obama inherited this, Excuse.


Outright lies are more than irrelevant. They are political smears.

And the truth is the truth, whether you libs like it or not. This woman is a low life, two faced, hypocritical, leftist POS just like her husband...

That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, Obamabots?
I saw that flag clip...
It's pretty obvious what she said to her husband.
If the left wants to defend her...well.

But it's clear what happened.
I haven't seen it in a while but I'm sure she said...
All this just for a flag or
All this for a flag..

Then she shakes her head in disgust...
If the wife feels this way about our country,I'm sure the President is pretty much
on the same page.
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I saw that flag clip...
It's pretty obvious what she said to her husband.
If the left wants to defend her...well.

But it's clear what happened.
I haven't seen it in a while but I'm sure she said...
All this just for a flag or
All this for a flag..

Then she shakes her head in disgust...
If the wife feels this way about our country,I'm sure the President is pretty much
on the same page.

Actually I've always appreciated Michelle as a strong woman and I tended to overlook her comments about how 'for the first time. . . .' but this is in really poor taste. Never been a fan of Obama's policys, now Im not so much a fan of hers either. But what can you do? You warn people until you're blue in the face but do they listen? NooOooOoO
Just shows the got shit nothing notta zip of substance , trying rehash rev wright Even . I guess with romney as the nominee they have to use everything they got lmao

ANYTHING that reflects negatively on the Obamas in the past 3-4 years is OFF LIMITS, and "old news", and "not relevent", and "just a bunch of right wing extremists living in the past".

BUT, it's FAIR GAME and perfectly fine for the leftists to continue to play the "it's Bush's fault" game, and go back TEN years and talk about Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts, and go back to the 1990s when Romney was earning a living as a successful businessman.

A PERFECT example of blatant left wing hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is right! It's must be forgotten because it's the truth. His mentor, Jeremiah Wright, you know the one, "G D the USA!" It's to be forgotten because it's something they don't want drudged up again before the election but lies about Romney are not off limits.

That's the liberal for you!

god did damn america.
Outright lies are more than irrelevant. They are political smears.

And the truth is the truth, whether you libs like it or not. This woman is a low life, two faced, hypocritical, leftist POS just like her husband...

That's different. Somehow. It just is.
Unfortuately, that story IS different, because it's fictional.

You shouldn't believe everything that you want to believe.

snopes.com: Michelle Obama and Room Service

Michelle Obama was in Fort Wayne, Indiana at 4:00 PM on 10/15/08
I saw that flag clip...
It's pretty obvious what she said to her husband.
If the left wants to defend her...well.

But it's clear what happened.
I haven't seen it in a while but I'm sure she said...
All this just for a flag or
All this for a flag..

Then she shakes her head in disgust...
If the wife feels this way about our country,I'm sure the President is pretty much
on the same page.

This video looks "pretty obvious" too:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QidlfdZqhg&feature=relmfu]A Bad Lip Reading of Rick Perry's "Strong" Ad - YouTube[/ame]
When I talk about the conservative movement I used to admire being taken over by maniacs, psychos, mouth breathers, and liars, this topic is an example of what I am talking about.

The flag thing is a great indicator of who needs to be purged from the right wing. You assholes don't know what she is saying. It looks to me like she is saying something like "fold that flag".

This topic is smack in the middle of the Making Shit Up category which is typical of fuckheads who have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker who can't argue a single salient point about issues that matter.

You pricks are dragging the GOP under. You are the ones that got Obama elected, and who will get him re-elected.

As I said last week, this kind of regurgitated bongwater is just going to be coming faster and faster for the next few months by retards who don't how to debate with the grownups.
Let's see...

You are a black American who came from an era where you and your parents were treated as second class citizens by the country you loved. A black man, your husband had just won a major primary to be President of that same country

You think it is out of line to say you are really proud of your country for doing so?

Ah yes...a complete lack of a appreciation for the advances people can make.

Wow.......it is amazing you don't live in New Zeland where they can put people like you in pens with all the other sheep.
And the truth is the truth, whether you libs like it or not. This woman is a low life, two faced, hypocritical, leftist POS just like her husband...

That's different. Somehow. It just is.
Unfortuately, that story IS different, because it's fictional.

You shouldn't believe everything that you want to believe.

snopes.com: Michelle Obama and Room Service

Michelle Obama was in Fort Wayne, Indiana at 4:00 PM on 10/15/08

. . . .the weird turn pro!:clap2:
Until Michelle Obama tells us what she did say I'm going with
what the video clip shows she said.

Of course you are.

And it is what your mental defect says she said, not the video.

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