Michelle Obama for President? What Polls Say About Her 2024 Chances

Her thesis at Princeton was apparently so concerning thst they had to keep it hidden during her husband’s presidential campaign.

Plus, she held America in disdain until her husband was elected.
So, the question is, with the Democrat bench for '24 so light on substantive candidates could a Michelle Obama be tapped to run, and could she win?

My personal feeling is that if she did run it would be awfully hard for Trump to beat her...Another candidate with no track record in politics to criticize, other than statements made during her husbands tenure....But, no policies, no voting record etc....

With people beyond fed up with politicians from both sides would she sway the independents, a group needed to win? I think it's possible...What say you...?
I say I got better things to do then discuss the whims of what morons say on popular podcasts.
What difference does it make what a poll in April 2022 says about an election in November 2024?
Absolutely NOTHING.
I literally hope that every, politician in America drops dead right now.
And everyone who is even thinking of running for politics in America drops dead right now.
And everyone who EVER ran for or held political office in America drops dead right now (if they are still alive).
And I wish that everyone who sincerely believes in ANY, political party never votes again...or drops dead...whichever they prefer.
So, the question is, with the Democrat bench for '24 so light on substantive candidates could a Michelle Obama be tapped to run, and could she win?

My personal feeling is that if she did run it would be awfully hard for Trump to beat her...Another candidate with no track record in politics to criticize, other than statements made during her husbands tenure....But, no policies, no voting record etc....

With people beyond fed up with politicians from both sides would she sway the independents, a group needed to win? I think it's possible...What say you...?
Look we already got Idiot Joe and you try to make it worse? A typical democRat!
No question Michelle Obama would make a great President

But she seems to have no interest in politics
No question she would finish the the destruction of this country as quickly as possible. She is married to a Communist and a traitor.
No question Michelle Obama would make a great President

But she seems to have no interest in politics
Is it her low IQ or another one of her traits you would cast your vote for this woman without a clue? You say it is because you are a democRat and wouldn't know shit from a hole in the ground? That's what I thought.
So, the question is, with the Democrat bench for '24 so light on substantive candidates could a Michelle Obama be tapped to run, and could she win?

My personal feeling is that if she did run it would be awfully hard for Trump to beat her...Another candidate with no track record in politics to criticize, other than statements made during her husbands tenure....But, no policies, no voting record etc....

With people beyond fed up with politicians from both sides would she sway the independents, a group needed to win? I think it's possible...What say you...?
Michelle Obama? Another liberal with such disdain for her country that she never felt proud of it until her husband was elected president? No thanks.
Is it her low IQ or another one of her traits you would cast your vote for this woman without a clue? You say it is because you are a democRat and wouldn't know shit from a hole in the ground? That's what I thought.
Rightwinger is a typical liberal. All he knows is that Michelle Obama is a black female with disdain for America. Qualifications are not relevant.
Is it her low IQ or another one of her traits you would cast your vote for this woman without a clue? You say it is because you are a democRat and wouldn't know shit from a hole in the ground? That's what I thought.
Michelle Obama has elite qualifications who graduated at the top of her class at Princeton and Harvard Law
Rightwinger is a typical liberal. All he knows is that Michelle Obama is a black female with disdain for America. Qualifications are not relevant.

Michelle Obama is a highly educated woman who has worked with people from all levels of society

Unlike Republican wives who married for their good looks and only deal with the wealthy elite
Michelle Obama? Another liberal with such disdain for her country that she never felt proud of it until her husband was elected president? No thanks.

Michelle Obama was proud of her country for finally electing a black man after 200 years of second class citizenship

As we all should be
Then you're a blithering idiot.

who fails to notice the obvious...

See the source image


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