Michelle Obama: GOP is "ALL MEN, ALL WHITE"...Is she racist or stupid?

Meanwhile, all her and her pathetic skinny snake do is hang out with rich WHITE billionaires.

Hypocrisy is just a pure natural occurrence with anyone and everyone with the left.
Michelle Obama will NOT be outdone by Hillary Clinton. While Hillary is still on her 'This Is Who I blame For My Losing The 2016 Presidential Election' book promotion tour, Michelle is out and about attempting to further divide the nation along racial and gender lines.

The woman who told the American people she had NEVER been proud of the United States until her husband won the Presidency is out representing the Democratic Party - the party that was exposed through their own hacked / leaked personal e-mails as being RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, and ANTI-SEMITIC - by pulling out not only the 'Race Card' but the 'Misogyny Card' as well.

Michelle Obama: People 'Don't Trust Politics' Because Republican Party Is 'All Men, All White'

"Former First Lady Michelle Obama said that many people "don't trust politics" because the Republican Party is “all men, all white.”

I guess after having run the LEAST RACIALLY DIVERSE Presidential Candidates in 2016 - 2 ancient / old, white, corrupt, scandal-plagued career politicians - and after having been shamefully exposed / embarrassed by their own personal emails being released to the public, Michelle is now going on her own US tour for the Soros-Funded / Obama-led 'Resistance' to attempt to further divide this nation.

(The DNC 'Resistance' is proving to be a 'hydra' - one head the Soros/Obama-led 'Resistance', one head the all-in Fake News Media, one head the self-proclaimed anti-American anarchist fascists Antifa, one head the pro-Obama loyalists embedded in government like a tick dug in on a birddog...and just when you think you've 'cut one head of the hydra off' it grows two more back...)
The majority of white males have been voting Republican for decades because they are very aware that the Democratic Party hates them.
BTW, Manchelle is a racist.
I like Michelle Obama best when she is on vacation at a secret location away from cameras and microphones.
"...the Republican Party is “all men, all white.”
-- Former 1st Lady Michelle Obama

Maybe Michelle has never been proud of her country because she is ignorant and has no idea what she is talking about...

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski
Iowa: Joni Ernst
Maine: Susan Collins
Nebraska: Deb Fischer
And the Obamas still rent an opulent space in the heads of trumpanzees everywhere.
So Michelle Obama is racially prejudice against whites and gender-biased.....
As soon as Moochelle and the Chimp vacated the White House.

She went back to hating America again.

Although, I don't think she ever stopped, even while 1st lady. ..... :cool:
Michelle is a nasty and hateful racist, you can see it in her scowl. She's one repulsive bitch.
Michelle Obama has ALWAYS been a racist.
You'd probably say the same thing about Dr. King wouldn't you?
Because every black person should be treated like they are MLK Jr.......
What are you talking about?
You compared Michelle to MLK Jr, moron.

I simply stated what you are insinuating by doing that.
I didn’t compare shit. I was asking the poster if he would have said the same thing about MLK as he is saying about MO. People very often call civil rights advocates “Racist”. By nature they are standing up of one race over another so opponents can try and make that case, but it is a pretty ignorant point when considering the reality of the situation
Michelle Obama has ALWAYS been a racist.
You'd probably say the same thing about Dr. King wouldn't you?
Because every black person should be treated like they are MLK Jr.......
What are you talking about?
You compared Michelle to MLK Jr, moron.

I simply stated what you are insinuating by doing that.
I didn’t compare shit. I was asking the poster if he would have said the same thing about MLK as he is saying about MO. People very often call civil rights advocates “Racist”. By nature they are standing up of one race over another so they can try and make that case, but it is a pretty ignorant point when considering the reality of the situation
Any black person who makes any statement about race is a "civil rights activist" to you dipshits.

Conversely, any white person who makes any statement about race that doesn't affirm the opinions of non-whites is called a "racist" by you dipshits.

THAT is the reality of the situation. Black people have rights that white people don't even comprehend fully, because we haven't had them for over a generation now.
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You'd probably say the same thing about Dr. King wouldn't you?
Because every black person should be treated like they are MLK Jr.......
What are you talking about?
You compared Michelle to MLK Jr, moron.

I simply stated what you are insinuating by doing that.
I didn’t compare shit. I was asking the poster if he would have said the same thing about MLK as he is saying about MO. People very often call civil rights advocates “Racist”. By nature they are standing up of one race over another so they can try and make that case, but it is a pretty ignorant point when considering the reality of the situation
Any black person who makes any statement about race is a "civil rights activist" to you dipshits.

Conversely, any white person who makes any statement about race that doesn't affirm the opinions of non-whites is called a "racist" by you dipshits.

THAT is the reality of the situation. Black people have rights that white people don't even comprehend fully, because we haven't had them for over a generation now.
Glad you got that off your chest... feel better now? Now if we can get back to the conversation where I called nobody a racist and was actually responding to somebody that called Michelle Obama a racists. Michelle Obama, you know the first black FLOTUS and outspoken civil rights activist. Not "Any black person".
Because every black person should be treated like they are MLK Jr.......
What are you talking about?
You compared Michelle to MLK Jr, moron.

I simply stated what you are insinuating by doing that.
I didn’t compare shit. I was asking the poster if he would have said the same thing about MLK as he is saying about MO. People very often call civil rights advocates “Racist”. By nature they are standing up of one race over another so they can try and make that case, but it is a pretty ignorant point when considering the reality of the situation
Any black person who makes any statement about race is a "civil rights activist" to you dipshits.

Conversely, any white person who makes any statement about race that doesn't affirm the opinions of non-whites is called a "racist" by you dipshits.

THAT is the reality of the situation. Black people have rights that white people don't even comprehend fully, because we haven't had them for over a generation now.
Glad you got that off your chest... feel better now? Now if we can get back to the conversation where I called nobody a racist and was actually responding to somebody that called Michelle Obama a racists. Michelle Obama, you know the first black FLOTUS and outspoken civil rights activist. Not "Any black person".
Michelle Obama is just another privileged black moron.

She doesn't know the meaning of the words "civil rights".

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