Michelle Obama makes kids eat "Healthy" as her own children eat Real food

I see nobody has answered how kids can be both starving AND obese....

Again..how are we helping the starving children of the US by offering fewer calories at school?

you can be starving for nutrition and obese. it's easy.

eat nothing but sugar. you'll get fatter, but you won't be meeting your nutritional needs and you will be, in effect, starving.

processed foods are typical high in calories and low in nutrition - partially because those high calorie/low nutrition ingredients are cheap.
For years I've had to listen to left wing control freaks scream "stay out of my bedroom". Well that's fine and dandy.

So why the fuck don't you power tripping idiots stay out of my kitchen!. You have no right to dictate to parents what their children eat.
should we start charging the ACTUAL people who are obese more for their insurance dimwit/
would you support that? that way it doesnt cost you none.

or get ready to pay more for taxes you dolt
The left has expanded the school lunch programs SPECIFICALLY so they can starve children.

It was never about feeding them. It's about reducing the population, and only allowing access to the food necessary to maintain a smaller population. In this way, they reduce the population.

Even the subversives know, that they can't keep giving away money and FOOD STAMPS forever, and the push to have Planned Parenthood KILL over 300K BLACK babies a year is surely POPULATION CONTROL, as blacks tend to produce more babies than whites...No you can all call me a RACIST!:badgrin:
The left has expanded the school lunch programs SPECIFICALLY so they can starve children.

It was never about feeding them. It's about reducing the population, and only allowing access to the food necessary to maintain a smaller population. In this way, they reduce the population.

Yes you've discovered the motive. We want to feed them healthy foods to starve them. The more they eat the more they starve muahahahaha

The left has expanded the school lunch programs SPECIFICALLY so they can starve children.

It was never about feeding them. It's about reducing the population, and only allowing access to the food necessary to maintain a smaller population. In this way, they reduce the population.

this may be the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

please explain your reasoning. how does an expansion of school lunch programs result in starvation?
For years I've had to listen to left wing control freaks scream "stay out of my bedroom". Well that's fine and dandy.

So why the fuck don't you power tripping idiots stay out of my kitchen!. You have no right to dictate to parents what their children eat.

Your kitchen aint at school
The left has expanded the school lunch programs SPECIFICALLY so they can starve children.

It was never about feeding them. It's about reducing the population, and only allowing access to the food necessary to maintain a smaller population. In this way, they reduce the population.

this may be the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

please explain your reasoning. how does an expansion of school lunch programs result in starvation?

the same way the expansion of the welfare state under obama has led to more welfare and food stamps; not less
Here's what's funny...these loons have justified ridiculous entitlement program increases...citing that the children of America are going to school HUNGRY, and the only food they eat they often receive at school.

So what do they do after they increase the number of people on welfare?

Why, reduce the calories that are offered at school, and make it as unappetizing as possible, of course, at a higher cost!


So if all our kids are hungry, how is it that they're obese?

lol.....great point....

republicans have caved to demands that the state feeds poor schoolchildren.....not only lunches but breakfasts as well...

the damn libs can't use their meme of 'starving children' anymore....so they pivot to obesity and healthy foods....it is just part of the continuing attack on the opposition...after this it will be something else...

the point GT stupidly ignores is their real goal is bigger and more controlling government...once in total power they won't give a rats ass about 'the children'....

Sorry, I don't make assumptions like that to determine if one particular issue is right or wrong.

no...you just trumpet how great their program is...without considering the consequences...

what on earth makes you think the Federal Government has the right to control the lunch menu in every public school across America.....?
I see nobody has answered how kids can be both starving AND obese....

Again..how are we helping the starving children of the US by offering fewer calories at school?

you can be starving for nutrition and obese. it's easy.

eat nothing but sugar. you'll get fatter, but you won't be meeting your nutritional needs and you will be, in effect, starving.

processed foods are typical high in calories and low in nutrition - partially because those high calorie/low nutrition ingredients are cheap.

Uh huh.


“The total world population should be not more than 2 billion, rather than the current 5.6 billion [in 1994].” (Cornell University professor David Pimentel, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science)
They believe to have a sustainable economy it is necessary to eliminate the burdens on it by large population.


"To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world population problem (Lamont Cole)"

"The green movements answer to food shortage is population control. Instead of giving people the tools to grow food, their solution is simply to take away the people. One of the more obvious reasons for diminishing the population is to have centralized control over the masses. It is easier to re-educate them and introduce an earth based philosophy and religion for the future world."
For years I've had to listen to left wing control freaks scream "stay out of my bedroom". Well that's fine and dandy.

So why the fuck don't you power tripping idiots stay out of my kitchen!. You have no right to dictate to parents what their children eat.

There you have it.

Public school lunches are made in tiny dancers kitchen

any questions?

the school systems are saying they cant afford the menu changes

you say it's all paid for

they must be lying just to mess with your head

lol clown
lol.....great point....

republicans have caved to demands that the state feeds poor schoolchildren.....not only lunches but breakfasts as well...

the damn libs can't use their meme of 'starving children' anymore....so they pivot to obesity and healthy foods....it is just part of the continuing attack on the opposition...after this it will be something else...

the point GT stupidly ignores is their real goal is bigger and more controlling government...once in total power they won't give a rats ass about 'the children'....

Sorry, I don't make assumptions like that to determine if one particular issue is right or wrong.

no...you just trumpet how great their program is...without considering the consequences...

what on earth makes you think the Federal Government has the right to control the lunch menu in every public school across America.....?

im sorry - I didn't see that law anywhere

im trying to find it, <looks under bed>

I cant find it anywhere

can you show me where the federal government has mandated the menu for public school lunches into law, or no?>
For years I've had to listen to left wing control freaks scream "stay out of my bedroom". Well that's fine and dandy.

So why the fuck don't you power tripping idiots stay out of my kitchen!. You have no right to dictate to parents what their children eat.

There you have it.

Public school lunches are made in tiny dancers kitchen

any questions?


it has already been pointed out to you in some cases home lunches are banned
so yes leftard; the government is replacing the homemaker
lol.....great point....

republicans have caved to demands that the state feeds poor schoolchildren.....not only lunches but breakfasts as well...

the damn libs can't use their meme of 'starving children' anymore....so they pivot to obesity and healthy foods....it is just part of the continuing attack on the opposition...after this it will be something else...

the point GT stupidly ignores is their real goal is bigger and more controlling government...once in total power they won't give a rats ass about 'the children'....

I support better nutrition in schools and I support free meals and I support those systems that have started sending weekend meals home with kids. I support them to such a degree that I would be willing to cut bloated administrative and teacher payrolls to help fund these things. It is not a left-right/liberal-conservative thing to me in the end. Just so we get there, I am open to funding it however it takes to do it. Raise taxes or reduce pay. Either way is fine with me.

Why go to all that bother? You believe government knows best. Just skip all you mentioned and seize the children.

Abolish parenting altogether. Grab the kids and be done.

Just have done. Obviously if you believe that children even need weekend meals from the government, hell's just take them away from their obviously unfit parents.

Give er'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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