Michelle Obama "my kids ruined my life "

Her kids will poof poof it off but deep down, where people can't see, they will resent her for the rest of their lives.
The phrase is to pooh-pooh something. And yes, Michelle comes off as a monster who shouldn't
be in charge of a cage of hamsters, let alone two daughters.

And there is a whisper campaign floating her name for vice president? Good luck with that!
Yeah- such a monster
“I love our daughters more than anything in the world ― more than life itself. And while that may not be the first thing that some folks want to hear from an Ivy-league-educated lawyer, it is truly who I am. So for me, being Mom-in-Chief is, and always will be, job number one.” ― Michelle Obama, 2015
Did you happen to see this in the OP? Or are you just going to act like it doesn't exist?
Michele Obama circa 2015 is contradicted by Michele Obamaa circa 2020.

Her "aspirations and dreams" were foiled and thwarted by having children and she couldn't be
Obama's "equal", whatever that means.
It doesn't seem that she loves her daughters more "than anything in the world". It seems like
she regrets them.

It's seems like they've been an impediment to her aspirations, by her own reckoning.
Though it's hard to see how two daughters prevented her from being Obamaa's wife, which is the highest station in life she had any possible right to aspire to considering there was absolutely nothing about her
that indicated she deserved to be anything higher.

Her one foray into public policy, her school lunch program, was a dismal failure. Maybe her entire life
before the White House, which was an exercise in the Peter Principle, being promoted and put into positions
that were perfunctory or above her capabilities, is what failed her making her think she was much more
capable and worthy of adulation then she really was.
Looking at your choices, making an informed decision to have children to raise them as a family, to support them from kindergarten through college, that is a bad thing?
if more people acted like this , Less welfare would be needed, less child abuse, less abandoned children, more educated people, less crime.
on this board in less than two pages
selfish, narcissist, phonies, biggest scam in history of world, pieces of s****, piece of trash, disgusting. WHO are you people? is there no bottom your not willing to sink to
Why didn't she just abort them if they stood in her way? Liberals use abortion as a fringe benefit to F irresponsibly.

We can kill them when their born now. Maybe we should be able to do it if they end up a pain in the A when their 2 or 3.

Sounds good huh? Nothing surprises me anymore about libtards.
Contards don't believe in abortion- unless their mistress needs one.

Shame you think you can kill children after they are born. That is called murder- and if you follow through on your threats I hope you get the chair.
I could care less what a woman does. If she wants to murder the thing, better than raising a worthless bastard.

One has to answer to someone else. So You're wrong. I am for abortion. What do you have to say for yourself now? I enjoy knowing fetuses are terminated, just like you do.

One question. How does a woman who had abortions look at her non murdered children, knowing she murdered her brothers and sisters.
Giving birth to my children certainly limited my choices in life by bringing with them responsibilities and obligations I had to meet.
Kids got a father or child protective services coming to take them away? Kids are kids. Feed, clothe, house, and educate them, but how does that limit your choices in any way? If you're too poor, the Democrat government gives you all kinds of support for all of that.
Michelle Obama is an America Hating JOKE. Like her "husband" an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION clown. She hates her OWN CHILDREN and uses them as an excuse that she is essentially a NOBODY and only known because of her Communist "husband".

Former first lady Michelle Obama said in her newly-released Netflix documentary Becoming that having children was a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams.”

Obama made the remarks while talking about her desire to become “equal” to her husband, President Barack Obama.

“My relationship with Barack was all about our equal partnership,” Obama recalled. “If I was going to have a unique voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up and set myself off to a place where I was going to be his equal.”

However, the birth of their two daughters, Malia and Sasha, “changed” the course of the couple’s relationship.

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” the first lady explained. “Something had to give and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

“I made that concession not because he said ‘you have to quit your job,’ but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back,'” she added

That is EXACTLY what she said.

So basically, she's not only doing parenthood all wrong, she's also doing marriage all wrong.
"... ruined my life... "

One of the primary characteristics of nutters is the need to misquote, misinterpret, distort, and often completely fabricate the words of others in a transparently dishonest attempt to make a "point".

They do this with such frequency and passion that it's entirely possible they actually believe what they're saying or writing, as they say or write it.

One of the more counterproductive symptoms of the affliction.

Yeah, it's so nutty of people to interpret "Something had to give, and it was my aspirations and dreams" as ruining one's life . . . even though giving up one's dreams is usually considered to ruin one's life.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.


She wishes she had killed them.

I doubt it, but she clearly wishes to be venerated and possibly canonized for her "martyrdom" in allowing them to live.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.


She wishes she had killed them.
All Trumpkins wish they had killed the Obamas.

She said it.

Leftists view every live birth as a tragedy, a missed opportunity for an abortion. Michelle wishes she could have killed her girls so that the holy sacrament of abortion would be fed.

It is Michelle Fast Ass's way of saying, "It's not my fault that I turned out to be basically a glorified Housewife." Blame my kids!
I wonder what it is about Michelle Obama's success that makes you so bitter?

Is it her graduating from Harvard Law?
Is it that she is the most admired woman in America?
Is it that she has never been divorced, and has two lovely children?
Is it that she was a very admired First Lady?
Is it that she had an actual professional career?
Or is it as simple as the fact that she is an admired black woman?

I wonder what it is that made her so bitter about having children?

The leftist notion that women are empowered by imitating men and avoiding anything actually feminine.
"... ruined my life... "

One of the primary characteristics of nutters is the need to misquote, misinterpret, distort, and often completely fabricate the words of others in a transparently dishonest attempt to make a "point".

They do this with such frequency and passion that it's entirely possible they actually believe what they're saying or writing, as they say or write it.

One of the more counterproductive symptoms of the affliction.

Oh Bullshit....the actual wording is even more offensive ..

"Concessions that cost me my dreams???"

Let's face it she's a selfish bitch

Except you did not summarize her words. You quoted them as outlined by the use of "".

And that quote was an outright fabrication. That is a simple fact. Trying to defend it just strengthens MAC's point rather than doing the honest thing and stating that it was an error.

Except that quotation marks don't always denote a direct quote. Sometimes they indicate an interpretation, or they can be used to call out a word or a phrase for a specific reason.
Show the quote where she said “ruined”
As if you didn’t already see it :rolleyes:
“Something had to give and it was my aspirations and dreams.”
You know the sad part, CC? For most women, having children is their aspirations and dreams. I feel sorry for Sasha and Malia having to read that shit.

Yes- you feel so sorry for them- you make up crap like this:
P@triot March 2017: As everyone knows - Barack Obama brutally raped both Sasha and Malia almost daily.

Because you 'feel sorry' for them- you make up hateful crap like that.
Can you link to him saying that?
Yes- you feel so sorry for them- you make up crap like this:
P@triot March 2017: As everyone knows - Barack Obama brutally raped both Sasha and Malia almost daily.

Because you 'feel sorry' for them- you make up hateful crap like that.
Can you link to him saying that?
Yes, can you link to me saying that, Syriusly? Even I want to see that one! :popcorn:
Yes- you feel so sorry for them- you make up crap like this:
P@triot March 2017: As everyone knows - Barack Obama brutally raped both Sasha and Malia almost daily.

Because you 'feel sorry' for them- you make up hateful crap like that.
Can you link to him saying that?
Yes, can you link to me saying that, Syriusly? Even I want to see that one! :popcorn:

I imagine that Patty boy would love to see his slimey comment again-

In Trumpkin world- accusing a father of raping his daughters is just another day on the job.
I would bet everything I own that she loves her kids...some people just hate her because of some obscure partisan reason. Man just let it go. Move on with your life. No reason to hate any first lady.
I imagine that Patty boy would love to see his slimey comment again-
Um...that was clearly sarcasm, dumb ass. :lmao:
I imagine that Patty boy would love to see his slimey comment again-
Um...that was clearly sarcasm, dumb ass. :lmao:
Those are your words.

If you want to pretend now that your slimey attack on Obama is not 'sarcasm'- sure- lie about that too.

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