Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

How much time did you spend on that?

Absolutely $0. Free meme generators are "cheap" and easy....which fits you poifeckly.

Are you on your first cup of coffee, or do you always have this much trouble with reading? I didn't ask how much it cost, I asked how much time you spent on it.

There you did it. You confused her with simple statements and questions.
Says the fake Jew.

What did you just fart out of your mouth, fake Rabbi?

Feeling a need for recognition again?

Who knew that forgetting my glasses would cause such intrigue!

But to address the original query: using a meme generator is quick and virtually sensation free - much like sex must be with Stat and Carla.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Absolutely $0. Free meme generators are "cheap" and easy....which fits you poifeckly.

Are you on your first cup of coffee, or do you always have this much trouble with reading? I didn't ask how much it cost, I asked how much time you spent on it.

There you did it. You confused her with simple statements and questions.
Says the fake Jew.

What did you just fart out of your mouth, fake Rabbi?

Feeling a need for recognition again?

Who knew that forgetting my glasses would cause such intrigue!

But to address the original query: using a meme generator is quick and virtually sensation free - much like sex must be with Stat and Carla.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I suppose you even think that was witty.

Oh, well.

Were you planning to have sex with both me and Carla at the same time, was that your plan?

That's pretty wild.
Michelle is a tranny guys, seriously. Why do you keep calling Micheal Michelle?

Hey, who am I to argue with someone else's choice of name and identity? That would require me to care. :dunno:

so you don't care that the POTUS and his "wife" are not who they say they are?

Well, it's not like I'm surprised. I don't exactly expect politicians to be 100% honest and forthcoming, and especially not far-left ones.

And frankly, sexual identity isn't something I care about in much of anyone. Not my business, not my problem, don't want to know.
Are you on your first cup of coffee, or do you always have this much trouble with reading? I didn't ask how much it cost, I asked how much time you spent on it.

There you did it. You confused her with simple statements and questions.
Says the fake Jew.

What did you just fart out of your mouth, fake Rabbi?

Feeling a need for recognition again?

Who knew that forgetting my glasses would cause such intrigue!

But to address the original query: using a meme generator is quick and virtually sensation free - much like sex must be with Stat and Carla.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I suppose you even think that was witty.

Oh, well.

Were you planning to have sex with both me and Carla at the same time, was that your plan?

That's pretty wild.

Boe could be in a coma, and still be wittier than you. Admittedly, that isn't a high bar to clear, and don't think I haven't noticed the connection between your wit and a coma.
What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.
^ rw mouth-breather post got 5-likes :eusa_doh:This is why your party has probs picking winners for the Prez elections 'cause they have to dumb it down for you people.
Tough shit.....MO is a complainer.
After her transition back to the private sector, liberal activists will be begging her to speak at $500k per pop....What the fuck does SHE have to complain about. Ungrateful twat.
What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.
^ rw mouth-breather post got 5-likes :eusa_doh:This is why your party has probs picking winners for the Prez elections 'cause they have to dumb it down for you people.
Tough shit.....MO is a complainer.
After her transition back to the private sector, liberal activists will be begging her to speak at $500k per pop....What the fuck does SHE have to complain about. Ungrateful twat.
pent-up rw hate much?

What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.
^ rw mouth-breather post got 5-likes :eusa_doh:This is why your party has probs picking winners for the Prez elections 'cause they have to dumb it down for you people.
Tough shit.....MO is a complainer.
After her transition back to the private sector, liberal activists will be begging her to speak at $500k per pop....What the fuck does SHE have to complain about. Ungrateful twat.
pent-up rw hate much?

Is that the best you can come up with?
Gee, since you played the hate card, why not go for the gold and play the race card too?
Truth hurts. Boo fucking hoo hoo.
What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.
^ rw mouth-breather post got 5-likes :eusa_doh:This is why your party has probs picking winners for the Prez elections 'cause they have to dumb it down for you people.
Tough shit.....MO is a complainer.
After her transition back to the private sector, liberal activists will be begging her to speak at $500k per pop....What the fuck does SHE have to complain about. Ungrateful twat.
pent-up rw hate much?

Is that the best you can come up with?
Gee, since you played the hate card, why not go for the gold and play the race card too?
Truth hurts. Boo fucking hoo hoo.
What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.
^ rw mouth-breather post got 5-likes :eusa_doh:This is why your party has probs picking winners for the Prez elections 'cause they have to dumb it down for you people.
Tough shit.....MO is a complainer.
After her transition back to the private sector, liberal activists will be begging her to speak at $500k per pop....What the fuck does SHE have to complain about. Ungrateful twat.
pent-up rw hate much?

Is that the best you can come up with?
Gee, since you played the hate card, why not go for the gold and play the race card too?
Truth hurts. Boo fucking hoo hoo.
Since you've resorted to meaningless snarky replies, you are summarily dismissed.
This is the sound of the door closing.
What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.

I don't think so. The real nasties are the republican racists who spew racism 24 7. Oh well, it seems you learned nothing from 2008 and 2012 massacres.

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