Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.

They should shut up and go back to picking cotton, after her skin bleaching, right Sasquatch?

Picking cotton? Puh-fricking-leeze. Everything's back to "black people = slavery" with you bigots. You literally are incapable of thinking or talking about any black person without coming back to that.
and remember way back in late 2008 when Chrissy Matthews was gloating over a phony poll that had Moochelles approval around 85%? as if any intelligent American were going to take that poll seriously?
I hope one of the dingbats on ABC asks Moochelle" So First Racist, Ooops, I mean, First Lady Moonchelle, I have to ask you, do you find it offensive when White People assume that all black people eat Chicken 7 nights a week, and watermelon for dessert?
Michelle also forgot to tell the crowd of applauding folks with a 35 IQ that Obama is more interested in helping Muslims than blacks, even wants to give them 50 Billion dollars and 0 dollars to help blacks get jobs.

Oh darn. she should tell them the truth.Obama is flooding the country with Illegal immigrants that will squash any chances they had.

If they only knew the truth
They should shut up and go back to picking cotton, after her skin bleaching, right Sasquatch?

Picking cotton? Puh-fricking-leeze. Everything's back to "black people = slavery" with you bigots. You literally are incapable of thinking or talking about any black person without coming back to that.
and remember way back in late 2008 when Chrissy Matthews was gloating over a phony poll that had Moochelles approval around 85%? as if any intelligent American were going to take that poll seriously?
I hope one of the dingbats on ABC asks Moochelle" So First Racist, Ooops, I mean, First Lady Moonchelle, I have to ask you, do you find it offensive when White People assume that all black people eat Chicken 7 nights a week, and watermelon for dessert?
Michelle also forgot to tell the crowd of applauding folks with a 35 IQ that Obama is more interested in helping Muslims than blacks, even wants to give them 50 Billion dollars and 0 dollars to help blacks get jobs.

Oh darn. she should tell them the truth.Obama is flooding the country with Illegal immigrants that will squash any chances they had.

If they only knew the truth
Their are fewer illegals coming than compared to the last El Presidente...
i will be looking forward to Moochelle and Hillary telling US Americans not to vote for Cruz/Rubio because they are both Hispanic, therefore too dumb to be Presidents.
i will be looking forward to Moochelle and Hillary telling US Americans not to vote for Cruz/Rubio because they are both Hispanic, therefore too dumb to be Presidents.

Dig the performance art. You're like Stephen Wright if he didn't know when the joke was over.
i will be looking forward to Moochelle and Hillary telling US Americans not to vote for Cruz/Rubio because they are both Hispanic, therefore too dumb to be Presidents.
i dont know how mooch can go that long without passing gas, god, every time Al Sharpton speaks(more like lies) to an audience of 500 or so, he rips one every two minutes.
It's always about race with this cow....always.

She should have whined to her husband and talked him out of running for re-election after discovering how miserable it is to have the liberal media fawn all over you as you take tons of vacations and have personal assistants to do everything for you. Poor baby. I guess she didn't like being criticized for some really stupid things, like saying she wasn't proud of America before her husband got elected, changing school lunch menus so students had to settle for a pitiful lunch and then let's not forget her comments at a flag ceremony. "All this for a $%#& flag." Stay classy.

Other presidents and first ladies should be rolling their eyes considering what they went through. Yup, Michelle acts like no one has ever faced criticism, but she's the only one to blame racism instead of ideology.
It's always about race with this cow....always.

She should have whined to her husband and talked him out of running for re-election after discovering how miserable it is to have the liberal media fawn all over you as you take tons of vacations and have personal assistants to do everything for you. Poor baby. I guess she didn't like being criticized for some really stupid things, like saying she wasn't proud of America before her husband got elected, changing school lunch menus so students had to settle for a pitiful lunch and then let's not forget her comments at a flag ceremony. "All this for a $%#& flag." Stay classy.

Other presidents and first ladies should be rolling their eyes considering what they went through. Yup, Michelle acts like no one has ever faced criticism, but she's the only one to blame racism instead of ideology.

She's thin skinned and thrives off racism.
It's always about race with this cow....always.

She should have whined to her husband and talked him out of running for re-election after discovering how miserable it is to have the liberal media fawn all over you as you take tons of vacations and have personal assistants to do everything for you. Poor baby. I guess she didn't like being criticized for some really stupid things, like saying she wasn't proud of America before her husband got elected, changing school lunch menus so students had to settle for a pitiful lunch and then let's not forget her comments at a flag ceremony. "All this for a $%#& flag." Stay classy.

Other presidents and first ladies should be rolling their eyes considering what they went through. Yup, Michelle acts like no one has ever faced criticism, but she's the only one to blame racism instead of ideology.

She's thin skinned and thrives off racism.
and to think that on and off over the years, liberals were comparing her to Jackie O? how nauseating! Thats like Comparing Princess Dianna to Dennis Roddman.
It's always about race with this cow....always.

She should have whined to her husband and talked him out of running for re-election after discovering how miserable it is to have the liberal media fawn all over you as you take tons of vacations and have personal assistants to do everything for you. Poor baby.

You clearly missed what she said in the speech and still haven't bothered to watch it yet feel you know what she said and in it's correct context.

I guess she didn't like being criticized for some really stupid things, like saying she wasn't proud of America before her husband got elected,

According to her at least she was talking about voter turnout.

changing school lunch menus so students had to settle for a pitiful lunch

Healthy lunch and this is only the food that public schools provide, I don't want my tax dollars going to create little fat fucks.

and then let's not forget her comments at a flag ceremony. "All this for a $%#& flag." Stay classy.

She never said it. The story originated with the Washington Times based on a lip reading by a source that didn't pan out.

Other presidents and first ladies should be rolling their eyes considering what they went through. Yup, Michelle acts like no one has ever faced criticism, but she's the only one to blame racism instead of ideology.

Again, you clearly didn't watch the speech. it was about overcoming shit people say, negative ugly shit and get on with one's life. Perfectly reasonable topic for a commencement speech. But, don't let me get int he way, continue with your program of ugly shit.
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Once Hanoi Jane shot off her big mouth, she could never take the words back, and those words ended-up hurting her image, forevermore.

Same concept here... you can't pull-back the words, once you've shot off your big mouth.
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Damage her image? She's relatively popular.
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Damage her image? She's relatively popular.
In relation to what?

And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Damage her image? She's relatively popular.
In relation to what?

In relation to Bill or Hillary Clinton or George and Laura Bush throughout their times in the white house.


And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?

At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Once Hanoi Jane shot off her big mouth, she could never take the words back, and those words ended-up hurting her image, forevermore.

Same concept here... you can't pull-back the words, once you've shot off your big mouth.
so when is moochelle going to speak before the "White Womens Club" of Denver Colorado?
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Damage her image? She's relatively popular.
In relation to what?

In relation to Bill or Hillary Clinton or George and Laura Bush throughout their times in the white house.


And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?

At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.

Gallup sees it differently...

Presidential Ratings -- The First Lady Gallup Historical Trends

And neither yours nor mine include anything post-November 2014...

The timeframe in which both hubby and Michelle have taken considerable hits...
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Damage her image? She's relatively popular.
In relation to what?

In relation to Bill or Hillary Clinton or George and Laura Bush throughout their times in the white house.


And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?

At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.

Gallup sees it differently...

Presidential Ratings -- The First Lady Gallup Historical Trends

And neither yours nor mine include anything post-November 2014...

The timeframe in which both hubby and Michelle have taken considerable hits...

No it doesn't. Look at the dates of your poll.
...Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady...
Maybe she should have tried being proud of her country somewhere up-and-down the line in her life, before hubby started running for President, eh?

And, if she could not manage that, perhaps she should have kept her mouth shut, rather than serving-up such commentary, and damaging her image so early-on.

Damage her image? She's relatively popular.
In relation to what?

In relation to Bill or Hillary Clinton or George and Laura Bush throughout their times in the white house.


And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?

At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.

Gallup sees it differently...

Presidential Ratings -- The First Lady Gallup Historical Trends

And neither yours nor mine include anything post-November 2014...

The timeframe in which both hubby and Michelle have taken considerable hits...

Considering Pews reputation over that of Gallup, I'll stick with Pew. That being said, Michelle Obama remains popular, despite polling firm. Point stands.

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