Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.
And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.
And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.
Did it ever occur to you that at least some sizable portion of her detractors 'turned sour' over that very comment?

Do you not see that it was a turning point - an unfavorable one, at that?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.
Did it ever occur to you that at least some sizable portion of her detractors 'turned sour' over that very comment?

Do you not see that it was a turning point - an unfavorable one, at that?

That did it for me. I knew right off she was going to be nothing but a hater
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.
Did it ever occur to you that at least some sizable portion of her detractors 'turned sour' over that very comment?

Do you not see that it was a turning point - an unfavorable one, at that?

No, if you feel strongly about it then make a case. i don't see how that is where it "turned sour" since that was in 2008.


Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.
Did it ever occur to you that at least some sizable portion of her detractors 'turned sour' over that very comment?

Do you not see that it was a turning point - an unfavorable one, at that?

That did it for me. I knew right off she was going to be nothing but a hater

If she didn't say that you would approve of her then? Liar.
Oh, look at all the racism coming from Breitbart.com comments section over Obama's speech. But of course, The Democrats are the real racists.

Correction-first African American transvestite


You might be African but you sure aren’t American.


She is a HATE filled Negro, a true RACIST and anti-American.


How many times have people mistaken her for a tranny?


I did have a misperception…how did a Wookie become the FLOTUS? Later—of course—I was set straight, though it is easy to confuse a Sasquatch with George Luca’s fictional pilot of the Millienium Falcon.


I’ll be glad when monkey face is gone!


Just like her Muslim husband, Mooch is despicable. She says all her woes are caused by her skin color. If she really believes that why not do what Michael Jackson did?

Whiten up girl, don’t delay!


I never had any misconceptions about her….she makes a baboon look pretty.


She always looks like she’s ready to bite someone’s ear off.


I bet she could, just like Tyson. Wouldn’t surprise me. I wouldn’t get close enough.


Do ya ‘spose anyone trusts an administration which is FEEDING ITS OWN CITIZENRY TO THE SAVAGE DOGS OF RADICAL JIHADISM…………….?


I wish I could rip a big one in her face.


Affirmative Action imputes a perception of qualification where none exists.


We will NOT see another black president in our lifetime.


She is only an “affirmative action” flotus. She really needs to get over herself.


‘Lady’ is hardly the word to describe this beast…………..so many stereotypes have been confirmed. The White House will have to be razed when these grifters are finally sent packing.


yup, can’t power wash or steam clean that much afrosheen off. Plus the stench will never go away.


Moosh intends to totally trash the place before she vacates.


Shut-up you dumb whoore.


No Michael/Michelle more like America’s First Drag Queen.


FLOTUS: As First African-American First Lady I Faced Fear, Misperceptions

If you dress like a jigger.

If you talk like a jigger.

If you act like a jigger.

Them ALL people will treat you like a jigger !


Trust me ApeWoman, no one has any mis-perceptions about you other that you were a woman (of some sort).


“Who lets the dogs out..woof woof woofwoof”




Poor me, blahhh blahhh blahh, Poor Me, Blah blah, Poor Me, blah, Poor Me. That’s all I heard from the tranny.


is sicklecell still around and taking black lives ?


is it true that she is transgendered? I heard that somewhere but didn’t know if it was just namecalling or that is true…it would make sense as to a lot of her husbands pro lgbtq type things


If she didn’t act like a thug she would not be treated like a thug. She is an embarrassment to this nation.


Shut up mooch and go make repairs on the Millennium Falcon.


First black ape my A$$ she a most ugly first lady ever with no class what so ever


The first wookie.

Of course, what am I saying...all this shit is said at this place too.
And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

What a frikken whiner

She should go do a Michal Jackson. skin bleaching, so we don't have to listen to her anymore

Both Obama's are just nasty people going around stirring up shit.

They should shut up and go back to picking cotton, after her skin bleaching, right Sasquatch?

Picking cotton? Puh-fricking-leeze. Everything's back to "black people = slavery" with you bigots. You literally are incapable of thinking or talking about any black person without coming back to that.

Staph Infection is the one who said she should go bleach her skin, you big dummy.
Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill
Oh Boo fucking hoo hoo.....She's been living in the lap of luxury for almost 7 years,
Once again, a lib finds something about which to complain....
Except when she talks about anything else then the OP makes sure to bring it back to her race....because she's sooooo tired of it dontchaknow
Hey fucko....Moochele is the one who broght race into this...
She wanted to live in the White House. Well she chose the fish bowl. Tough shit.
Can you imagine how shaken up the poor thing would be if she saw her husband lampooned and demonized, called a war criminal and every insult conceivable by the media the way Bush was? Or being attacked for being a woman in the wrong party like Palin? Had her motherhood questioned and insulted non stop?

Liberals are spineless cowards. They LOVE to dish it out but cry over paper cuts.

Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill
Oh Boo fucking hoo hoo.....She's been living in the lap of luxury for almost 7 years,
Once again, a lib finds something about which to complain....

You're just suffering from class envy.
I doubt we can underestimate the emotional and mental toll being president and first lady carries with it. And being the first blacks have got to be a lot worse.

Just as we see here every day, if they don't mention something, the assholes berate them. If they do mention something, they're all over that as well.

Then there are the constant lies from from the rabid whiners on the right and there have been some real doozies.

The right hates children and they hate vets. The fact that FLOTUS has made those two groups her focus has don't very little to endear her to the nutters.

Why do you think people berate them? Could it be that they are resentful that the POTUS has so much centralized power of them? Could it be that they resent the fact that the POTUS has power to do such things as educate their children through such programs as Common Core and dictates what doctors they can see? Could it be they are pissed that Obamacare was shoved down their throats and many lost their health care and were then forced to buy new health care at twice the cost? Could it be that their anger was fueled by the fact that Obama then turned right around and exempted certain aspects of the law by dictate while others where stuck with what he forced upon them?

God forbid they disagree with him. Then they would be a racist.

Maybe now it's easier to understand their anger. Then again, knowing you, you don't care.
And - how much better would she have fared, if she hadn't shot off her mouth like that, so early-on?
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.

More like the reverse: the only people who DON'T care would slavishly worship her no matter WHAT she said . . . and have all this time.
At this point, looking at the graph above your question doesn't warrant an answer.



Chicken about what? There is no point to answering your question, there is no answer to give.
Unable to speculate on whether or not Michelle's numbers would have been higher, had she not made her Jane Fonda -like remarks about not being proud of America?

A simple: "Yeah, well, she probably would have had higher numbers, if she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, on that one." - would have done nicely.

No, the only people who care about the comments don't like her anyway.

More like the reverse: the only people who DON'T care would slavishly worship her no matter WHAT she said . . . and have all this time.

OK, you're obviously not paying attention to what you are quoting. What you kind of just stated (though correct was by sheer accident) is that a majority of Americans do not give a shit about this topic hence her positive approval rating.

Keep trying,

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