Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.
I can't listen to her or him for a full minute and you expect people to watch a 26 minute video?
Oh, for crying out loud. I can't decide which part makes her more of an ignorant, puling sow: the fact that she delusionally thinks she's been abused and mistreated excessively, or that she somehow thought it would be any different when they ran for office.

13 cool points for using puling in a sentence.

And a golf clap:

From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.
I can't listen to her or him for a full minute and you expect people to watch a 26 minute video?

Then you speak from ignorance.
I have zero sympathy for the First Lady. Every night she goes to bed a millionaire. Every morning she wakes up a millionaire. Every day she lives the life of a millionaire. So why should I give a shit about her problems.

With some hard work, you too can be wealthy and get over your hatred for those who were able to succeed

I have zero sympathy for the First Lady. Every night she goes to bed a millionaire. Every morning she wakes up a millionaire. Every day she lives the life of a millionaire. So why should I give a shit about her problems.

With some hard work, you too can be wealthy and get over your hatred for those who were able to succeed

Why do you buttfuckers wanna make this debate about me?

The topic of discussion here is the First Lady, so why don't you stay on topic.
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.

That's your idea of "not whining"?

No, it's any reasonable person's idea of not whining and overcoming those who want to pull you down. It's the perfect message for a commencement speech.
From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.
I can't listen to her or him for a full minute and you expect people to watch a 26 minute video?
Then you speak from ignorance.
I said nothing about this particular video, I spoke about their incessant whining. And if another whine is in the video it's another case in point. I don't need more proof.

You live in denial.
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.
Maybe because nobody but a stupid liberal would buy her crybaby routine. You think the obamas have suffered in this country? They've lived a charmed life by most people on Earth's standards. Including US standards.

I think the Obama's consider themselves pretty lucky. That doesn't mean they haven't faced adversity and overcome it. But, go ahead and get your hate on, the message Michelle Obama was giving was a positive one.

What proof do you have that the Obamas consider themselves lucky, rather than entitled?
From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.
I can't listen to her or him for a full minute and you expect people to watch a 26 minute video?
Then you speak from ignorance.
I said nothing about this particular video, I spoke about their incessant whining. And if another whine is in the video it's another case in point. I don't need more proof.

You live in denial.

Whatever sweetheart, you're in a thread about a video and you won't bother watching it but have no problem talking about.
She looks so pathetic up there giving a speech to graduates then turns it around on all ABOUT HER. and her waaa waa waaa

MY GAWD, I don't know who writes their scripts for them. but they are NOT making them look good. just showing they have no class, and both are suffering from a mental illness, Narcissistic personality disorder

and he is in charge of running country. That should be enough to scare the shit out of us

With the Obamas it is always about them, listen to a speech Barry gives it is "me, me, me, I, I, I".

Well, they ARE leftists.
From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.
I can't listen to her or him for a full minute and you expect people to watch a 26 minute video?
Then you speak from ignorance.
I said nothing about this particular video, I spoke about their incessant whining. And if another whine is in the video it's another case in point. I don't need more proof.

You live in denial.
Whatever sweetheart, you're in a thread about a video and you won't bother watching it but have no problem talking about.
You're a liar. I spoke about their whining. His and hers. He wasn't in the video was he? Don't lecture people when you're the one in the slow lane.

"Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime"

About your other lie ...

How have you suffered?

Has it been the millions of jobs he has created? The economic recovery? Your investments earning more?

You said it. You can't lie your way out of it.

How have you suffered?

:eusa_liar: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_liar: :eusa_naughty:

You know, I'm reading this at work. It would be nice if you wouldn't make me laugh that hard.
I have zero sympathy for the First Lady. Every night she goes to bed a millionaire. Every morning she wakes up a millionaire. Every day she lives the life of a millionaire. So why should I give a shit about her problems.

With some hard work, you too can be wealthy and get over your hatred for those who were able to succeed

I have zero sympathy for the First Lady. Every night she goes to bed a millionaire. Every morning she wakes up a millionaire. Every day she lives the life of a millionaire. So why should I give a shit about her problems.

With some hard work, you too can be wealthy and get over your hatred for those who were able to succeed

Why do you buttfuckers wanna make this debate about me?

The topic of discussion here is the First Lady, so why don't you stay on topic.

trolls on here should be put on Ignore. they are here for nothing more. but disrupt and get nasty
Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wivesl


What an idiot. Nancy Reagan was treated way worse. Laura Bush was constantly insulted by the left. She is completely delusional

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wivesl


What an idiot. Nancy Reagan was treated way worse. Laura Bush was constantly insulted by the left. She is completely delusional

Nancy Reagan was called a nigg*r?

Yes, because that's the worst thing in the world. Good to see you're at least consistent in your delusions.
Are you kidding? All she has to do is go to a Target store and the right wing media freaks the fuck out. Then you made up terrorist fist bumps, calling her a bad parent because her kids like Beyonce, constantly calling her angry, fat, ugly, really bad lip reading by the Washington Time that claimed she was insulting the flag. You ask this question in a thread about a speech that she recently gave where the right wing media is currently going apeshit about her supposed racism. Give me a break. Nancy Reagan had that stupid "Just say no" drug campaign and an astrologer. I'm sure there were unkind things said about her but racism is something she didn't have to deal with.

Can't imagine why Michelle has to whine so damned much, when she has snivelers like you to do it for her.
No other presidential wife had belly ached so much about being a presidential wife. If she doesn't like it - leave. Get a divorce like any other unhappy wife does.
I have zero sympathy for the First Lady. Every night she goes to bed a millionaire. Every morning she wakes up a millionaire. Every day she lives the life of a millionaire. So why should I give a shit about her problems.

Oh, leftists think everyone should be required to care about them and their problems, whether real, exaggerated, or invented. It's all about the "feelz" to them, and they don't comprehend a world where total strangers don't give a tin shit about them.
Are you kidding? All she has to do is go to a Target store and the right wing media freaks the fuck out. Then you made up terrorist fist bumps, calling her a bad parent because her kids like Beyonce, constantly calling her angry, fat, ugly, really bad lip reading by the Washington Time that claimed she was insulting the flag. You ask this question in a thread about a speech that she recently gave where the right wing media is currently going apeshit about her supposed racism. Give me a break. Nancy Reagan had that stupid "Just say no" drug campaign and an astrologer. I'm sure there were unkind things said about her but racism is something she didn't have to deal with.

Can't imagine why Michelle has to whine so damned much, when she has snivelers like you to do it for her.

Hey, nothing is going to make you happy. My suggestion would be to watch the video.
No other presidential wife had belly ached so much about being a presidential wife. If she doesn't like it - leave. Get a divorce like any other unhappy wife does.

Watch the video, she's stating the case and it's not negative, her message is positive in the speech.

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