Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

Michele really is a racist piece of shit. I hope her daughters don't turn out like her. It's tough when your parents spew out venomous bullshit your entire life
You just want something to bitch about, a liberal I presume?

No to your first part, I just wonder why you took the article out of it's context? It's dishonest.

Yes to the second.

I posted according to USMB rules regarding posting threads. I suggest if you don't like it take it to a mod and stop whining, it's annoying

Rules? Who is talking about rules? I'm talking about you taking the article you posted out of context. I doubt there are rules around that, doesn't mean you didn't do it.

Go away you hysterical moon bat

There is nothing to get hysterical about, calm down. I'm simply pointing that your source doesn't back your OP. Nothing more, nothing less.
You seem to not understand... she usually doesn't let common sense, honesty or facts get in the way of her rants...
You'll get used to it.
Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wivesl


What an idiot. Nancy Reagan was treated way worse. Laura Bush was constantly insulted by the left. She is completely delusional

Nancy Reagan was called a nigg*r?

Who called Moochelle that?

Any number of people here.


And that's what she was referring to? Posters on USMessageBoards? Wow, we are apparently pretty powerful. How do you know she meant us?
Are you kidding? All she has to do is go to a Target store and the right wing media freaks the fuck out. Then you made up terrorist fist bumps, calling her a bad parent because her kids like Beyonce, constantly calling her angry, fat, ugly, really bad lip reading by the Washington Time that claimed she was insulting the flag. You ask this question in a thread about a speech that she recently gave where the right wing media is currently going apeshit about her supposed racism. Give me a break. Nancy Reagan had that stupid "Just say no" drug campaign and an astrologer. I'm sure there were unkind things said about her but racism is something she didn't have to deal with.
From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.
From what I've heard of the speech, she probably achieved her goal of inspiring the audience to hate whitey more and avoid looking in the mirror.

So, mission accomplished, I reckon. Very constructive. Really bringing us together there.


Why not just watch it yourself and come to your own conclusion?

Dim bulb is dim.

No doubt you have, so let me know where I'm wrong.

I haven't seen/heard the whole thing, and I'm not sitting through that.

Just let me at what point she gets into challenging the students, admonishing them to acknowledge their own mistakes, putting the responsibility on them for their own happiness and success, and I'll be more than happy to check it out. Skipping through, it does look like she slows down on the anger and finger-pointing at about 21:30 to tell the students to rise above everything she had been complaining and finger-pointing about.

Anything else? That would a nice and hopeful thing to see.

Thanks in advance.

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Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wivesl


What an idiot. Nancy Reagan was treated way worse. Laura Bush was constantly insulted by the left. She is completely delusional

I think she intimated people with that chip on her shoulder. They were afraid if they said anything she might take wrong, She'd bite their head off.

just horrible GOING to colleges and graduations which is suppose to be a HAPPY time....and she goes in talking about SKIN COLOR and how poor poor little me. MLK would be ashamed of her and her nasty husband
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Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill
Think about it Mooosh...if you were not black where would you be now?
Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill
Think about it Mooosh...if you were not black where would you be now?

She would be an attorney....oh wait, lost her license
Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill
Think about it Mooosh...if you were not black where would you be now?

Living in a house I think they own. You can't tell because they never go visit it. it's Hawaii or bust. They're thinking: Lets get all we can off these suckers who voted for us.
Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill

Oh, for crying out loud. I can't decide which part makes her more of an ignorant, puling sow: the fact that she delusionally thinks she's been abused and mistreated excessively, or that she somehow thought it would be any different when they ran for office.
I doubt we can underestimate the emotional and mental toll being president and first lady carries with it. And being the first blacks have got to be a lot worse.

Just as we see here every day, if they don't mention something, the assholes berate them. If they do mention something, they're all over that as well.

Then there are the constant lies from from the rabid whiners on the right and there have been some real doozies.

The right hates children and they hate vets. The fact that FLOTUS has made those two groups her focus has don't very little to endear her to the nutters.

Yes, I remember how sobbingly sympathetic you were to the hardships of the Bushes when they were in the White House. :asshole:
I bet if someone did a poll on "which FLOTUS deserves a punch in the face" Moochelle would come in first and Hilda beast 2nd.

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