Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

looks like the paid Obama goon squad is out in full force on here

how pathetic
Bafoon Goon Loon


"Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime"

About your other lie ...

How have you suffered?

Has it been the millions of jobs he has created? The economic recovery? Your investments earning more?

You said it. You can't lie your way out of it.

How have you suffered?

:eusa_liar: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_liar: :eusa_naughty:
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

Context is everything.
Maybe because nobody but a stupid liberal would buy her crybaby routine. You think the obamas have suffered in this country? They've lived a charmed life by most people on Earth's standards. Including US standards.
I think the Obama's consider themselves pretty lucky. That doesn't mean they haven't faced adversity and overcome it. But, go ahead and get your hate on, the message Michelle Obama was giving was a positive one.
I didn't post any hate, you're just a stupid asshole that can't counter the point. What adversity have they personally overcome? Her complaints look very minor compared to what most people face. You deal with more than that on a daily basis running a business, she wouldn't have lasted a month if she's that frail emotionally.
You appear to ooze hate/negativity. And then you follow that up with "just a stupid asshole", nice, you're nothing but candy cane dreams and unicorn farts.

In the meantime, Michelle's speech covers exactly what she is talking about. Why do you need me to explain it to you?
No one needs anything from you. You're just an asshole on the internet that can't articulate a substantive response. She hasn't struggled a fraction of what I have in life, like many (most?) others.

The obamas telling people how they need to overcome unfairness is like listening to a blind man explain color theory.

Are you one of those who accused Michelle Obama of whining? I don't care about your problems, you've given me no reason to care so don't bitch and complain to me.
No to your first part, I just wonder why you took the article out of it's context? It's dishonest.

Yes to the second.

I posted according to USMB rules regarding posting threads. I suggest if you don't like it take it to a mod and stop whining, it's annoying

Rules? Who is talking about rules? I'm talking about you taking the article you posted out of context. I doubt there are rules around that, doesn't mean you didn't do it.

Go away you hysterical moon bat

There is nothing to get hysterical about, calm down. I'm simply pointing that your source doesn't back your OP. Nothing more, nothing less.

Calm down? You're the one running around with your hands up screaming "out of context!". The link to the article was provided, now sit down and shut up, you're now past annoying and flirting with ignored

It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. I don't really care what you call me but I'm not the one going looney. If you're done on this topic then so am I.
I posted according to USMB rules regarding posting threads. I suggest if you don't like it take it to a mod and stop whining, it's annoying

Rules? Who is talking about rules? I'm talking about you taking the article you posted out of context. I doubt there are rules around that, doesn't mean you didn't do it.

Go away you hysterical moon bat

There is nothing to get hysterical about, calm down. I'm simply pointing that your source doesn't back your OP. Nothing more, nothing less.

Calm down? You're the one running around with your hands up screaming "out of context!". The link to the article was provided, now sit down and shut up, you're now past annoying and flirting with ignored

It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. If you're done on the topic then so am I.

I posted an article, are you like challenged or something? Or just a continuing annoyance?
Rules? Who is talking about rules? I'm talking about you taking the article you posted out of context. I doubt there are rules around that, doesn't mean you didn't do it.

Go away you hysterical moon bat

There is nothing to get hysterical about, calm down. I'm simply pointing that your source doesn't back your OP. Nothing more, nothing less.

Calm down? You're the one running around with your hands up screaming "out of context!". The link to the article was provided, now sit down and shut up, you're now past annoying and flirting with ignored

It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. If you're done on the topic then so am I.

I posted an article, are you like challenged or something? Or just a continuing annoyance?

You posted part of an article that taken out of context would appear to agree with your narrative that Michelle Obama was whining. Either you dodn't bother to read the entire (rather short article) or you used it to paint a picture that isn't reality. So, stop hyperventilating over it.
Her toll pales in comparison to what America has suffered under this criminal regime

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady


Michelle Obama gave a candid view Saturday of the challenges and emotional toll of being the country’s first black first lady.

Obama, speaking to graduates at Tuskegee University in Alabama, described insensitive media questions and derogatory remarks from political pundits that she said have kept her up at night.

“You might remember the on-stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary win that was referred to as a ‘terrorist fist jab,’ ” she said.

“And over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited ‘a little bit of uppity-ism.’ Another noted that I was one of my husband’s ‘cronies of color.’ Cable news once charmingly referred to me as ‘Obama’s Baby Mama.’ ”

Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wives.

“ ‘What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on?’ … The truth is, those same questions would have been posed to any candidate’s spouse,” she said.

Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll of being first black first lady TheHill

Here's some more of her RACIST crap
White Folks And America Are The Problem Michelle Obama Addresses All Black University With Divisive Message JEWSNEWS

White Folks And America Are The Problem – Michelle Obama Addresses All Black University With Divisive Message

"In a speech at Tuskegee University, an institute of higher learning in which white people are “not allowed on the bus,” First Domestic Partner Michelle Obama gave the school’s commencement address with instructions to the future agitators of America to – what else? Go forth and agitate.

Her mission is an extension of that of Hussein Obama, to foment unrest and destabilize America. Her message was clear, “whatever is wrong in your life is whitey’s fault, and whitey owes you.”

She described the daily persecution inflicted upon her fellow victims at the hands of the plantation owner class as including police discrimination, the “nagging worries that you’re going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason.”

Vilifying the police is a job for the whole family at the Obama house. They’re not her type of Americans. They’re much too productive, too committed to the Constitution and of too strong a moral character for the Mooch and company. Give her some foul-mouthed parasitic anarchist street rats any day.

Never one to be accused of unifying the American people with a message of common purpose and shared ideals, the divisive Ms. Obama said, “I want to be very clear that those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. Not an excuse. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

She didn’t mean the American people or our nation lose. She’s talking exclusively to black Americans and choosing sides, aligning herself with them in the conflict that she, her husband and their operatives are orchestrating against whites and the American system of representative self-government. There was a time when being president, and by extension the spouse, represented a commitment to all of the people, not just those of your favorite color or ethnicity. That was before the racist Marxists took over. Now, if you’re white, you are automatically assumed to be privileged and labeled as an oppressor.

While addressing the situations in Ferguson and Baltimore, Ms Obama said, “They’re rooted in decades of structural challenges that have made too many folks feel frustrated and invisible. And those feelings are playing out in communities like Baltimore and Ferguson and so many others across this country.” “Structural challenges” is a safe and politically acceptable way to cast racial aspersions on those who “don’t look like her” that is understood by every member of the audience.

Of course it is exactly those who look like her and others in the Democrat Party who are responsible for the mismanagement and urban decay which she and her comrades are now exploiting into social upheaval for political reasons. Ms Obama opted not to include those facts in her presentation. Admitting responsibility for their actions is not a Democrat strong suit, particularly in her family. More importantly, it doesn’t motivate the rabble to rise up".


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Go away you hysterical moon bat

There is nothing to get hysterical about, calm down. I'm simply pointing that your source doesn't back your OP. Nothing more, nothing less.

Calm down? You're the one running around with your hands up screaming "out of context!". The link to the article was provided, now sit down and shut up, you're now past annoying and flirting with ignored

It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. If you're done on the topic then so am I.

I posted an article, are you like challenged or something? Or just a continuing annoyance?

You posted part of an article that taken out of context would appear to agree with your narrative that Michelle Obama was whining. Either you dodn't bother to read the entire (rather short article) or you used it to paint a picture that isn't reality. So, stop hyperventilating over it.

Sue me, loon. Now stfu and stop being annoying, in fact one more peep from you to me and off to ignore you go
Obama said she was subjected to a different set of expectations on the campaign trail in 2008 compared with other candidates’ wivesl


What an idiot. Nancy Reagan was treated way worse. Laura Bush was constantly insulted by the left. She is completely delusional
There is nothing to get hysterical about, calm down. I'm simply pointing that your source doesn't back your OP. Nothing more, nothing less.

Calm down? You're the one running around with your hands up screaming "out of context!". The link to the article was provided, now sit down and shut up, you're now past annoying and flirting with ignored

It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. If you're done on the topic then so am I.

I posted an article, are you like challenged or something? Or just a continuing annoyance?

You posted part of an article that taken out of context would appear to agree with your narrative that Michelle Obama was whining. Either you dodn't bother to read the entire (rather short article) or you used it to paint a picture that isn't reality. So, stop hyperventilating over it.

Sue me, loon. Now stfu and stop being annoying, in fact one more peep from you to me and off to ignore you go

Let me take this opportunity to post Michelle Obama's actual speech so if people have the time they don't need to rely on your crazy bullshit to filter what she actually said and didn't say.

Calm down? You're the one running around with your hands up screaming "out of context!". The link to the article was provided, now sit down and shut up, you're now past annoying and flirting with ignored

It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. If you're done on the topic then so am I.

I posted an article, are you like challenged or something? Or just a continuing annoyance?

You posted part of an article that taken out of context would appear to agree with your narrative that Michelle Obama was whining. Either you dodn't bother to read the entire (rather short article) or you used it to paint a picture that isn't reality. So, stop hyperventilating over it.

Sue me, loon. Now stfu and stop being annoying, in fact one more peep from you to me and off to ignore you go

Let me take this opportunity to post Michelle Obama's actual speech so if people have the time they don't need to rely on your crazy bullshit to filter what she actually said and didn't say.

Bye, hysterical one
It's a nice characterization but at this point I'm just responding to you as you hurl insult after insult because I pointed out that you mis characterized the article you posted. If you're done on the topic then so am I.

I posted an article, are you like challenged or something? Or just a continuing annoyance?

You posted part of an article that taken out of context would appear to agree with your narrative that Michelle Obama was whining. Either you dodn't bother to read the entire (rather short article) or you used it to paint a picture that isn't reality. So, stop hyperventilating over it.

Sue me, loon. Now stfu and stop being annoying, in fact one more peep from you to me and off to ignore you go

Let me take this opportunity to post Michelle Obama's actual speech so if people have the time they don't need to rely on your crazy bullshit to filter what she actually said and didn't say.

Bye, hysterical one

Yep, ok, whatever. :bye1:

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