Michelle Obama speaks of emotional toll...

Wow Obama is the first guy to travel by plane on the tax payers dime. No wonder he gets critisized...no one has ever had a private plane before!!

He's also the first to play golf, take vacations and, OMFG, use Executive Orders.

And of course, as we all, this presidency marks the first transgender FLOTUS and homosexual Kenyan commie muslim fascist socialist POTUS.
Can you imagine how shaken up the poor thing would be if she saw her husband lampooned and demonized, called a war criminal and every insult conceivable by the media the way Bush was? Or being attacked for being a woman in the wrong party like Palin? Had her motherhood questioned and insulted non stop?

Liberals are spineless cowards. They LOVE to dish it out but cry over paper cuts.

My words for them: TWO FACED hypocrites. They don't stand on Principle. and will Twist in the wind to make excuse for their party
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.
Maybe because nobody but a stupid liberal would buy her crybaby routine. You think the obamas have suffered in this country? They've lived a charmed life by most people on Earth's standards. Including US standards.

I think the Obama's consider themselves pretty lucky. That doesn't mean they haven't faced adversity and overcome it. But, go ahead and get your hate on, the message Michelle Obama was giving was a positive one.
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.
Maybe because nobody but a stupid liberal would buy her crybaby routine. You think the obamas have suffered in this country? They've lived a charmed life by most people on Earth's standards. Including US standards.

I think the Obama's consider themselves pretty lucky. That doesn't mean they haven't faced adversity and overcome it. But, go ahead and get your hate on, the message Michelle Obama was giving was a positive one.
I didn't post any hate, you're just a stupid asshole that can't counter the point. What adversity have they personally overcome? Her complaints look very minor compared to what most people face. You deal with more than that on a daily basis running a business, she wouldn't have lasted a month if she's that frail emotionally.
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.
Maybe because nobody but a stupid liberal would buy her crybaby routine. You think the obamas have suffered in this country? They've lived a charmed life by most people on Earth's standards. Including US standards.

Charmed and pampered. Especially when Obama was being groomed by the radical lefties, like Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc to one day run for President. And my gawd, look at the state of our country? riots, lootings, cops being hunted down killed, etc

and on top of that we have to deal with that whiny ass Mabell Obama, who is costing us taxpayer gawd know how much money so she run around and whine about her, skin color

it's been just horrible and I'm disgusted at the people who put him in office to bring all this down on us
I doubt we can underestimate the emotional and mental toll being president and first lady carries with it. And being the first blacks have got to be a lot worse.

Just as we see here every day, if they don't mention something, the assholes berate them. If they do mention something, they're all over that as well.

Then there are the constant lies from from the rabid whiners on the right and there have been some real doozies.

The right hates children and they hate vets. The fact that FLOTUS has made those two groups her focus has don't very little to endear her to the nutters.
The Obama's have been treated with kid gloves. Compare that to what the press did to Bush on a daily basis. There was no aspect of his life that was no torn apart, criticized, examined, explored, found wanting, or made the basis of jokes. And through all of that neither Bush nor his wife complained one bit.
The Obamas whine constantly about how they're mistreated. About how they are abused. He's the fucking president of the united states, the most powerful man in the world and he whines on about this crap.
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.

Use the link provided? Sheesh
Mooch should thank her lucky stars she is black, if her and Barry were not they wouldn't even be in the WH :biggrin:
I doubt we can underestimate the emotional and mental toll being president and first lady carries with it. And being the first blacks have got to be a lot worse.

Just as we see here every day, if they don't mention something, the assholes berate them. If they do mention something, they're all over that as well.

Then there are the constant lies from from the rabid whiners on the right and there have been some real doozies.

The right hates children and they hate vets. The fact that FLOTUS has made those two groups her focus has don't very little to endear her to the nutters.
The Obama's have been treated with kid gloves. Compare that to what the press did to Bush on a daily basis. There was no aspect of his life that was no torn apart, criticized, examined, explored, found wanting, or made the basis of jokes. And through all of that neither Bush nor his wife complained one bit.
The Obamas whine constantly about how they're mistreated. About how they are abused. He's the fucking president of the united states, the most powerful man in the world and he whines on about this crap.

Did you just complain about the way Bush was treated and then say that Obama shouldnt complain the way you just did?
Mooch should thank her lucky stars she is black, if her and Barry were not they wouldn't even be in the WH :biggrin:

most likely the truth. they are both liars, agitators, and does the one: do as say not what I do

freaking phonies. I had them pegged from his stinking ugly swearing in as President. I knew things weren't going to good under him and I've been proven right

She looks so pathetic up there giving a speech to graduates then turns it around on all ABOUT HER. and her waaa waa waaa

MY GAWD, I don't know who writes their scripts for them. but they are NOT making them look good. just showing they have no class, and both are suffering from a mental illness, Narcissistic personality disorder

and he is in charge of running country. That should be enough to scare the shit out of us
She looks so pathetic up there giving a speech to graduates then turns it around on all ABOUT HER. and her waaa waa waaa

MY GAWD, I don't know who writes their scripts for them. but they are NOT making them look good. just showing they have no class, and both are suffering from a mental illness, Narcissistic personality disorder

and he is in charge of running country. That should be enough to scare the shit out of us

With the Obamas it is always about them, listen to a speech Barry gives it is "me, me, me, I, I, I".
The rest of the article paints the picture of someone not whining, why was it not quoted?

In the end, she said, she realized all the negativity was just “noise.

Obama encouraged the graduates of Tuskegee, a historically black university, to overcome adversity and discrimination by staying “true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves.”

People “will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world,” she said. “My husband and I know how frustrating that experience can be. We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. … And all of that is going to be a heavy burden to carry.”

“But,” she said, “those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. They are not an excuse to lose hope. To succumb to feelings of despair and anger only means that in the end, we lose.”

Context is everything.
Maybe because nobody but a stupid liberal would buy her crybaby routine. You think the obamas have suffered in this country? They've lived a charmed life by most people on Earth's standards. Including US standards.

I think the Obama's consider themselves pretty lucky. That doesn't mean they haven't faced adversity and overcome it. But, go ahead and get your hate on, the message Michelle Obama was giving was a positive one.

I didn't post any hate, you're just a stupid asshole that can't counter the point. What adversity have they personally overcome? Her complaints look very minor compared to what most people face. You deal with more than that on a daily basis running a business, she wouldn't have lasted a month if she's that frail emotionally.

You appear to ooze hate/negativity. And then you follow that up with "just a stupid asshole", nice, you're nothing but candy cane dreams and unicorn farts.

In the meantime, Michelle's speech covers exactly what she is talking about. Why do you need me to explain it to you?

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