Michelle Obama - Totally Middle Class/Relates With the "Little People"

sure. Wonder what's for lunch
and who the fuck's paying?

Michelle Has Lunch with Bono! | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

As far as the OP goes, i don't see what the big deal is. Both the First Lady and Bono are pretty involved in activism and human rights issues. Given Bono's PR experience with places like Africa it also makes sense that the First Lady might want to discuss some of his experiences with him prior to the White House's own upcoming major PR trip to Africa.
If anyone ever doubted that the right wing conservatives / republicans are a useless, stupid bunch of hateful morons, one only has to read this thread.

As the world turns the only thing they can comment on is the First Lady having lunch with a Irish singing star - from this simple act they draw from a mind full of hate, more hate. Come on guys and girls surely you can come up with something of substance once in a while. Try harder and maybe the bitterness will disappear, maybe.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer
If anyone ever doubted that the right wing conservatives / republicans are a useless, stupid bunch of hateful morons, one only has to read this thread.

As the world turns the only thing they can comment on is the First Lady having lunch with a Irish singing star - from this simple act they draw from a mind full of hate, more hate. Come on guys and girls surely you can come up with something of substance once in a while. Try harder and maybe the bitterness will disappear, maybe.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

^ that

She's a pig.

Black trash.

The class of some posters here blows the mind.

You have to wonder at the thought process of people who can say shit that is such an obvious lie.
I mean really,think about it. Whats going through her head?
Does she really think people are that stupid?

Personally? I dont know to many middle class people with a 30 mill home in Hawaii.:eusa_eh:

What are you talking about? What do you think she said?

The title of thread came from Warrior's mind, not anything Michelle Obama said.
There are many minorities who got in on affirmative action, met all the criteria and did well. Like Clarence Thomas. Then there are those who get in on affirmative action and can't meet the criteria, they need the rules bent, like Big Moo and Patrick Chavis.

So some affirmative action good and some bad?

Affirmative action has outlived it's usefulness... Now it has simply become reverse discrimination.
How did Bush get into Harvard graduate school with a C average?

However, as shown we do have Bush's transcripts.

Post them.

hey Dean since you ran from the other thread i will ask you here.....you said i LIE ALL THE TIME.....i said if i prove you wrong will you ban yourself for 2 weeks.....why did you leave after that?....afraid?.....Chicken?.....full of shit?.....which is it?.....or are you going to disappear here too?....
She's a pig.

Black trash.

The class of some posters here blows the mind.

You have to wonder at the thought process of people who can say shit that is such an obvious lie.
I mean really,think about it. Whats going through her head?
Does she really think people are that stupid?

Personally? I dont know to many middle class people with a 30 mill home in Hawaii.:eusa_eh:

What are you talking about? What do you think she said?

The title of thread came from Warrior's mind, not anything Michelle Obama said.

First baby mamma should spend a little money to learn how to be a first lady instead of taking extravagant vacations. The American people do now owe her, she owes the American people.
If anyone ever doubted that the right wing conservatives / republicans are a useless, stupid bunch of hateful morons, one only has to read this thread.

As the world turns the only thing they can comment on is the First Lady having lunch with a Irish singing star - from this simple act they draw from a mind full of hate, more hate. Come on guys and girls surely you can come up with something of substance once in a while. Try harder and maybe the bitterness will disappear, maybe.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

"Midcan?.....aint that something you put dogshit in".....Red Foxx
She's a pig.

The class of some posters here blows the mind.

You have to wonder at the thought process of people who can say shit that is such an obvious lie.
I mean really,think about it. Whats going through her head?
Does she really think people are that stupid?

Personally? I dont know to many middle class people with a 30 mill home in Hawaii.:eusa_eh:

What are you talking about? What do you think she said?

The title of thread came from Warrior's mind, not anything Michelle Obama said.

First baby mamma should spend a little money to learn how to be a first lady instead of taking extravagant vacations. The American people do now owe her, she owes the American people.

This would be an example of the "class" I was talking about. Sometimes you guys are really sickening.

What do you think a First Lady is supposed to do? What do you think Michelle Obama needs to "learn"?

What makes you believe that she thinks the American people owe her? What do you think she "owes" the American people?

Why are you so outraged that Michelle Obama is behaving just like every other First Lady before her?
The class of some posters here blows the mind.

What are you talking about? What do you think she said?

The title of thread came from Warrior's mind, not anything Michelle Obama said.

First baby mamma should spend a little money to learn how to be a first lady instead of taking extravagant vacations. The American people do now owe her, she owes the American people.

This would be an example of the "class" I was talking about. Sometimes you guys are really sickening.

What do you think a First Lady is supposed to do? What do you think Michelle Obama needs to "learn"?

What makes you believe that she thinks the American people owe her? What do you think she "owes" the American people?

Why are you so outraged that Michelle Obama is behaving just like every other First Lady before her?

You are the perfect example of one who is willing to expect less of her because she is black!

First she needs to learn how to dress.


Then she might think about doing something that first ladies do. Examples to follow: Jackie who had a sense of history and did a lot of work on AMERICA's White House, or Eleanor Roosevelt who tried to do something about illiteracy in America. I mean, seriously, the ones of her own political leaning did a more than adequate job.

Michelle Obama? She has the White House lawn dug up and plants a 'garden,' and I use the term loosely, which the White House staff has to tend. And she spends the rest of the time spending American taxpayer's money on extravagant travel WITHOUT the president.

I do not agree with the person who said she is a pig. She is not a pig. She is a HOG!
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You do know even if she got in because of affirmative action she would still have to pass the classes? But we can read between the lines of what people who have no problem with well off legacies getting spots in such prestigious SCHOOLS but have a problem with minorities getting in supposedly due to affirmative action are really angry about.

How did Bush get into Harvard graduate school with a C average?

He had a higher GPA than numb-nuts John Kerry, shitstain

And the point is?
You are the perfect example of one who is willing to expect less of her because she is black!

First she needs to learn how to dress.


Then she might think about doing something that first ladies do. Examples to follow: Jackie who had a sense of history and did a lot of work on AMERICA's White House, or Eleanor Roosevelt who tried to do something about illiteracy in America. I mean, seriously, the ones of her own political leaning did a more than adequate job.

Michelle Obama? She has the White House lawn dug up and plants a 'garden' and I use the term loosely, which the White House staff has to tend. And she spends the rest of the time spending American taxpayer's money on extravagant travel WITHOUT the president.

I do not agree with the person who said she is a pig. She is not a pig. She is a HOG!

She's very active in global women's rights as well and with programs such as AWEP. Eating healthier and women's rights have been big causes for her.

Not really her fault that they aren't on your list of acceptable social concerns.

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