Michelle Obama - Totally Middle Class/Relates With the "Little People"

This would be an example of the "class" I was talking about. Sometimes you guys are really sickening.

What do you think a First Lady is supposed to do? What do you think Michelle Obama needs to "learn"?

What makes you believe that she thinks the American people owe her? What do you think she "owes" the American people?

Why are you so outraged that Michelle Obama is behaving just like every other First Lady before her?

You are the perfect example of one who is willing to expect less of her because she is black!

First she needs to learn how to dress.


That picture is photoshopped. But you knew that, right?

snopes.com: Michelle Obama's Derriere

Then she might think about doing something that first ladies do. Examples to follow: Jackie who had a sense of history and did a lot of work on AMERICA's White House, or Eleanor Roosevelt who tried to do something about illiteracy in America. I mean, seriously, the ones of her own political leaning did a more than adequate job.

Michelle Obama? She has the White House lawn dug up and plants a 'garden' and I use the term loosely, which the White House staff has to tend. And she spends the rest of the time spending American taxpayer's money on extravagant travel WITHOUT the president.

Michelle Obama has done a tremendous amount of work involving childhood nutrition. At least as much as any other first lady has with their pet causes.

You must have forgotten all the threads "outraged" that she was "controlling" what people ate.

I do not agree with the person who said she is a pig. She is not a pig. She is a HOG!

She's a much better person than you are, judging from your posts in this thread. At least she has a whole lot more class.

it's fake but at the same venue and to scale.

so, it's an accurate comparison

too bad for MO she is being compared to real beauties
^^^this goes for "classy" in the RW world these days.

let's go over to any Palin thread to see how classy you are

You are absolutely welcome to do so. In fact, I ENCOURAGE you to do so. Will check back to see what you find.

Here's a scoop.

Trig is retarded.

As is the rest of the Palin family.

I'd love to see MommaSlut debate Maher.

Maybe she could bring on her meth making friends with her.

here is a quote from Shallow

you = plural btw
That picture is photoshopped. But you knew that, right?

snopes.com: Michelle Obama's Derriere

Michelle Obama has done a tremendous amount of work involving childhood nutrition. At least as much as any other first lady has with their pet causes.

You must have forgotten all the threads "outraged" that she was "controlling" what people ate.

She's a much better person than you are, judging from your posts in this thread. At least she has a whole lot more class.

It doesn't matter, there are thousands of pictures of her in ugly ill fitting clothes. Excuse me if I don't care to flip through them. It is disgusting.

And you CLEARLY expect less of her because she is BLACK. Doesn't get more declasse than that!

I don't expect anything from the First Lady.

Apparently, you expect her to be white, since aside from racial differences, Michelle Obama has acted identical to every other First Lady in the last hundred years.

I expect her to dress and behave like a First Lady.
Oh my God, you're right, she should learn to "dress white".

She is definitely dressed like Aunt Jemima in that pic. Too bad I gotta wait 46 more hours to neg you again.

You compare the First Lady to Aunt Jemima and then say I need to be negged.

You are such a racist "___________".

I said it in response to your statement; YOU brought up the thing about dressing white, as though there is some expected difference. There are plenty of ugly white women who don't know how to dress. I was going to throw Mamie Eisenhower in as an example, but upon searching the images, I see even that dowdy old hag had Michelle beat. YOU threw dressing white/black into the mix. You are the racist "_______" whatever the hell that is.

Any time someone criticizes the people currently in the white house, according to some it is all about race. Race of the president and his wife is your routine excuse for every one of their bad behaviors, lack of manners, and deficiency in observance of protocols which have been common knowledge for generations. It reflects your low expectations of their race. You can think of nothing else. Expecting less of someone because of their race is racist. Try expecting them to behave and dress appropriately for a change JUST BECAUSE they are the president and first lady. There are finishing schools and people out there who will teach them. You and doctor pork chop are SO racist that racism drips from your pores.
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thread started by warbler descends into a racism thread & quelle surprise, Sunshine, squeeze berry, & Misty are here :clap2: Sunshine isn't a very good :eusa_liar: BTW She said she wasn't racist last week. :rofl: Aunt Jemima? Seriously? She's jealous as well :thup:

You people don't realize how transparent you are :eusa_eh: Mr. H outed himself in the thread as well after claiming he wasn't racist last week. Nice going

Thanks Warbles.
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thread started by warbler descends into a racism thread & quelle surprise, Sunshine & squeeze berry, & Misty are here :clap2: Sunshine isn't a very good :eusa_liar: BTW She said she wasn't racist last week. :rofl: Aunt Jemima? Seriously? She's jealous as well :thup:

You people seriously don't realize how transparent you are :eusa_eh: Mr. H outed himself in the thread as well after claiming he wasn't racist last week. Nice going

Thanks Warbles.

yet you are the one that refers to white people as "crackers"

queer surprise
thread started by warbler descends into a racism thread & quelle surprise, Sunshine, squeeze berry, & Misty are here :clap2: Sunshine isn't a very good :eusa_liar: BTW She said she wasn't racist last week. :rofl: Aunt Jemima? Seriously? She's jealous as well :thup:

You people seriously don't realize how transparent you are :eusa_eh: Mr. H outed himself in the thread as well after claiming he wasn't racist last week. Nice going

Thanks Warbles.

When someone refers to dressing 'black' as opposed to 'white' you get what you ask for. I am not the one who made that 'distinction.' IMO making that distinction is as racist as it comes. Both Barack and Michelle went to ivy league schools. If we are to expect less of them because of their color, then those schools must be selling mail order degrees.
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I'll leave you four to attack the First Lady. That takes courage :thup:

we are just being typical white people.

or what you refer to as crackers

PS any time the FLOTUS has any objections with my comments she can look me up. I'll look forward to that.
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