Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.
Well, THAT left a mark. :lol:
On who?? Every demoncrat but one voted for it.. It came back and bit systyr in her nice pretty ass..

Tell me more about the beauty of my posterior.

The fact that most Democrats voted for it proves only that they recognized it was a great idea. The fact that most Wrongpublicans voted against it proves that they're racist.
Beautiful and sweet ♥

As to the racist white republicrat regime.. I defer to KKK Byrd.. may God rest his pointy hatted soul
That figure is ridiculous. THe program JUST started a month ago, you of course have NO idea what it will cost.

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying............

LOL that's an estimate, estimated by Lord knows who.

...and now you get to show us a source.

Show you a source that we don't know how much the program has cost for the year that isn't over? HUH?

2011 is over and it is already spent. As quoted by Wiki.............Where is your data.....................I just quoted the estimates for implementation by the CBO.

Dispute my numbers with valid sources.

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

A small price to pay to end chyld hunger and malnutrition in our school system, wouldn't you agree?
That figure is ridiculous. THe program JUST started a month ago, you of course have NO idea what it will cost.

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying............

LOL that's an estimate, estimated by Lord knows who.

...and now you get to show us a source.

Show you a source that we don't know how much the program has cost for the year that isn't over? HUH?

A number has been given and a source quoted. You have nothing, so concede the point or show a source. Maybe go to budget appropriations?

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

Come on, you're taking an expense that is already there and trying to claim that it is due to a new bill. It isn't .

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

That would be closer to $9B.
ANd PS WIC is one of the more ridiculous programs we have. Talk about encouraging pieces of shit just to have kids and stay home collecting that gummit check

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

Come on, you're taking an expense that is already there and trying to claim that it is due to a new bill. It isn't .


Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

Come on, you're taking an expense that is already there and trying to claim that it is due to a new bill. It isn't .


Source? :rofl: read your own source
Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

You don't know what you are missing baby.


LOL Show me the way home honey..

Okay, props for that one LOL

She's a babe.............In the video and so is LGS.............And so is my wife...............LOL

I'm very happy. But not with this law.

LMAO Nice save all around babeeeee!

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

Come on, you're taking an expense that is already there and trying to claim that it is due to a new bill. It isn't .

Yes there is already spending in this area........But I've just shown you the cost to implement this law from the CBO. Your talking about all the schools in the country for implementation. That costs a lot of dollars.

Again, the cost to implement from the CBO is estimated at 35.9 Billion.

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

That would be closer to $9B.

Okay, I see it included WIC.......my bad

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

Come on, you're taking an expense that is already there and trying to claim that it is due to a new bill. It isn't .

Yes there is already spending in this area........But I've just shown you the cost to implement this law from the CBO. Your talking about all the schools in the country for implementation. That costs a lot of dollars.

Again, the cost to implement from the CBO is estimated at 35.9 Billion.

But your OWN source says that MOST of that cost is the re authorization of WIC. Read it man, that is EXACTLY what it says.

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

A small price to pay to end chyld hunger and malnutrition in our school system, wouldn't you agree?

Systyr, systyr.. It's having the opposite effect. Our children are being fed shit-filled gruel, the lower rung of the totem pole so to speak.. (racist intent incidental but left intact for the true racists to use as a flame)- thus they are going hungry and money is being wasted.
and don't get me wrong $9B is a shit ton of money, but my God I can think of a million other government programs to get rid of than feeding kids

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

That would be closer to $9B.

Okay, I see it included WIC.......my bad

Hard to admit mistakes sometimes, Credit where credit is due

Additionally, CBO estimates that implementing this bill would have discretionary costs
of $35.9 billion over the 2011-2015 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary
amounts. Most of these costs are for the reauthorization of WIC, which received an
appropriation of $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2010.

Initial implementation price tag estimate at 35.9 BILLION.

A small price to pay to end chyld hunger and malnutrition in our school system, wouldn't you agree?

With the food I saw on their plates..........I don't thinks so............When the dollar goes because we can't control spending and debt, what will you tell the children as our economy collapses................That is a different thread and I'm well versed on it.
and don't get me wrong $9B is a shit ton of money, but my God I can think of a million other government programs to get rid of than feeding kids

Let me splain.................It increases the meals to 3 a day and summer..........To a group that would probably already receive a host of other possible Welfare sources............Welfare payments, Wic, Food Stamps, Assisted housing, assistance with utilities, cell phones, Medicaid..........and more...................With all that shouldn't the family at least be able to feed them once a day......................

I don't want kids going hungry, but this is idiotic..........The old system wasn't broke. The food was still good and perfectly fine.............The kids are throwing it a way, so I might as well take my tax dollars and throw it in a giant hole..................

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