Michigan to start saliva drug-testing for drivers

Did the case make it to the supreme court yet? Chicago's gun ban took like 12 years to be rulled illegal

I'm glad the court did that but the fact is the constitution says courts have NO authority to repeal laws.
This may work if the penalties are severe like a $2000 fine and license suspension for a year or more. We should do the same with drunk drivers and text-drivers and extreme speeders. Let's stop coddling these killers and maimers.

Michigan Goes Total Police State With Roadside Saliva Check Points

july 22 2016 The Michigan State Police is working on plans to establish a pilot program for roadside drug testing, a spokeswoman said.

A new law instructs the state police to pick five counties where it will run a one-year pilot program for saliva-based testing to check drivers for drugs like marijuana, heroin and cocaine.

“We expect the counties to be finalized this summer with a pilot to begin sometime later in the year,” MSP spokeswoman Shanon Banner said.

The five counties will be determined based on criteria including: the number of impaired driving crashes;the number of impaired drivers arrested; and the number of Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) trained in the county, she said.

Anyone under the influence of any drug driving high should get slammed including pharmaceuticals, and cellphones..

I was driving behind some dumb ass yesterday that was going so slow and looked drunk..while passing I could see her texting..
I got really angry with her and yelled at her to get off her phone..How stupid can a person be.



I was driving behind some dumb ass yesterday that was going so slow and looked drunk..while passing I could see her texting..
I got really angry with her and yelled at her to get off her phone..How stupid can a person be.


Stupid yes, but these people are also psychopaths with no concern for the safety of others. Text-drivers should be locked up forever.
Having survived a near fatal accident involving a punk high on pot I am 100% behind the initiative. When one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle impaired it places others in harms way. So how do you deter one from driving impaired if not for the threat they will be caught at a random check station?

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