Microsoft employees suing because of PTSD


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Two employees are suing Microsoft, alleging their jobs gave them PTSD
Two Microsoft employees claim the company made them look at photos and videos "designed to entertain some of the most twisted and sick minded people in the world." Now they're suing.
Courthouse News reports Henry Soto and Greg Blauert were part of Microsoft's online safety team whose job was to figure out what online content should be taken down and when it should be reported to police.
In that position, Soto and Blauert say they had to look at images of child pornography, murder, bestiality, and "indescribable sexual assault." They filed a lawsuit against Microsoft last month, accusing the company of negligence, disability discrimination, and violation of the Consumer Protection Act.
Both Soto and Blauert claim they're suffering from PTSD. Soto says Microsoft transferred him to the online safety team in 2008, and company policy forced him to stay there for a year and a half.

He says he had nightmares and hallucinations after seeing a girl "being abused and killed." Blauert says he had a breakdown in 2013 and is still being treated for "acute and debilitating PTSD." They claim Microsoft didn't warn them about what to expect in the job and didn't provide psychological support.
While Microsoft's digital crimes unit was given protections and support, Soto, Blauert, and the rest of the online safety team were simply told to go for a walk, take a smoke break, or play video games to clear their heads, the lawsuit states.
The men say their suggestions for improvements were ignored, per the Daily Beast. Microsoft responds: "We have put in place robust wellness programs to ensure the employees who handle this material have the resources and support they need.”
Taking this at face value, I would love to laugh in these two bedwetters faces.
I guess some people are just fucking WEAK.
No shit, this is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard of. I hope there are more details to this.
They had a choice to refuse and leave the job. They chose to look to their own detriment.

No case, zero reward.
What really blows my mind is how people can lose their shit from seeing things on a computer screen.
You obviously have major problems..
Well, if the employees KNEW when they were hired or promoted or whatever that it was part of their job, I agree with the OP. If it were me, however, I would say no thank you to a job like that because once you've got that vision in your head, once that innocence is shattered, there is no going back. If the employees just got ordered to do this shit without being warned or given an option out, I'm on their side. I'm sure there are plenty of folks like the OP working at Microsoft who aren't bothered by much.
They had a choice to refuse and leave the job. They chose to look to their own detriment.

No case, zero reward.
Maybe they signed a contract?
Soto says Microsoft transferred him to the online safety team in 2008, and company policy forced him to stay there for a year and a half.
They had a choice to refuse and leave the job. They chose to look to their own detriment.

No case, zero reward.
If you've got a car payment or a mortgage or three or four kids to feed, "leaving the job" isn't always such a simple solution to the problem. Out on your ear in this economy? One needs to think twice.
They had a choice to refuse and leave the job. They chose to look to their own detriment.

No case, zero reward.
If you've got a car payment or a mortgage or three or four kids to feed, "leaving the job" isn't always such a simple solution to the problem. Out on your ear in this economy? One needs to think twice.
But that's still their own problem. Not Microsoft.
They had a choice to refuse and leave the job. They chose to look to their own detriment.

No case, zero reward.
If you've got a car payment or a mortgage or three or four kids to feed, "leaving the job" isn't always such a simple solution to the problem. Out on your ear in this economy? One needs to think twice.
Get another job.....
Its like wetting the bed is becoming trendy or some shit.
I absolutely HATE the way society handles weakness.
They had a choice to refuse and leave the job. They chose to look to their own detriment.

No case, zero reward.
Maybe they signed a contract?
Soto says Microsoft transferred him to the online safety team in 2008, and company policy forced him to stay there for a year and a half.
A VALID contract of this type could never compel to one act to their own detriment where physical/mental harm is an essential element and a necessary condition to the contract.
From the OP:

He says he had nightmares and hallucinations after seeing a girl "being abused and killed." Blauert says he had a breakdown in 2013 and is still being treated for "acute and debilitating PTSD." They claim Microsoft didn't warn them about what to expect in the job and didn't provide psychological support.

While Microsoft's digital crimes unit was given protections and support, Soto, Blauert, and the rest of the online safety team were simply told to go for a walk, take a smoke break, or play video games to clear their heads, the lawsuit states
Its like wetting the bed is becoming trendy or some shit.
I absolutely HATE the way society handles weakness.
Why is their reaction "weakness?" I hate the way some people define "weakness."
Its like wetting the bed is becoming trendy or some shit.
I absolutely HATE the way society handles weakness.
Why is their reaction "weakness?" I hate the way some people define "weakness."
PTSD from watching things on the internet? That absolutely sounds weak.
I hate the way some people define "weakness
Like Oxford? lol
"A disadvantage or fault"
Seems fitting.
Its like wetting the bed is becoming trendy or some shit.
I absolutely HATE the way society handles weakness.
Why is their reaction "weakness?" I hate the way some people define "weakness."
It's weakness because it's weak. You don't like the job (who doesn't know what child porn might bring?) then you don't do it or you quit.

I laughed when I saw the report this morning. Their claim is they didn't get mental health support. These snowflakes are just two liberals that are hoping to play victim and dig into some very deep pockets.

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