Mid-way point for the Republican Controlled House Report Card

So he created the American Jobs Act - and they still sing the same one-note song.

All the while assuming this will be the key to their re-election. Are they really THAT stupid??

Yes, they really are that stupid.
The Numbers:

Republicans Have Introduced

44 bills on Abortion
99 on Religion
71 on Family Relationships
36 on Marriage
67 on Firearms/Gun Control
522 on Taxation
445 on "Government Investigations"



Corporations are making record PROFITS! Why do we need tax cuts when corporations already are making PROFITS?!?!


You know.........Obama's jobs plan that would be financed with charging only 5 percent on money made which is OVER 1 million would pay to fix the infrastructure, create a good amount of jobs in construction and the like, which would spill over into the economy.

And.........5 percent on what you make OVER a million isn't too much to ask from the uber rich. Especially when most of them make money on capital gains (taxed at 17 percent) while the rest of us are taxed at 28 percent.

You mean this Obama plan?
"Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90 percent of these jobs will be in the private sector -- jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges; constructing wind turbines and solar panels; laying broadband and expanding mass transit.

Because of this plan, there are teachers who can now keep their jobs and educate our kids. Health care professionals can continue caring for our sick. There are 57 police officers who are still on the streets of Minneapolis tonight because this plan prevented the layoffs their department was about to make".
President Obama address before Congress
Feb. 24, 2009

I can see how this "PLAN" got America back to work with the unemployment numbers that followed -- 7.6% to 9.1% unemployment, Great job!!!!!
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Republicans have failed for 100 years now, you'd think the voters would learn?


"Well, I have been studying the Republican Party for over 12 years at close hand in the Capital of the United States. And by this time, I have discovered where the Republicans stand on most of the major issues."

Truman Library - Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman


That is the dumbest thing you've said in awhile.

According to you:

Half of America are complete idiots and you are a genius.

Lol someone is a bit full of themselves.

I wouldn't say half of America are complete idiots... I would go MUCH higher than that.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Ek5d9O0eE&feature=related]Bill Maher on his "stupid country" remark - YouTube[/ame]
I have absolute proof that America is over-run with idiots:

Obama is POTUS

I have PROOF that American ARE that stupid:

Obama is President


Two attempts at humor acknowledged; Dismissed.
The House has sent several jobs bills to the Senate. Harry Reid is sitting on them. No voting allowed.

Citations, please.

To the GOP "job creation" means reducing corporate taxes even more and and putting a moratorium on all regulations. The term customer and currency circulation means nothing to them. Their answer to EVERYTHING is to strip more resources from the middle class and deposit more of those resources into the bank accounts of the top 1%. It's simple. Just give more to the rich. They deserve it.
The House has sent several jobs bills to the Senate. Harry Reid is sitting on them. No voting allowed.

Citations, please.

To the GOP "job creation" means reducing corporate taxes even more and and putting a moratorium on all regulations. The term customer and currency circulation means nothing to them. Their answer to EVERYTHING is to strip more resources from the middle class and deposit more of those resources into the bank accounts of the top 1%. It's simple. Just give more to the rich. They deserve it.

Well doesnt that just explain the Obama admin hiring many of the housing crooks.:lol::lol:
Citations, please.

To the GOP "job creation" means reducing corporate taxes even more and and putting a moratorium on all regulations. The term customer and currency circulation means nothing to them. Their answer to EVERYTHING is to strip more resources from the middle class and deposit more of those resources into the bank accounts of the top 1%. It's simple. Just give more to the rich. They deserve it.

Well doesnt that just explain the Obama admin hiring many of the housing crooks.:lol::lol:

AS I understand it...he hired those insiders that were close to the financial disaster because they knew the most about it and could give him advice on what to do about it. A bit like hiring a fox to watch a hen house because the fox knows how foxes think. On the other hand...the FBI, Homeland Security and NSA hire the best criminal hackers they catch to help them stop our enemies from hacking our vital internet and computer venues. There is a twisted logic to it but not everyone that "was in the know" was at the core and responsible for the fraudulent decisions of the financial collapse.
Your efforts to make the Worst President Ever seem like he's doing a decent job by attempting to tear down Republicans falls flat.

We have the correct answers to the job problem but we are blocked at every turn my the Senate and the POTUS. So are we supposed to sit there and do nothing? N, we attampt to pass other bills. That is our job btw.

Republicans answer to the "jobs problem":

1. End the EPA. More cases of cancer and birth defects is a small price to pay for minimum wage jobs.

2. Quit asking employers to pay for health care. That's why we have emergency rooms.

3. Move more jobs to China. That's what Republican politicians are getting paid for.

4. Don't waste money on rebuilding America's decaying infrastructure. Instead, create more subsidies for the "job creators". Creating jobs in China is expensive.

5. Stop wasting money on education. It's filled with left wing elites. Kids can learn better at home studying the Bible.

6. Cut taxes for the rich. They need the money. All those jobs they're creating.

7. Stop ragging on Wall Street. They're rich too. They must be job creators.

The Republicans Seven Steps to a better economy. Remember, "Trickle Down" works.

To the GOP "job creation" means reducing corporate taxes even more and and putting a moratorium on all regulations. The term customer and currency circulation means nothing to them. Their answer to EVERYTHING is to strip more resources from the middle class and deposit more of those resources into the bank accounts of the top 1%. It's simple. Just give more to the rich. They deserve it.

Well doesnt that just explain the Obama admin hiring many of the housing crooks.:lol::lol:

AS I understand it...he hired those insiders that were close to the financial disaster because they knew the most about it and could give him advice on what to do about it. A bit like hiring a fox to watch a hen house because the fox knows how foxes think. On the other hand...the FBI, Homeland Security and NSA hire the best criminal hackers they catch to help them stop our enemies from hacking our vital internet and computer venues. There is a twisted logic to it but not everyone that "was in the know" was at the core and responsible for the fraudulent decisions of the financial collapse.

NICE SPIN... But that is not how the accounts read. If your really saying he hired crooks to help, I have to laugh. We then pull up political contributions and your argument falls apart.

But thanks anyway.
The Numbers:

Republicans Have Introduced

44 bills on Abortion
99 on Religion
71 on Family Relationships
36 on Marriage
67 on Firearms/Gun Control
522 on Taxation
445 on "Government Investigations"



Corporations are making record PROFITS! Why do we need tax cuts when corporations already are making PROFITS?!?!


Historically, the most robust creator of jobs and wealth has been the economy of the USA. Something began in 2006 to slow this, crystalized in 2008 to stop it dead in its tracks and continues today to keep it dead in its tracks.

Same businesses. Same business people. Same motivation to prosper.

What has converted the American business person from a risk taking invester into a conservative and fearful bystander?

I'll give you three hints: Uncertain tax poicies, Obama and the Democrats.

When this administration removes its "boot from the throat" then the business people might start acting like business people again. Until they do, we can count on you and the Big 0 to play partisan politics and divide the American people into so many factions that no economic progress of any kind will be possible.

2012 can't get here soon enough.

I'm a businessperson. You know why I can't hire people and create jobs? Nothing to do with uncertain tax policies. A tax hike of 3% - 5% on the net profit of my corporation is irrelevant and won't matter. I can't hire people because demand is down. You know why demand is down? Because nobody has jobs. Why don't people have jobs? Because demand is down. Demand is down because no one has jobs.

Someone needs to break the cycle and the Republicans are doing NOTHING to break it. Instead the party of "get the government out of our lives" are doing everything they can to get the government in our bedroom.

Tell me what regulations Obama and the Democrats IMPOSED since January 2009 that is hurting business.

Either stop talking in generalizations and take back your accusation or provide specifics. Sick and tired of hearing about millionaires being given tax breaks.

FACT: MOST small business owners are NOT millionaires (myself included) and most millionaires are NOT small business owners!

The questionis not what has he done to make things worse. The question is what has he done to make things better.

The answer is nothing.

The USA is number 13 on the list of countries most friendly to business. If we want to be number 1 we need to act like it. Right now the prez is threatening, still, with the Obamacare debacle. He is maintaining an unreasonably high corporate tax that is forcing internationals to declare profits elsewhere.

He has brought suit against Boeing for creating 2500 jobs and is currently suing Gibson for creating 400 jobs. Did I remember to say non-union jobs? That's a point that never excapes the Union Organizer in Chief.

He has rung up more debt in two years than any other president did in eight years. That's impressive, but not in a good way. His stimulus plan was a bribe, payback and payoff scheme that never was intended to create jobs or to stimulate the economy.

He succeeded in getting exactly what he wanted and then in spending the money in exactly the way he wanted and he is now shown to be a bad planner, probably a thief and after a couple trillion in burrowed money sent to his cronies, we are worse off than before because there is no improvement and we are a couple trillion poorer.

In every economic result in every economic arena, he has moved the needle in the wrong direction.

If as many of your plans had been followed as effectively as his and if they had cost as much and failed as completely, you'd be out of business. Is going out of business one of your goals? That's the only goal I can see that might make anyone think this loser has done something good.

With a little luck, he'll soon be out of office.
The Numbers:

Republicans Have Introduced

44 bills on Abortion
99 on Religion
71 on Family Relationships
36 on Marriage
67 on Firearms/Gun Control
522 on Taxation
445 on "Government Investigations"



Corporations are making record PROFITS! Why do we need tax cuts when corporations already are making PROFITS?!?!


Historically, the most robust creator of jobs and wealth has been the economy of the USA. Something began in 2006 to slow this, crystalized in 2008 to stop it dead in its tracks and continues today to keep it dead in its tracks.

Same businesses. Same business people. Same motivation to prosper.

What has converted the American business person from a risk taking invester into a conservative and fearful bystander?

I'll give you three hints: Uncertain tax poicies, Obama and the Democrats.

When this administration removes its "boot from the throat" then the business people might start acting like business people again. Until they do, we can count on you and the Big 0 to play partisan politics and divide the American people into so many factions that no economic progress of any kind will be possible.

2012 can't get here soon enough.

I just love how "uncertainty" is used for all manners of bullshit. How do they know the level of uncertainty? Uncertaintly weekly? It's a stupid excuse

Uncertainty is the kindest way to put it. If you are running a non-union shop, you can bet that the administration is waiting to sue you for something. It doesn't matter what.

Something has stopped the economy. Do you think that the Chamber of Commerce sent out a memo that said stop investing?

Why do you think that every business in the country suddenly stopped investing?
The Numbers:

Republicans Have Introduced

44 bills on Abortion
99 on Religion
71 on Family Relationships
36 on Marriage
67 on Firearms/Gun Control
522 on Taxation
445 on "Government Investigations"



Corporations are making record PROFITS! Why do we need tax cuts when corporations already are making PROFITS?!?!


It's very interesting how the Libs are asking about "jobs" from Republicans, when it was not a big concern for the Democrats in late 2009, all of 2010, in fact not until the Republicans won the House and Obama's poll numbers were seen dropping in the tank did they remember: 'HEY! it's about the economy stupid'. NOW they decide they had better talk about Biden's favorite 3 letter word -- JOBS.

YEP, they didn't give a shit ABOUT JOBS that FIRST year Obama CAMPAIGNED for ObamaCare,

BUT NOW...omg, we need JOBS JOBS JOBS
The Numbers:

Republicans Have Introduced

44 bills on Abortion
99 on Religion
71 on Family Relationships
36 on Marriage
67 on Firearms/Gun Control
522 on Taxation
445 on "Government Investigations"



Corporations are making record PROFITS! Why do we need tax cuts when corporations already are making PROFITS?!?!


It's very interesting how the Libs are asking about "jobs" from Republicans, when it was not a big concern for the Democrats in late 2009, all of 2010, in fact not until the Republicans won the House and Obama's poll numbers were seen dropping in the tank did they remember: 'HEY! it's about the economy stupid'. NOW they decide they had better talk about Biden's favorite 3 letter word -- JOBS.

YEP, they didn't give a shit ABOUT JOBS that FIRST year Obama CAMPAIGNED for ObamaCare,

BUT NOW...omg, we need JOBS JOBS JOBS

I love your sig line! The ancients knew human nature and governance.........and even though the founders read/learned ALL of the philosophers, and gave us the greatest gift in the world with the Constitution (with a couple early tweaks).............. the D's/progressives/power hungry R's) have been trying to demolish it from the beginning.

Now we are paying the price for all their bribes for self-empowerment.
Well doesnt that just explain the Obama admin hiring many of the housing crooks.:lol::lol:

AS I understand it...he hired those insiders that were close to the financial disaster because they knew the most about it and could give him advice on what to do about it. A bit like hiring a fox to watch a hen house because the fox knows how foxes think. On the other hand...the FBI, Homeland Security and NSA hire the best criminal hackers they catch to help them stop our enemies from hacking our vital internet and computer venues. There is a twisted logic to it but not everyone that "was in the know" was at the core and responsible for the fraudulent decisions of the financial collapse.

NICE SPIN... But that is not how the accounts read. If your really saying he hired crooks to help, I have to laugh. We then pull up political contributions and your argument falls apart.

But thanks anyway.

This thread isn't about Obama's failings of which there are many. That would be a good topic to explore on another thread.

Perhaps you can surprise everyone and explain the lack of any effort to put average Americans back to work with any legislation that is not just more tax breaks for the wealthy. Then there is that "pledge" many signed making many republicans more beholding to Grover Nordcwist(my kew button is broken) than their own constituents. I doubt you can be honest and add to this topic without trying to make it about Obama.

It is also hard to ignore the vow the GOP leadership made to make sure Obama fails. I think everyone that reads your offerings is already aware that you hate the president. Is that your only trick pony?

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