middle class, educated and hungry

Ah the site of cons claiming there is no such thing as rich.

Its well ...........rich.

Setting aside the face that you can't tell the difference between site and sight, nobody here has said there is no such thing as Rich.

We just aren't consumed with mind-crippling envy over the fact that some people somewhere are financially better off than we are.

You would benefit greatly from watching this:

do i assume you make over $250k annually?

Dis is rich! Dis is rich!

Common sense says so!!!! Get HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Boom2:

What is it with you libs and anyone that makes $250K?????????


its simply to point out that $250k is not middle class and when someone making 20% of what they make is paying more of their income (as a percentage) to taxes. the system is broken.

I dont mean to intrude on your argument here but you have your facts wrong.

Someone making 50k/year or 20% of 250k is paying a federal income tax of 25%
Someone making 250k/year is paying a federal income tax of 33%

Just wanted to inform you of your incorrect comment on the taxes. If you doubt me go to irs.gov and look up the tax tables.
The part I made big, yup thats the problem with a lot of the currently unemployed.

Not all of them but many aren't willing to work 2 jobs one at mcdonalds and the other stocking shelves at night to make ends meet. They will only take that accounts payable job that they had before.

there isnt enough jobs for everyone to go around. Damn those lazy bastards that wont work two jobs to make ends meet. It has to be them, Right?

I think you missed something I typed.

If we arrested all the illegal immigrants there would be plenty of minimum wage jobs for people to double and triple up on.

Fiddlesticks. The people who don't want to work now won't work then, either.

All that will happen is we get slower, dumber service at fast food places. Instead of being over-staffed with non-English speaking workers, they'll be understaffed with sullen American teenagers. And the assholes who aren't into working will still starve their kids and grannies.
people who make 250,000 and above are rich.

Why did boody claim they are not?

Because they aren't, you moron. At $250,000, in a 2-person household, you can afford 2 cell phones, 2 cars, your mortgage, your utilities, food, clothing, etc. You do NOT have an excess of cash you can just go out and blow at random on anything you want. You have a decent sized savings account if you're smart, instead.

THAT is not rich - THAT is called being careful with what you have. You still have to look at larger purchases carefully, and decide whether you can afford it, without irresponsibly dumping it on a credit card, and expecting someone else to pick up the tab if something happens.

at $250,000 a year in salary, assuming youre in the 25% tax bracket. Mean that you are taking home $15,625 per month after taxes. Compared to at a single person making $50,000 and in the 29% tax bracket taking home $2,960 per month after taxes.

hmmmm 5 times the pretax income, and 5 times the post tax income. and you say $250k is not rich.

we can even go farther.

Assume a $1,000,000 mortgage, 3 kids and 2 SUV's

Monthly Expenses
Mortgage - $7,000
Household Expenses (utils, food, insurance, gas etx) - $2,500
Car Payment ($2 @ $600) - $1,200
Kids Expenses ($700 / kid per month) - $2,100

Approx Total - $12,800
disposable income left $2,825

Not exactly a struggle to live.

Bad math. Where are the amounts for Property and State Income Taxes? What about savings for the kids education and retirement?

What you are missing is that this person works for a living. Yes, he is well off compared to many other working people. And what of it? Why should somebody else's relative success be punished so that he has "to struggle"?
They are 2% of the population,

If they are not concidered rich then who is?

Does the person who works for a living making $250K per year have more in common with someone who makes $100K per year or with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett?
at $250,000 a year in salary, assuming youre in the 25% tax bracket. Mean that you are taking home $15,625 per month after taxes. Compared to at a single person making $50,000 and in the 29% tax bracket taking home $2,960 per month after taxes.

hmmmm 5 times the pretax income, and 5 times the post tax income. and you say $250k is not rich.

we can even go farther.

Assume a $1,000,000 mortgage, 3 kids and 2 SUV's

Monthly Expenses
Mortgage - $7,000
Household Expenses (utils, food, insurance, gas etx) - $2,500
Car Payment ($2 @ $600) - $1,200
Kids Expenses ($700 / kid per month) - $2,100

Approx Total - $12,800
disposable income left $2,825

Not exactly a struggle to live.

Yep..Now, what about when your furnace breaks, your air conditioning, you need a new roof, your car breaks down, your savings account, and that ridiculous little thing called retirement, as well as holidays, washers, dryers, stoves, and the list goes on.

If you're only paying $2500 for utilities, insurance for both cars, homeowners insurance, food, clothes, vet bills, gas, savings account, etc I'd like to know what kind of deals YOU'RE getting.

I'm guessing you have a lot of CC debt, or you have never lived the life you're describing at the income level you're describing, because living that life (minus kids) I can tell you there's not that much disposable income.

lets break it down.

Utilities $500 (about average)
Car Insurance ($100 - $150 / vehicle) - $300 (average rate for a good driver)
Food - $1000 ($250 / weeks aint bad)
Gas - $300
Clothes - $200
Homeowners insurance - $200
total $2500 (not an exact science but you get the point)

not everyone had a pet so you can throw out vet bills. savings comes out of disposable income. washers, dryers & stoves typically come with your home and last for year - so dont try to throw that into a monthly expense.

everyone has emergencies like replacing a furnace or AC unit. but you still have $2800 a month in disposable income. you can apply that to saving, retirement, college tuition or the rainy day fun.

these people are living with a lot of luxuries. but def not beyond their means. they didnt need a $1,000,000 home. what if they bought a $500,000 with a $3500 mortgage? is that extra $3500 a month more than enough to satisfy you need for more $?

still point out to me how this lifestyle is a struggle?

Ah. So now we have the definition of The Rich. The Rich spend $50 per person per week on FOOD, or approximately $7 per day.

My, we certainly are sliding down Maslow's Hierarchy.
there isnt enough jobs for everyone to go around. Damn those lazy bastards that wont work two jobs to make ends meet. It has to be them, Right?

I think you missed something I typed.

If we arrested all the illegal immigrants there would be plenty of minimum wage jobs for people to double and triple up on.

Fiddlesticks. The people who don't want to work now won't work then, either.

All that will happen is we get slower, dumber service at fast food places. Instead of being over-staffed with non-English speaking workers, they'll be understaffed with sullen American teenagers. And the assholes who aren't into working will still starve their kids and grannies.

Well I can't argue with that possibility as it seems reasonable :D
do i assume you make over $250k annually?

Dis is rich! Dis is rich!

Common sense says so!!!! Get HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Boom2:

What is it with you libs and anyone that makes $250K?????????


its simply to point out that $250k is not middle class and when someone making 20% of what they make is paying more of their income (as a percentage) to taxes. the system is broken.

That mythical $250K person who is rich and spends $7 a day for FOOD likely pays a combined federal-state-property-sales tax bill of $100K, moron.
Food Insecurity?

Now I've heard everyhing.... you leftists asshats never miss an opportunity to make victims out of anybody.

Indeed. Last year turkey & ham, seems that's a lot of food for a mom and kids? So, where are those folks from last year that were chowing down? They couldn't help her and the kids have a Christmas dinner of something not just out of a can? Gimme a break.
Well, as being RICH means one spends $7 PER DAY ON FOOD, those people from last year probably didn't have enough in their Federally Approved Daily Meal Budget to include her and the kids at their holiday feast.
Dis is rich! Dis is rich!

Common sense says so!!!! Get HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Boom2:

What is it with you libs and anyone that makes $250K?????????


its simply to point out that $250k is not middle class and when someone making 20% of what they make is paying more of their income (as a percentage) to taxes. the system is broken.

That mythical $250K person who is rich and spends $7 a day for FOOD likely pays a combined federal-state-property-sales tax bill of $100K, moron.

the average family of 5 spends less than $1000 a month on food

Survey: How Much Do You Spend on Food?
How much should you spend on groceries? - Business - U.S. business - Food Inc. - msnbc.com
How much money shoud a family of 5 spend on groceries a month? - Yahoo! Answers
The Average Cost of Groceries Per Person: Best Guesses | Personal Finance Analyst

right, that person making $250k is paying 40% taxes. in what world do you live in? current tax rates put that at 33% before deductions, which the mythical person would qualify for with a wife and 3 kids

a $1,000,000 home in Laguna Beach, CA based on the website below shows $6,700 in property taxes. nice try tho

The Property Tax Estimator - estimate current and prospective property taxes.
Food Insecurity?

Now I've heard everyhing.... you leftists asshats never miss an opportunity to make victims out of anybody.

Indeed. Last year turkey & ham, seems that's a lot of food for a mom and kids? So, where are those folks from last year that were chowing down? They couldn't help her and the kids have a Christmas dinner of something not just out of a can? Gimme a break.

They were probably all out at the next family members house that was hosting a family feast.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I did eat. So I'm not hungry again. I know you were all concerned.

I do expect to be hungry again in about 3-4 hours or so. However, I would still have to decline government assistance over being hungry.
its simply to point out that $250k is not middle class and when someone making 20% of what they make is paying more of their income (as a percentage) to taxes. the system is broken.

That mythical $250K person who is rich and spends $7 a day for FOOD likely pays a combined federal-state-property-sales tax bill of $100K, moron.

the average family of 5 spends less than $1000 a month on food

Survey: How Much Do You Spend on Food?
How much should you spend on groceries? - Business - U.S. business - Food Inc. - msnbc.com
How much money shoud a family of 5 spend on groceries a month? - Yahoo! Answers
The Average Cost of Groceries Per Person: Best Guesses | Personal Finance Analyst

right, that person making $250k is paying 40% taxes. in what world do you live in? current tax rates put that at 33% before deductions, which the mythical person would qualify for with a wife and 3 kids

a $1,000,000 home in Laguna Beach, CA based on the website below shows $6,700 in property taxes. nice try tho

The Property Tax Estimator - estimate current and prospective property taxes.

Actually they pay over 50% in taxes, as do most of us even us poor 5 figure incomes.

33% in federal taxes (not including deductions)
State income tax
Property Tax
Social Security Tax
Medicare Tax
Sales Tax
Meals Tax
Gasoline Tax
Tax on your phone bill
Tax on the electricity on your electric bill
Tax on home heating fuel
Tax on cable/internet

Oh there are more but those are the general ones. You can't just base it off of the federal income tax level ;).

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he's good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
And when he's gone, we won't relax,
We'll still be after the inheritance tax.​
its simply to point out that $250k is not middle class and when someone making 20% of what they make is paying more of their income (as a percentage) to taxes. the system is broken.

That mythical $250K person who is rich and spends $7 a day for FOOD likely pays a combined federal-state-property-sales tax bill of $100K, moron.

the average family of 5 spends less than $1000 a month on food

Survey: How Much Do You Spend on Food?
How much should you spend on groceries? - Business - U.S. business - Food Inc. - msnbc.com
How much money shoud a family of 5 spend on groceries a month? - Yahoo! Answers
The Average Cost of Groceries Per Person: Best Guesses | Personal Finance Analyst

right, that person making $250k is paying 40% taxes. in what world do you live in? current tax rates put that at 33% before deductions, which the mythical person would qualify for with a wife and 3 kids

a $1,000,000 home in Laguna Beach, CA based on the website below shows $6,700 in property taxes. nice try tho

The Property Tax Estimator - estimate current and prospective property taxes.

Then that $1M home in Laguna Beach was purchased for less than $670K as the property tax rate in CA is 1% of the assessed value (purchase price + value of subsequent improvements inflated at 2% per year). Most cities and counties tack on extra fees and local taxes, resulting in rates of 1.25% - 1.5%.

EDIT: Your website is bogus. I went to my city and clicked on the assessed value of my home, and the results were about half of what I pay per year. We pay two installments for property taxes per year - so it looks like your website is only factoring in one of them.

I live in the real world and actually pay taxes; and don't believe that paying $7 per day for food makes somebody RICH. Nor do I accept MSNBC as the authoritative source to tell me how much I, or anybody else, SHOULD pay for food.
Last edited:
Just wanted to let everyone know that I did eat. So I'm not hungry again. I know you were all concerned.

I do expect to be hungry again in about 3-4 hours or so. However, I would still have to decline government assistance over being hungry.

Oh Noeessss!!!111!!!!!

I'm feeling rather peckish myself. Perhaps somebody will bring me a snack from the company kitchen before I faint.
That mythical $250K person who is rich and spends $7 a day for FOOD likely pays a combined federal-state-property-sales tax bill of $100K, moron.

the average family of 5 spends less than $1000 a month on food

Survey: How Much Do You Spend on Food?
How much should you spend on groceries? - Business - U.S. business - Food Inc. - msnbc.com
How much money shoud a family of 5 spend on groceries a month? - Yahoo! Answers
The Average Cost of Groceries Per Person: Best Guesses | Personal Finance Analyst

right, that person making $250k is paying 40% taxes. in what world do you live in? current tax rates put that at 33% before deductions, which the mythical person would qualify for with a wife and 3 kids

a $1,000,000 home in Laguna Beach, CA based on the website below shows $6,700 in property taxes. nice try tho

The Property Tax Estimator - estimate current and prospective property taxes.

Then that $1M home in Laguna Beach was purchased for less than $670K as the property tax rate in CA is 1% of the assessed value (purchase price + value of subsequent improvements inflated at 2% per year). Most cities and counties tack on extra fees and local taxes, resulting in rates of 1.25% - 1.5%.

EDIT: Your website is bogus. I went to my city and clicked on the assessed value of my home, and the results were about half of what I pay per year. We pay two installments for property taxes per year - so it looks like your website is only factoring in one of them.

I live in the real world and actually pay taxes; and don't believe that paying $7 per day for food makes somebody RICH. Nor do I accept MSNBC as the authoritative source to tell me how much I, or anybody else, SHOULD pay for food.

so double the property taxes, that makes $13,400 or triple it to $20,100. which is still nowhere near $100k. i wasnt trying to claim the website as exactly accurate, it was simply to dispel the notion of $100k in property taxes.

i never said someone should follow MSNBC's "rules" for buying food. i posted several examples of a family of 5 spending less than $1000 per month on food. i mean OMG how does a family of 5 living on $80,000 a year afford to eat by your logic? they make 3 times less than our mythical $250k earner. do you think that have the means to spend $1000 a month every month on food?

you keep using the food argument with no response to a $1M home, 2 SUV's and 3 kids. you make it sound like these people are somehow poor and need more help.
Last edited:
Food Insecurity?

Now I've heard everyhing.... you leftists asshats never miss an opportunity to make victims out of anybody.

Indeed. Last year turkey & ham, seems that's a lot of food for a mom and kids? So, where are those folks from last year that were chowing down? They couldn't help her and the kids have a Christmas dinner of something not just out of a can? Gimme a break.

Don't be silly. The lifestyle that SHE has been accustomed to isn't someone bringing something to the holiday mix - it's that SHE has a standard to uphold, and because SHE can't anymore, someone else should step in and make sure HER quality of living doesn't change, regardless of the fact that her cir circumstances changed.:eusa_eh:
Just wanted to let everyone know that I did eat. So I'm not hungry again. I know you were all concerned.

I do expect to be hungry again in about 3-4 hours or so. However, I would still have to decline government assistance over being hungry.

I'm scared already. I had an ok lunch, Subway to be exact. But shortly I too will be faced with the dilema... leftover gumbo? Perhaps pizza? A mere salad.

Oh... what to do. It;s all very challenging this menu insecurity.
Well, as being RICH means one spends $7 PER DAY ON FOOD, those people from last year probably didn't have enough in their Federally Approved Daily Meal Budget to include her and the kids at their holiday feast.

I spent $7.50 @ Subway... I must be a frigg'n millionaire!

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