Migrant kids outperform local kids

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.

Many indeed do.....

Nearly 100,000 international students in American primary and high schools.

Taking American jobs because they accept lower pay, longer days and emotionally disturbed managers.
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

America has 5.8 million job openings

"For years, experts have warned that Americans don't have the skills required for new job fields, especially in engineering, technical and science-related jobs.

"It's definitely a concern, and it should be a concern for anyone who cares about the future of U.S. workers," says Chris Tilly, an economics professor at U.C.L.A."

It really does crack me up when someone uses a Financial Publication to publicize the lack of Science talent.
Perhaps we should get Popular Science to write an article on how full of shit Financial Publications are when they claim that all Americans suck at Science.
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.

Many indeed do.....

Nearly 100,000 international students in American primary and high schools.

Taking American jobs because they accept lower pay, longer days and emotionally disturbed managers.

High school kids and younger are "taking American jobs"? How hysterical do you plan to get with this?
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

America has 5.8 million job openings

"For years, experts have warned that Americans don't have the skills required for new job fields, especially in engineering, technical and science-related jobs.

"It's definitely a concern, and it should be a concern for anyone who cares about the future of U.S. workers," says Chris Tilly, an economics professor at U.C.L.A."

It really does crack me up when someone uses a Financial Publication to publicize the lack of Science talent......

Your desperation has made you illogical.
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence.
Now I know what a dupe you are.
Here's some logic, brainiac...
This complaint has been around since 2002.
You think maybe a FEW American students would have gone into various fields of Science?
Well, they did!
And you want to know what happened, Brainiac?
All the Financial Publications kept parroting the same Bullshit YEAR AFTER YEAR.
No matter what field of Science Americans went into, they SOMEHOW just DIDN'T have the skills.
But you know who DID have the skills?
Not the British.
Not the Germans.
Not the French.
Not the Italians.
Not the Japanese.
Not the Russians.
Not the Swedes.
Certainly not ANYONE from the African continent.
Shall I continue, ASSHAT?
The INDIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until they get their Green Card...then they are fired and no longer have the skills.
Then the next batch take their place.

Anymore Financial Publication bullshit for us?
It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.

Many indeed do.....

Nearly 100,000 international students in American primary and high schools.

Taking American jobs because they accept lower pay, longer days and emotionally disturbed managers.

High school kids and younger are "taking American jobs"? How hysterical do you plan to get with this?
They graduate from college and get the jobs, asshat.
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

America has 5.8 million job openings

"For years, experts have warned that Americans don't have the skills required for new job fields, especially in engineering, technical and science-related jobs.

"It's definitely a concern, and it should be a concern for anyone who cares about the future of U.S. workers," says Chris Tilly, an economics professor at U.C.L.A."

It really does crack me up when someone uses a Financial Publication to publicize the lack of Science talent......

Your desperation has made you illogical.

And you ejaculate to Financial Publication articles.
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

America has 5.8 million job openings

"For years, experts have warned that Americans don't have the skills required for new job fields, especially in engineering, technical and science-related jobs.

"It's definitely a concern, and it should be a concern for anyone who cares about the future of U.S. workers," says Chris Tilly, an economics professor at U.C.L.A."

It really does crack me up when someone uses a Financial Publication to publicize the lack of Science talent......

Your desperation has made you illogical.

And you ejaculate to Financial Publication articles.

You're hysterical because you can't take your shrieking anywhere beyond "I say so!"
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
Thats not really the case is it ? Graduation rates are improving all the time.

Graduate? LOL

2/3 of the idiots who graduate need remedial education to get into even a lowbrow community college
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.

Because employers don't have to pay them as much, of course! With all the people we have here in America who are underemployed or unemployed, we don't need any more foreigners coming with "work visas."
American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.

Many indeed do.....

Nearly 100,000 international students in American primary and high schools.

Taking American jobs because they accept lower pay, longer days and emotionally disturbed managers.

High school kids and younger are "taking American jobs"? How hysterical do you plan to get with this?
They graduate from college and get the jobs....

Most people aim to find employment after college.
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?...

Yes, employment data. I gave you the link. What have you provided?
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.

Because employers don't have to pay them as much, of course! ....

Not "of course." Paying below the market rate for a given position is illegal under the applicable law.
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.......

I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.

Because employers don't have to pay them as much, of course! With all the people we have here in America who are underemployed or unemployed, we don't need any more foreigners coming with "work visas."

Unkotare is an expert for seeing the Forest and not the Trees.
It's the usual, "I read an article!".
Great! What does the article MEAN?
What's the CONTEXT of the article?
As I have already stated, I have been reading these CLONED articles since 2003 and the ONLY benefactors of these articles have been employers of low wage Indian Business Visas and the Indian Business Owners who ship them here by the planeloads.
In the meanwhile, with the exception of Apple and possibly a lucky move by Google, all of our software companies have produces nothing significant in since the early 2000s.
..... With all the people we have here in America who are underemployed or unemployed, we don't need any more foreigners coming with "work visas."

If we have unemployed accountants but need engineers?
I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.

Because employers don't have to pay them as much, of course! ....

Not "of course." Paying below the market rate for a given position is illegal under the applicable law.

Look, drop the nonsense with the law.
Try dealing with reality.
It's like Bernie Madoff faking his investor's statements for 20 years and everybody just going along with the good news.
These Indian H1-Bs are paid way under market rate and not one Judge or Representative could give a hoot.
I supported my claim with evidence. Where's yours?

A Financial Publication is evidence......

About employment data? Yes.

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.

Because employers don't have to pay them as much, of course! ....

Not "of course." Paying below the market rate for a given position is illegal under the applicable law.

Motivation For Hiring Alien Workers?

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