Migrant kids outperform local kids


Can you be more specific?

Ask a more specific question.

Was there far more pressure and work at early ages to "compete" for better test scores and admissions to better schools?

To the point of having far less time for time with family, friends and/or sleep.

Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.

And really, your evasion and rudeness is wearing pretty thin.
... as opposed to some young and hungry Third World Immigrant who will take the job for a lesser wage....

You really think uneducated immigrants from impoverished backgrounds are 'taking' high-tech jobs?

When a position is touted in a Bullshit Financial Publication as earning 80K/year and you can pay 5K to ship someone here from India for 20K/year? Yes.

By the way, please be specific as to what that high-tech job entails.
How many people working for MS, IBM or Oracle or Facebook are working on Asyncronous Missile Defense Systems.
Most Software development is executing a SQL statement; hardly rocket science.

And we can discuss such groups, specifically as to competing with or becoming more like them.

So, you seem to be evasive about what these thousands of people you have talked to, childhoods were like......

Every single person I've ever met - from anywhere - is a unique person and had (or has) a unique childhood. People are more than faceless masses, Karl.

So, their childhoods were that bad, uh?.....

Did I say that, Karl? Are you reduced to blatant dishonesty, Karl? The only rational conclusion you could draw from my comments is that their childhoods were fine and produced successful, well-adjusted, happy adults instead of slack-ass losers like you.
I need a good laugh so tell me the last time Oracle, IBM or MS created a piece of software worth buying.
The law has NOT been enforced since the beginning of GW's 2nd Term.

If you don't think so, you're problem is with law enforcement.

And thankfully I have the millions of dollars it will take to have it enforced.
The problem is Federal, State and Municipalities ignoring the hundreds of thousands displaced American workers who have brought up this issue time and again.
There have already been at least a dozen lawsuits that have been dismissed by paid off judges.

By the way, almost every problem facing our society today is with lack of enforcement of the law.
In that case, we may as well all shut up and accept what's upsetting us.

Can you be more specific?

Ask a more specific question.

Was there far more pressure and work at early ages to "compete" for better test scores and admissions to better schools?

To the point of having far less time for time with family, friends and/or sleep.

Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


Can you be more specific?

Ask a more specific question.

Was there far more pressure and work at early ages to "compete" for better test scores and admissions to better schools?

To the point of having far less time for time with family, friends and/or sleep.

Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

When a position... earning 80K/year and you can pay 5K to ship someone here from India for 20K/year....

That would be illegal.

So? When Bill Gates pays for Representatives and Judges campaigns, he gets what he pays for.

You have proof of Bill Gates breaking the law and of judges and law-makers involved in bribery and corruption? Go public with your proof and make yourself rich and famous.

When a position... earning 80K/year and you can pay 5K to ship someone here from India for 20K/year....

That would be illegal.

So? When Bill Gates pays for Representatives and Judges campaigns, he gets what he pays for.

You have proof of Bill Gates breaking the law and of judges and law-makers involved in bribery and corruption? Go public with your proof and make yourself rich and famous.

Sure, just like the others before me who sued by the hundreds and the paid off judges told them to fuck off and die.
What Bill Gates and YOU have to prove...
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

Why does every IT job specify a SUPERSET of EVERY possible IT skill that the employer will NEVER use.
How come Indian H1-Bs NEVER have to prove they possess this SUPERSET?
Never...I have seen 10s of Indians enter a Department WITHOUT being interviewed.

I'd love to see an interview of a Super Human Indian H1-B on CSPAN.
It will NEVER happen.
Ask a more specific question.

Was there far more pressure and work at early ages to "compete" for better test scores and admissions to better schools?

To the point of having far less time for time with family, friends and/or sleep.

Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.
OK children. Where do tomatoez cum frum ?
Mezkin kid. " Semillas !!! "
merikkant kid. " Winn Dixie !!! "

And what do farmers put on them to make them sweeter and more red for market ?
Mezkin kid. "Abono !!!"
merikkant kid. "Hunts ketchup !!!"
Was there far more pressure and work at early ages to "compete" for better test scores and admissions to better schools?

To the point of having far less time for time with family, friends and/or sleep.

Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.

Many indeed do.
My son works out at the gym and goes to college with some very bright, very goofy kids.
We also know lots of American kids who are bright and not goofy who can't get a job in their chosen field.
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

America has 5.8 million job openings

"For years, experts have warned that Americans don't have the skills required for new job fields, especially in engineering, technical and science-related jobs.

"It's definitely a concern, and it should be a concern for anyone who cares about the future of U.S. workers," says Chris Tilly, an economics professor at U.C.L.A."
Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


It just makes me wonder why everyone on Earth wants to live in the US if their education system is so darned good.
Wouldn't they want to stay in their own ultra educated countries?

American universities are by far the best in the world. Many intelligent families with the means to do so, bring their kids over here as early as possible to get them into the American educational system with the long-term goal of earning a college degree here.

Many indeed do.....

Nearly 100,000 international students in American primary and high schools.
What specific skills are they saying Americans DON'T possess...
Yes, my friend, that's right...the SPECIFIC skills set have NEVER been specified.

America has 5.8 million job openings

"For years, experts have warned that Americans don't have the skills required for new job fields, especially in engineering, technical and science-related jobs.

"It's definitely a concern, and it should be a concern for anyone who cares about the future of U.S. workers," says Chris Tilly, an economics professor at U.C.L.A."

I've been reading this bullshit since post 9/11/2001.
You really think you're going to post any nonsense I haven't seen already?
There have been at least 3 million Americans since 2002 who have graduated with hard science degrees who have been ignored or dropped out of the market in favor of low wage Business Visas.
Try harder.
Or better yet, don't try at all.

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