Migrant kids outperform local kids


How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader, dope?

Education policy, immigration policy, ect. such as saying "competition leads to improvement" is set by looking at the various groups as large groups.

So, the group of "Third Graders". All of them in a first world nation.

Typical fucking liberal who simply cannot conceive of individuals as individuals.

I do not believe that one (kids tortured) has anything to do with the other (highly educated technological citizenry).

A lazy, slack-ass loser sees hard work and competition as "torture." You are the weak link, Spicoli.
Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job......

They are required to offer the position to an American worker - by law, dope.

And I have no faith that the people in question are following that law, or that those who are supposedly enforcing that law enforcing that law.

Then your bitch is about law enforcement, not workers.

My "bitch" is about both, and far more.
... as opposed to some young and hungry Third World Immigrant who will take the job for a lesser wage....

You really think uneducated immigrants from impoverished backgrounds are 'taking' high-tech jobs?

No, I think well educated immigrants from a mix of shitty Third World or less wealthy First World Nations (SOuth Korea for example) are taking high tech jobs.

It is really hard for me to credit that you really thought I was referring to uneducated immigrants...
No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job......

They are required to offer the position to an American worker - by law, dope.

And I have no faith that the people in question are following that law, or that those who are supposedly enforcing that law enforcing that law.

Then your bitch is about law enforcement, not workers.

My "bitch" is about both, and far more.

So you want law enforcement, economic stagnation, and self-defeating isolationism. Great idea, genius.
... as opposed to some young and hungry Third World Immigrant who will take the job for a lesser wage....

You really think uneducated immigrants from impoverished backgrounds are 'taking' high-tech jobs?

No, I think well educated immigrants from a mix of shitty Third World or less wealthy First World Nations (SOuth Korea for example) are taking high tech jobs........

Again, you are so afraid of competition you'd rather see our economy suffer, sackless loser.

And we can discuss such groups, specifically as to competing with or becoming more like them.

So, you seem to be evasive about what these thousands of people you have talked to, childhoods were like......

Every single person I've ever met - from anywhere - is a unique person and had (or has) a unique childhood. People are more than faceless masses, Karl.

So, their childhoods were that bad, uh?

I got it. It is hard, especially for some one like yourself who has so much of his self image tied up in being smart, to admit when they are wrong.

Now, as I was saying. I don't want that for American children.

I don't believe it is really that helpful, and that we can compete without such extreme measures.

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader, dope?

Education policy, immigration policy, ect. such as saying "competition leads to improvement" is set by looking at the various groups as large groups.

So, the group of "Third Graders". All of them in a first world nation.

Typical fucking liberal who simply cannot conceive of individuals as individuals.

Mmm, yeah, I noticed you still refuse to answer the question.

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

I do not believe that one (kids tortured) has anything to do with the other (highly educated technological citizenry).

A lazy, slack-ass loser sees hard work and competition as "torture." You are the weak link, Spicoli.

Nothing in your post directly addressed my point.

You seem to be taking the position that "hard work" specifically lots of homework and "competition" at an early age is required to have a "highly educated technological citizenry".

Yet you offer NO supporting logic or reasoning, or God Forbid, actual research to defend that position.

And we can discuss such groups, specifically as to competing with or becoming more like them.

So, you seem to be evasive about what these thousands of people you have talked to, childhoods were like......

Every single person I've ever met - from anywhere - is a unique person and had (or has) a unique childhood. People are more than faceless masses, Karl.

So, their childhoods were that bad, uh?.....

Did I say that, Karl? Are you reduced to blatant dishonesty, Karl? The only rational conclusion you could draw from my comments is that their childhoods were fine and produced successful, well-adjusted, happy adults instead of slack-ass losers like you.

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader, dope?

Education policy, immigration policy, ect. such as saying "competition leads to improvement" is set by looking at the various groups as large groups.

So, the group of "Third Graders". All of them in a first world nation.

Typical fucking liberal who simply cannot conceive of individuals as individuals.

Mmm, yeah, I noticed you still refuse to answer the question.

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader?
And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job......

They are required to offer the position to an American worker - by law, dope.

And I have no faith that the people in question are following that law, or that those who are supposedly enforcing that law enforcing that law.

Then your bitch is about law enforcement, not workers.

My "bitch" is about both, and far more.

So you want law enforcement, economic stagnation, and self-defeating isolationism. Great idea, genius.

I was a ideological Free Trader back in the day, when Japan was really crushing the Rust Belt.

I believed all the people who said that it was "our" fault we were not competitive, from stupid CEO decisions to out of control union wages, ect, ect ect.

But, it's been a long time since then.

THe idea was that if we "worked harder" and "smarter" that we would become more "competitive" and the situation would turn to be more in our interests.

But a long time has pasted. We have had quite a bit of turnover in CEOs. Hell, Japanese companies are making cars her now. Unions are a shadow of what they once were. Wages have been stagnate or dropping for a long time. Productivity keeps climbing.

BUT, the Trade Deficit with Japan is bigger than ever. And we have added vastly larger trade deficits with China.

THese policies are NOT benefiting US. They have not been in the recent past, and I see no reason to expect them to in the foreseeable future.
... as opposed to some young and hungry Third World Immigrant who will take the job for a lesser wage....

You really think uneducated immigrants from impoverished backgrounds are 'taking' high-tech jobs?

No, I think well educated immigrants from a mix of shitty Third World or less wealthy First World Nations (SOuth Korea for example) are taking high tech jobs........

Again, you are so afraid of competition you'd rather see our economy suffer, sackless loser.

Importing some immigrant to do the job for less might count as "competitive in some regards, however it is not an "improvement".

I want to see the American Middle Class grow in relative size and absolute wealth.

If our policies are doing the opposite, ie shrinking the Middle Class in size and wealth, they are not beneficial to US.

And we can discuss such groups, specifically as to competing with or becoming more like them.

So, you seem to be evasive about what these thousands of people you have talked to, childhoods were like......

Every single person I've ever met - from anywhere - is a unique person and had (or has) a unique childhood. People are more than faceless masses, Karl.

So, their childhoods were that bad, uh?.....

Did I say that, Karl? Are you reduced to blatant dishonesty, Karl? The only rational conclusion you could draw from my comments is that their hildhoods were fine and produced successful, well-adjusted, happy adults instead of slack-ass losers like you.

Your evasion on the issue certainly strongly implied that you had a reason for not discussing them, ie that they undermined your position and supported mine.

If you want to be more clearly understood, then stop being so evasive.

"Fine"? That is the first you have spoken of their childhoods.

Can you be more specific?

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader, dope?

Education policy, immigration policy, ect. such as saying "competition leads to improvement" is set by looking at the various groups as large groups.

So, the group of "Third Graders". All of them in a first world nation.

Typical fucking liberal who simply cannot conceive of individuals as individuals.

Mmm, yeah, I noticed you still refuse to answer the question.

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader?

If you were serious, you would give you answer(s) and explain the differences between some 3rd graders and others that require different answers.

INstead, you play evasive games.

What are you trying to avoid discussing?
Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

Not enough Americans?
How about virtually NO Americans in ANY IT positions....

6.5 million

If you are stating there are 6.5 million US born people in IT you're FOS.

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